Post of Concern About The Forums

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Well-Known Member
It is if you really don't want to go and your ego needs to be fed by people begging you not to go.

Actually, of course, I do know why and was just bein' a bit rhetorical. It's just not my personality.
Just as I have never been one of those members of a site that might be gone for a while and come back apologizin' for bein' gone so long. I figure most people, in reality, may have never even noticed I was gone, or if they did, really didn't give it a second thought. I just come back when I feel like it or can find the time and join in. I have never presumed anyone has ever, or ever will, give a carp one way or the other, I guess. Nor should they, in my thinking. :)


Le Meh
Premium Member
Actually, of course, I do know why and was just bein' a bit rhetorical. It's just not my personality.
Just as I have never been one of those members of a site that might be gone for a while and come back apologizin' for bein' gone so long. I figure most people, in reality, may have never even noticed I was gone, or if they did, really didn't give it a second thought. I just come back when I feel like it or can find the time and join in. I have never presumed anyone has ever, or ever will, give a carp one way or the other, I guess. Nor should they, in my thinking. :)
That is very sound logic that can be applied to even more than a message board!


New Member
It is if you really don't want to go and your ego needs to be fed by people begging you not to go.

And, on that note, my friends...I shall long. :(
Thanks for all the memories - the goods times, the bad. The tears, the smiles. The happy, the sad. In short... :cry:
Never mind, I can't take it anymore!!! That was PERFECT!!!!! :joyfull: :D ;) :)

Is this not just as bad as the posts you are mocking ???


Well-Known Member
Actually, Nemo that is a two way street. I know it must get tiring for a newbie to come on and share their excitement about a place, that in spite of it's flaws is still a great place to visit and be told how naive they are, how the are fanbois or suffocated with Pixie Dust that they must be stupid to think that Disney hasn't fallen down on the job. I can't think of anything that will get a human being more upset and ready for a fight then to talk to them as if their opinion is garbage and without merit.

In return they will turn on the obnoxious old timers and call them haters, because that is what it seems like to them. As I said, it's a two way street. There must be a way to express our concern without spiting out quite so much venom and what seems like hate. I'm not saying that you did that Nemo, I don't even know what post you are referring too, but once that mood is established by others, it is a tough cloud to break through.

The trouble is that all of us get sucked into that same identification with those that think that their quasi-knowledge is superior to others and that they are the "cool kids" and the rest of us are just pond scum. I usually am not bothered by people disagreeing with my opinion unless they make it personal and attack me. Then I come out swinging. I don't carry it on forever though because of two reasons. One is that I get bored with it and Two what people that I don't know think about me, is of little concern so I will just stop replying to that much aggression. They may think that they won the argument, but as far as I am concerned it just wasn't worth talking to a wall about. I have never put anyone on ignore because I have no reason too. I have never reported a thread other then for obvious spam posts. If you were to have looked at my PM's early on, you would have seen some pretty nasty threats that I just ignored. He didn't know who I was and I didn't know him. Not a real threat, just big talk from a person on the internet probably talking from his mom's basement.

Until we can say to others that we respect their opinions but respectfully disagree there will never be harmonious banter. Remember when we were kids and hated to hear from our parents tell us how it was when they were kids, how tough they had it, how they had to walk 3 miles to school in the snow, barefoot and uphill both ways. Remember? That must be how a newbie must feel when they first tune into these boards. If we can all just learn a little respect, there should be a balance of venting and praise. Contrary to popular belief not everything has gone to hell in a hand-basket. We need to balance that a little.

Under the sea is a good example of that. It's not a bad little ride, in fact it is one of the only dark rides created in recent years, seems like we should be somewhat encouraged by that instead of focus on something looking plastic when that is indeed what it is made of. And the condemning of the 7DMT. It isn't even complete yet. No one has ever ridden on it, but it is garbage according to those that cannot be argued with. Sorry...but that is just pure BS.

Excellent post, and I think you're right, it is a 2-way street. But at the same time, it's difficult to watch people settle for and rave about what in reality is a mediocre park compared to what it could be, because as long as it's acceptable and highly profitable, why would the powers that be want to improve it? I don't feel like I have superior knowledge or distorted memories, I'm just tired and disappointed.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
One thing about it all that was a little ridiculous, to me anyway, was at least 2 members "swan song" departure threads. Really? Just PM a few "friends" and go. Why all the drama when you say you want nothing but Magic and NO drama...? Sorry, but, a "public" announcement really isn't needed...
Agree 100%. I could get a goodbye post if you are going on a scientific expedition to the rainforests of Borneo for 18 months and won't be around, but if you are taking your ball and going home in a huff, just go away. It will have a more profound effect than trying to be a martyr will.
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Well-Known Member
Excellent post, and I think you're right, it is a 2-way street. But at the same time, it's difficult to watch people settle for and rave about what in reality is a mediocre park compared to what it could be, because as long as it's acceptable and highly profitable, why would the powers that be want to improve it? I don't feel like I have superior knowledge or distorted memories, I'm just tired and disappointed.
I don't want to be harsh, but, I think that realistically, all of us that were lucky enough to be around during it's hay days are soon to be drifting off to what is probably another fantasyland. Before too long we will no longer be a PITA to Disney. I hate to say it, but what we see is what we are going to get. There are way more of them then there are of us. Accepting reality is part of what makes a happy life, in my opinion. I don't like what I see, but, since I'm powerless to change it, I am going to try and look past those things and attempt to find something good about what does still exist.

