Recent content by findnemo94

  1. findnemo94

    Will Legoland Discovery Center fare better than DisneyQuest in Chicago?

    I think this would be great. I live in a Suburb of Chicago and I would love to go to this over the weekend sometime and I think alot of people would like it. It would also be a great place for tourist because we already have a six flags, some water parks, a great city, and then this would just...
  2. findnemo94

    I just got a call from the "Disney Executive Offices" regarding the AC

    Ac? This maybe a stupid question but what is AC in the sense of this thread? :shrug: Thanks!
  3. findnemo94

    Quick Question...

    Thanks So Much!!!
  4. findnemo94

    Quick Question...

    I just joined and have a quick q. What is MGM going to be changing it's name to?:shrug: -thanks-
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