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  • 4) Not sure on the Advance Dining. We made reservations at the Norway princess dinner Ankershaun (something like that), Liberty Tree, and Tony Tavern with no problem. We are going to try Cinderellas Castle this time, but I don't think their is a distinction for when you can call depending on where you are staying.

    Never had a problem because of SOG. I expected to be treated not as well as a "standard" on-property guest, but ALWAYS felt like we were treated as if we were at the Polynesian, Contemporary, etc.

    You will be surprised at SOG. I frankly expected a Motel 8 or something of that nature, but it was much nicer than I ever expected. The AAFES Shop is a blessing to have nearby for milk, snacks, wine (for my wife). The restaurants are good and they are not out to price gouge you to death.

    Y'all will have a great time!

    Hi Marci,

    I literally opened your message up while I was on the phone making reservations with SOG for Dec 1 thru the 8th!

    I understand OCD. Last year for our first trip I had a schedule down to 15 minute increments . . . taking it a little easier this time.

    1) Never tried the refillable mug thing.
    2) You room card does not act as a Keys to the Kingdom does. You have to show the card to the Cast Members to stay (or get into) Extra Magic Hours. Although I had to tell a couple of CMs what it was ;^) I never did see much benefit to having the Keys to the Kingdom thing? Fast Pass worked fine. No big deal not having the Key thing.
    3) Just show the attendant your SOG parking pass or room key and they wave you in. You do not have to pay for parking at the Parks.
    I saw that you have stayed at Shades of Green and that you enjoyed it. My family has reservations for Dec 09. I was hoping that you could answer a few questions for me...
    I have read that being a guest at SOG does not give you the same priviledges as the WDW owned resorts like:
    1) Refillable mugs 2) Keys to the Kingdom (room key acts as your tickets/pass, easier to use for Fastpass) 3)WDW parking pass
    4) The ability to make Advance Dining (show) Reservations except 90 days prior to the day you want your reservation (you have to call each day 90 days prior if you want a reservation each day of your trip)
    Did you and your family have any problems during your trip because you were a SOG resort guest?
    I really appreciate any info. you can give us. I know we have months before our trip but, we are so excited about our first trip! Plus I am OCD about planning and researching before we do anything, hope I didn't offend you by sending this message.
    Thanking you in Advance, Marci
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