Will, they eventually cheapen the product to the point that it threatens their very existence? I suppose that is possible but, we probably won't be around to say I told you so. Those that are newbie's now will be on here complaining about how Disney isn't anywhere near as great as it was when they first started going there.

They talk about long range plans as if it's tomorrow. It is for young people, it is not for older ones. The year 2017 is still about 4 years away. I will be 69 by then and with the onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis, who knows what I will be able to do then. To me 2017 cannot exist in reality. It might but, I gotta go with what's trending. To say that they will improve in a long range plan that ends in 2017 to me has to be the same as never. If I rent a scooter to help me get around I now will be constantly conscience that everyone is thinking that I'm a fat, lazy slob that should get off his butt and exercise. So, I have adopted a new strategy, find and enjoy what is good, be happy and keep looking for the silver lining.
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Well-Known Member
Wasn't it enough to trot out the freaky troll doll???

I'll have you know that the "freaky troll doll", as you so quaintly put it, is on a credenza in my office as I type this post. Further, I'll have you know that I consider him to be my friend. In fact, he talks to me all of the time when no one else is around. In addition, we sing and dance together when I have to work late. Now seriously, what's so "freaky" about that? Huh, Miss I'm More Mentally Stable Than Rsoxguy??


Well-Known Member
I saw all the drama. I also dreamed about it this morning.

Seriously, if some people are going to let this stuff drive them off I'm curious where they'll go that's better??? I ask because I may want to go check out wherever this utopia is, too.

When you have an open forum with all walks of life discussing you have to expect that not everyone's views will be the same. If there's difference of opinion there's difference of expression. If you think someone goes too far, gets personal, or is out of line you have options: ignore and/or report. It's that simple.

I actually have had a bit of a conversation with a friend in the midst of all the popcorn-worthy drama this week about WDWMagic in general. I haven't been around as long as others but I've been here a solid 5+ years. I feel like I've got a good handle on who's who in the "old-timers" as well as the overall feel of the environment here at WDWMagic.

Compared to experiences I've had on other fan all know 'em....they're the "big" ones...what I've observed elsewhere is a highly controlled environment that benefits it's owner(s). I've seen more than once when a squabble breaks out or anything even remotely questionable heavy moderation happens on a strong slant to support the side of the squabble that benefits the bottom line for the owner(s) and/or personal friendships/relationships of the moderators themselves. Seen it happen more than once. Been on the wrong side once. ((The "wrong" side being that I'm not anybody whereas another person involved in the conversation is an extremely well-known figure within the online/fan community.)) What normally wouldn't be allowed to be said was allowed at my expense as the moderators made strategic appearances within that conversation to pet and coddle the well-known name. It was all very strange.

On another non-Disney forum, another hobby forum where I was part of the "old-timers" and good friends with the owners/founding members, this year I witnessed a very disgusting display of abuse of power by a moderator. Think it's so bad here at WDWMagic??? This moderator re-opened a closed thread, threw her personal opinions about the subject on the table, named names and called people out using harsh words, then kept the thread closed not allowing those people who were attacked any opportunity to defend themselves. It was as if she tied & gagged 4 people, berated them publicly, then walked away. It was such a disgusting abuse of power by someone I physically KNOW not just an "online friend". I was outraged to say the very least. I contacted one of my owner friends and expressed my disappointment that this was allowed. Said owner friend replied that she wouldn't get involved because A.) she didn't have time for the drama, B.) she wasn't going to bother a moderator who already had a tough job, & C.) tough noogies if I didn't like what happened. Guess what? I told my owner friend during our private conversation that perhaps I should keep my opinions to myself more often and I haven't been back. No "yage" from me. ((<--impressed that there's a word for that!)) I just stay away. Haven't heard a peep from anyone. Suppose my absence isn't so missed. It's that simple. I cannot tell you how tough that whole thing was because these are people I've known and a forum I helped get off the ground over 13 years ago.

What I LOVE about WDWMagic is that @wdwmagic & his team of moderators do let people hash out their differences as long as they keep civil about it. When/if moderation happens, and I've seen it happen MANY times, the moderation I see is not slanted. I've never felt as if the moderator picked a side or supported a friend. I like to think I'm as upstanding a member here as the next person and I've been moderated. I don't take offense. They have a job to do and I've never felt like the moderation or the way this discussion forum is run is on any sort of bias.

