'Disney Springs' - Downtown Disney expansion officially announced


Well-Known Member
Seriously, can anyone realistically not say that they resemble the typical guest today?

I can tell you that in 1983 or 1993 people would have looked at them like 'poor white trash' and today they are the bread and butter. Where they get their money, the Boo-boos aside, is a whole 'nother matter.
The only thing missing is mom riding an ECV.


Well-Known Member
Impressed I am not- underwhelmed and unaffected is more like it - but I too like it better than HW.

I already have made the point that if they did not announce the return of the AC it would be attacked. It is all just too predictable.

The model does show stacks on the riverboat. The jury is still out on what exactly that means. Could be tenants will be moving around.

Point is it is impossible to judge since they have not announced what exactly will be in the facilities. Many haters have shown their cards now (not pointing at you) and proven they were going to be impossible to please.

It has every feature I was hoping for. And more. It is over-the-top cool.

HW would have led to what we see in the model but in phases. Tom Staggs just decided to skip all the phases and do this as one comprehensive project over a few years. I think this is a great strategy now.


Premium Member
Destroy HS and AK and just go back to just the MK and Epcot.

My WDW vacations as a kid were so much different than they are today. We went golfing, took out the water sprites, went horseback riding, spent an afternoon shopping at the Village (which was a death sentence as a 10 yr old), had a relaxing Sunday brunch at the Contemporary.

And today, I'm just as guilty as the next person going commando. Sunday brunch? Now I'm constantly thinking three attractions ahead all day, every day when I'm there.

One thing that has helped reduce the stress a lot is avoiding the dining plan. We still make reservations but since we haven't paid ahead of time for the plan we don't mind cancelling if we want to do something else.

Pretty much my experience as well.. my father was a planner to the T - but we actually did all the non-park stuff... especially the dining. I mean we still spent a week on site, but there were only the one or two parks.

I learned to water ski on bay lake... memories of fort wilderness stick with me to this day.. the rental boats.. etc.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna make a wiseass comment involving the word "payroll"...but I won't.

Do you know where the presentation took place and if the public will have access to the model? I might fly in if there will be a preview center.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've done the Disney Cruise Line and especially on the Dream that is about as well enforced as a Fastpass return time.
Really? We had a crew member (CM?) stop a child at the entrance to the adults kids pool and have them point out their parents and then went and got the parents to come to the child. As a matter of fact, I can't recall ever seeing a child in the adults only pool. I guess it just depends on who's working at any given time to how it's enforced...just like Fastpass.


Well-Known Member
Disney's Brooklyn???

haha true, but @jakeman is right. that's what they need.

when you market to one timers, you breed one timers. every family that you don't sell on the fact that there's something for everyone to do is another family that views a trip to disney world as a once-in-a-lifetime, right of passage and nothing more.

i bet it'd be a heck of a lot easier to move all that DVC inventory if you could convince mom and dad that, even when the kids grow up and aren't addicted to plush and pixie dust, their points could be used for a romantic getaway. or used by their 20 somethings kid that want to take their boyfriend/girlfriend and instagram the heck out of all the unique food/drinks they had.

with people having kids later in life, it's breeding this in between time where couples have money, but no kids to spend it on. the way disney positions itself in the market, they miss that whole demo (unless you grew up in the glory days like i did and you still have a little addiction). why willingly sacrifice that?


Well-Known Member
Somebody mentioned 'class'...'sophistication'...'the Empress Lilly'?

Here are the 1982 plans for phase II of LBV (what will be Disney Springs). A New Orleans area that would've put New Orleans Square in DL to shame. Only the crown jewel ever got build: that paddlewheel steamship they named after a famous WDWMagic poster.

Be sure to spot the Empress Lilly on the left!:



Wish they would drop everything and build this instead. Classy, sophisticated, and, to add a third component: stylish and elegant.

May be a nice add somewhere else but not for a modern lifestyle center. Just couldn't handle the crowds and give you the aesthetics you seek.


Well-Known Member
That just keys into what I just posted about the WDW experience when it was The Vacation Kingdom of the World versus The Timeshare Kingdom of the World.

WDW catered to a more discerning guest. One who could spent a day or multiples on Disney property and never (YOU BETTER SIT DOWN!!!) set foot in a theme park. That was why they had spas and golf courses and tennis and boating and horseback riding and biking and fine dining.

