
I'm Lauren and I am 30 years old. I reside in Ithaca, New York where I live with my girlfriend of 5 years Jessica who I am slowly converting into a Disney addict like myself. We are both High School Teachers where I teach Physical Education and Health and also coach Girls Varsity Softball and she is an English and Drama Teacher and does the Musical each year. We met 5 years ago when I started teaching at the school and moved in with each other 3 years ago. This past May we celebrated 5 years together and in June went to WDW to celebrate which was my 3rd visit to the Magic Place and her 1st visit. It was a wonderful vacation.
Jan 19, 1986 (Age: 38)
Ithaca, New York
Favorite Park
Favorite Attraction
Tower Of Terror
Favorite Parade
Favorite Firework Show
Star Wars Fireworks in DHS
Favorite Resort
All Star Sports
Favorite Restaurant
Le Cellier
Favorite Character
Mickey Mouse
Last Visit to WDW
June 17-24, 2016
Favorite Disney Movie
Little Mermid
Gender Pronouns
Number of WDW Trips
High SchoolPhysical Education/Health Teacher


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