If people think other forums are better, please convo me & tell me where. I've yet to find those places. Of the hand full of Disney-fan and hobby-based discussion forums I've participated in over the years, WDWMagic by FAR is the best of the best. You'll not see a complaint out of me.

And, yes, if I find the drama going down here or anywhere I'll shoot links to friends so we can all get out our popcorn together. Remember, if you put on the show there's a lot more people watching than you think. ;)
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Premium Member
Just serach for posts from real mad hatter and mr. ferret.

Unless they were already deleted?

Thx... I saw that thread when it was new and skimmed part of the first post and knew there was going to be nothing but empty banter in there and just skipped it. Real Mad Hatter posts are almost entirely about 1) food or 2) your favorite food... so I tend to skip 'em. Not my flavor :)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I saw all the drama. I also dreamed about it this morning.

Seriously, if some people are going to let this stuff drive them off I'm curious where they'll go that's better??? I ask because I may want to go check out wherever this utopia is, too.

When you have an open forum with all walks of life discussing you have to expect that not everyone's views will be the same. If there's difference of opinion there's difference of expression. If you think someone goes too far, gets personal, or is out of line you have options: ignore and/or report. It's that simple.

I actually have had a bit of a conversation with a friend in the midst of all the popcorn-worthy drama this week about WDWMagic in general. I haven't been around as long as others but I've been here a solid 5+ years. I feel like I've got a good handle on who's who in the "old-timers" as well as the overall feel of the environment here at WDWMagic.

Compared to experiences I've had on other fan all know 'em....they're the "big" ones...what I've observed elsewhere is a highly controlled environment that benefits it's owner(s). I've seen more than once when a squabble breaks out or anything even remotely questionable heavy moderation happens on a strong slant to support the side of the squabble that benefits the bottom line for the owner(s) and/or personal friendships/relationships of the moderators themselves. Seen it happen more than once. Been on the wrong side once. ((The "wrong" side being that I'm not anybody whereas another person involved in the conversation is an extremely well-known figure within the online/fan community.)) What normally wouldn't be allowed to be said was allowed at my expense as the moderators made strategic appearances within that conversation to pet and coddle the well-known name. It was all very strange.

On another non-Disney forum, another hobby forum where I was part of the "old-timers" and good friends with the owners/founding members, this year I witnessed a very disgusting display of abuse of power by a moderator. Think it's so bad here at WDWMagic??? This moderator re-opened a closed thread, threw her personal opinions about the subject on the table, named names and called people out using harsh words, then kept the thread closed not allowing those people who were attacked any opportunity to defend themselves. It was as if she tied & gagged 4 people, berated them publicly, then walked away. It was such a disgusting abuse of power by someone I physically KNOW not just an "online friend". I was outraged to say the very least. I contacted one of my owner friends and expressed my disappointment that this was allowed. Said owner friend replied that she wouldn't get involved because A.) she didn't have time for the drama, B.) she wasn't going to bother a moderator who already had a tough job, & C.) tough noogies if I didn't like what happened. Guess what? I told my owner friend during our private conversation that perhaps I should keep my opinions to myself more often and I haven't been back. No "yage" from me. ((<--impressed that there's a word for that!)) I just stay away. Haven't heard a peep from anyone. Suppose my absence isn't so missed. It's that simple. I cannot tell you how tough that whole thing was because these are people I've known and a forum I helped get off the ground over 13 years ago.

What I LOVE about WDWMagic is that @wdwmagic & his team of moderators do let people hash out their differences as long as they keep civil about it. When/if moderation happens, and I've seen it happen MANY times, the moderation I see is not slanted. I've never felt as if the moderator picked a side or supported a friend. I like to think I'm as upstanding a member here as the next person and I've been moderated. I don't take offense. They have a job to do and I've never felt like the moderation or the way this discussion forum is run is on any sort of bias.

If people think other forums are better, please convo me & tell me where. I've yet to find those places. Of the hand full of Disney-fan and hobby-based discussion forums I've participated in over the years, WDWMagic by FAR is the best of the best. You'll not see a complaint out of me.

And, yes, if I find the drama going down here or anywhere I'll shoot links to friends so we can all get out our popcorn together. Remember, if you put on the show there's a lot more people watching than you think. ;)

Agree, people need to grow a bit of thicker skin.
Nowadays people seem very delicate when someone "insults THEIR" feelings (aka just mention flaws in their points, but they take them as an insult)
Id say people need to keep always in mind the other side is not always just to "get them".
Only when things get personal.. the mods should step up and calm things down.

All forums are the same imho... you wouldn't believe the fights that happen inside fandoms of the likes of Alvin and the Chipmunks or even what music forums have... Funnily... most of them were caused by very simple things that escalated way too much.

Um, not to get in the middle of something, as I would hate to be thought of as an interloper, but when you used the phrase "you lazy Americans", I believe that the proper spelling is "U lazy Americans".

As long they dont go to extremes.. seems the "way" to type it nowadays in the internet is "Murrika".
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