The Disney Golf "experience" is still first class. Even though I think Palmer's group is running it now, right?


Well-Known Member
I don't.
But why fly down for such a thing? Certainly not worth a plane ticket.

Might be for me. :) They really need to create a preview center. I am sure for the short term it is to woo vendors but I have a hunch they will be at capacity incredibly quickly. Then the public should have access. IMO.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
May be a nice add somewhere else but not for a modern lifestyle center. Just couldn't handle the crowds and give you the aesthetics you seek.
Quite right! Not at all suitable for a modern lifestyle center, not at all fit for any of those fifteen thousand lifestyle centers that have been build the past decade from Chongqing to Marne-la-Vallée to LA. ;) :cool:


Premium Member
I think there are common themes in the replies from @djlaosc , @MichWolv, etc and I think that is 'steerage' to this behavior through the push for 'do it all', 'get your moneys worth', and 'you gotta plan or be screwed'

Long term reservations force you into planning.. which I don't think is bad in some views, but having to plan out everything means structure and pushes people.

The Dining Plan has similar effects.. gotta get our money's worth.. so we gotta plan.. you force more meals then you might not have otherwise.. and missing meals becomes a 'loss' you try hard to avoid.. because again.. you don't want your money going to waste.

The shear cost of the parks forces people to want to get their money's worth.. you've paid for the full day.. you should get your use out of it! In an evil sense.. if you had paid to play.. people would slow down and not feel they need to cram stuff in.

The matching of ticket duration to hotel stay and the MYW program encourages tickets for every day of your stay... the price structure also encourages 'just have tickets for every day'.. so again people feel compelled to be in the parks because they have tickets.

I can't help but think if Disney were a 'pay per experience' and had no actual gate admission.. the mindset would change. (yes I know there are other problems with open gate.. but focus on this influencer angle alone right now).

  • Make it so there is no penalty for not being in the parks...
  • Make it so there is little to gain from doing 'more more more' 'quick quick quick'... by getting rid of 'all you can eat' types of models within a set time frame...
  • Decouple park tickets from hotel stays...
  • Improve the out of park experiences to be unique in themselves...
  • Reduce the costs so you don't feel you MUST get your value...

Now some of these of course come with specific financial reasons to NOT want to do it.. many of these seem counter to what some advocate (like investing in a DTD project instead of a ride..)... but I think if you want to break the commando mentality, its these kinds of steps that are necessary to stop encouraging the 'go go go', 'get my value' mentality.

Because of those contradictions.. I can't see it really happening. But I guess I can still hope and dream :)


Well-Known Member
Quite right! Not at all suitable for a modern lifestyle center, not at all fit for any of those fifteen thousand lifestyle centers that have been build the past decade from Chongqing to Marne-la-Vallée to LA. ;) :cool:

But only one has a DQ a Cirque show AND a riverboat. Just sayin'.

Fe Maiden

Well-Known Member
Pretty much my experience as well.. my father was a planner to the T - but we actually did all the non-park stuff... especially the dining. I mean we still spent a week on site, but there were only the one or two parks.

I learned to water ski on bay lake... memories of fort wilderness stick with me to this day.. the rental boats.. etc.

I learned to drive on the golf carts we used when staying in the treehouses and fairway villas.

Genie of the Lamp

Well-Known Member
The Disney Golf "experience" is still first class. Even though I think Palmer's group is running it now, right?

Yeah, the Arnold Palmer Golf Management team now runs/manages all the WDW Golf Courses. I'll have to try it out sometime. Too bad they can't put an indoor/glow in the dark mini golf area in DQ. That be nice.


Well-Known Member
I'm one of those guys that consumes 3000 calories per day and doesn't gain weight. One of the biggest disadvantages of this is that my posterior maximus doesn't have a lot of padding. I found no pocket on jeans and corduroys to be comfortable for a wallet. Thus, I carried one of these around for 4 or 5 years in central Indiana no less -


However, I eventually tired of the strap occasionally catching on things and am now back to carrying the wallet in jacket pockets or front pockets when the weather is warmer. Sorry for tangential digression. Please return to arguing about the mall expansion.
Do you keep Skittles in there?

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