Maerj Jan 30, 2017 The last thing I wrote here was 'Pizza! Pizza!" Ironically, I'm now allergic to pizza.
Captain Chaos Jul 27, 2009 Fear not... I will always remain loyal to Star Wars until Lucas gives me a reason to hate it...
Maerj Dec 30, 2008 Only one day left to get your 'end of the year Visitor Message' in! Where's YOURS?
Maerj Nov 10, 2008 Talking to yourself is one of the early signs that you need a Walt Disney World vacation, take it from me!
Talking to yourself is one of the early signs that you need a Walt Disney World vacation, take it from me!
Maerj Sep 1, 2008 Hi there, me! How are you doing? Just great, thanks for asking! By the way, visitor messages *can* be awarded with a free WDW trip thanks to the year of a million dreams celebration. Guess what... you just won! Thanks! Hooray!!!
Hi there, me! How are you doing? Just great, thanks for asking! By the way, visitor messages *can* be awarded with a free WDW trip thanks to the year of a million dreams celebration. Guess what... you just won! Thanks! Hooray!!!