Recent content by gsansone

  1. gsansone


    No, I never said the food wasn't good. Aside from the cold steak, everything else was good. It's the prices and the lack of selection to eat however we want to eat that kills it.
  2. gsansone


    Just spent 6 days at WDW and overall was absolutely shocked and disgusted by the food prices. Completely outrageous. No matter how good a meal may have been, it was never justified by the price. No meal was worth what I had to pay. Even some of the waiters would give me advice on what to order...
  3. gsansone

    News Tiana's New Year's Adventure at California Grill ($799)

    What in God's green acres is WDW thinking? $800 a head? How much food can you eat? I just ate at Cali Grill tonight, and I am sorry, I don't care what the waiter told me about their prix fix menu, I have eaten at CG at least a half dozen times and the quality and variety has been going downhill...
  4. gsansone

    News Disney's Hollywood Studios closing early on October 17, 2023

    See...this is NOT COOL. Treating the parks like a big corporate convention center. Some people save for a long time to make the trip, and they spend a lot of money at WDW. The last thing a family needs to find out is that a park is closing early so that it can be used to welcome convention...
  5. gsansone

    News Bob Iger is back! Chapek is out!!

    A lamp post is better than Chapek, but Iger is just as "woke" as Chapek was. He's just been better for the brand.
  6. gsansone

    WDW Ticket Price Increase

    OUCH!!! This is just one of the many reasons I sold/rented my DVC points this year. Prices climb while many big attractions and alterations are still not done. Great timing.
  7. gsansone

    Unmagical Day at the Magic Kingdom

    What about just expecting to make same-day dinner reservations in the restaurant of their choosing.
  8. gsansone

    Tell me your ride breakdown stories....

    Every time I go I get stuck in something. It's actually quite pathetic. Some worse than others. And I am claustrophobic and have constraint issues, so roller coasters, etc. can get ugly if the ride stops. Been stuck on Space Mountain for about 15 min before they turned on lights and we had to be...
  9. gsansone

    Magical Express

    Just came back last night. What I feel (after at least 5-10 DME trips) is that the buses from airport could run a little more efficiently. They hang out and monitor flights and wait for planes to come in, sometimes leaving passengers sitting and waiting a lot. Also, the bus drivers literally...
  10. gsansone

    What new attraction excites you the most?

    The TRON coaster will be very cool. The Guardians of the Galaxy structure is just obscene. WAY too large.
  11. gsansone

    How Long Before Disney Starts Charging Infants?

    This would be the most disgusting thing they could do, to charge a BABY. For what? They're on the lap of their parents for anything they do. They don't eat park food...what kind of message would WDW be sending to parents and kids: We're going to bang you over the head from the day you're born...
  12. gsansone

    So why weren't there many strollers back in the day?

    Watch videos from 20-25 years ago and people werent saddled up with bags, backpacks, strollers, etc. People seemed to be walking around maybe with a tote bag and that's it. No we seem to carry everything we own just in case. Just in case. Nevermind that you can find just about anything you'd...
  13. gsansone

    Is staying in Polynesian worth it?

    Have to remember that the Poly is an original resort. They've remodeled and enhanced and dolled it up over the years for sure, but the size and layout of the rooms is still 1971. Elevators, too. I think they tried to make up for that with an outstanding resort outside of your room, but you pay a...
  14. gsansone

    WDW Attractions & Claustrophobia

    Excellent thread, and one that I think affects more people that we think. We figure, it's Disney, what can go wrong, what's to worry about? Calm down, right? Well, I am a DVC member, have been to WDW too many times to count and for most of my life I have never had an issue on any ride. Rockin'...
  15. gsansone

    Where is Walt's plane? UPDATE - Coming to D23 2022

    Break it in half: Put 1/2 in the Jungle Cruise ride and the other half in the Great Movie Ride.....wait...
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