
My family visited WDW in December of 1971. My dad still remembers paying $28.00 a night to stay at the Contemporary Resort Hotel. My mother is the real Disney fanatic in our family, but her love of Disney is shared by me. I was fortunate enough to marry a woman who also shares a love for all things Disney, and we have three children who we have passed this trait onto as well. Our family has stayed at every Disney resort, except Bay Lake Towers, the Tree House Villas, Art of Animation and Pop Century. We are Annual Passholders and believe it is blasphemy to not stay of Disney Property.
May 4, 1962 (Age: 62)
Panama City, Florida
Favorite Park
Magic Kingdom
Favorite Attraction
Main Street
Favorite Parade
Electric Water Pageant from WL
Favorite Resort
Beach Club
Favorite Restaurant
Flying Fish
Favorite Character
Mickey Mouse
Last Visit to WDW
June 2014
Next Visit to WDW (Arriving)
Favorite Disney Movie
Mary Poppins
Next Visit to WDW (Departure)
Next Visit to WDW - Location
Disney's Wilderness Lodge Resort
Gender Pronouns
Number of WDW Trips
approximately 129 and counting, 300 nights plus
Business Owner


2015 Disney World Trips: June 6 - 9 Yacht Club Resort/June 9 - 13 Cabins at Fort Wilderness
2014 Disney World Trips: June 6 - 11 Caribbean Beach Resort/June 11 - 14 Coronado Springs Resort/August 6 - 10 Wilderness Lodge/December 19 - 23 Beach Club Resort


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