Did I Really Just See That.....in Disney World?????


Well-Known Member
Oh brother, a kid gets the belt and suddenly it's child abuse. The real abuse is not disciplining children and allowing them to grow up thinking there are no consequences. Here's what I find shocking at Disney. Some kid not getting their way and are screaming at the top of their lungs while the parents 'ignore' them while dragging them by their arm pretending the problem will just go away when the kid gets tired of yelling. That's shocking to me.


Well-Known Member
Oh brother, a kid gets the belt and suddenly it's child abuse. The real abuse is not disciplining children and allowing them to grow up thinking there are no consequences. Here's what I find shocking at Disney. Some kid not getting their way and are screaming at the top of their lungs while the parents 'ignore' them while dragging them by their arm pretending the problem will just go away when the kid gets tired of yelling. That's shocking to me.

Its funny cause as you get older you always seem to know which young adult or even adults were beaten as a kid and who was not beaten.


Well-Known Member
I love reading those threads where we talk about what is your favorite, most disgusting, most embarrasing, most magical (etc.) moments in Disney World. I thought I would start a similar type of thread.

Have you ever seen somebody do anything in Disney World so outrageous, so jaw-dropping, and so out there that literally stopped you in your tracks and made you ask yourself if you really saw what you just saw (good or bad)?

One situation that comes to mind for me happened in March 2007. My wife and I were returning to the Contemporary resort via the monorail after a full day at Epcot. While waiting in line for a monorail, there was a family of four a few spots in front of us (Mom, Dad, Boy - 9ish, Girl - 5ish). Well, the older boy was leaning on the metal chains. The Mom asked him to stop. He did for all of 10 seconds and then proceeded to lean on the chains again. Well, the Mom did not appreciate it much. She proceeded to take off her belt, yell at her son that she had enough, and began whipping the boy with the belt right there in front of everyone. You could tell who wore the pants in the family because the Dad was looking away trying to ignore the whole thing. While this was going on (throughout the 4-5 lashes lovingly bestowed on the Boy), the little girl was singing happily that her brother was getting the belt. Are there people out there really like that? Did I really just see that?

Talk about making everyone on the plaform feel uncomfortable, not to mention how awful we all felt for the Boy, who was hysterically crying. A man standing next to them told her to stop, and she then lashed out verbally at the man to mind his own business. And wouldn't you know it? They sat in the same car as us.

(off topic - has there ever been a thought of opening an additonal forum for these types of "favorite" posts so we don't have to sift through multiple pages in the General Discussion forum?)
Wow. I'm surprised a cm didnt do anything about this. Again wow!!


Well-Known Member
Well I have to say that the most embarassing thing at WDW I have experienced, actually happened to me. We were at the MK and my sister in law and I decided to get burgers from Cosmic Rays in Tomorrowland. Well, a couple of hours had passed and we were waiting in line for POTC and I started feeling strange. I managed to get through the line and the ride knowing that the bathroom was not far away. By the time I got off the ride, I knew that I needed to head to first aid. I went ahead of my family and the nurse gave me something to help the nausea and by the time my mom got to first aid - it was all too late. I proceeded to get VERY sick - arguably food poisoning from the burger. :hurl:

After a little while I thought I was ok, so we decided to head back to POP, so we took the ferry from MK to the parking lot (we took our own car because of the strollers and my nephews). Well - lets just say that by the time I got to TTC, I couldn't wait much more. Went to the ladies room, got sick again. I thought - stupidly - that I was ok and we were waiting for the tram when it hit me again. Rather than throwing up all over the place, I didn't want for anyone to have to see me get sick so I ran to the closest garbage can, literaly stuck my head in it and threw up. I was mortified - all of the people around me watching me puke in a garbage can. To this day - whenever my family passes that garbage can we have a good laugh. I have even taken "re-inactment" photos of that FUN day. While I understand that you can't help getting sick - I just really wish it hadn't happened in front of hundreds of people!!!!

Needless to say - I haven't eaten at Cosmic Rays since!
Now that's an experience to remember or maybe forget. Haha


Or maybe the child wasn't being "beaten" to begin with and this is just an embellished story by someone who is overly sensitive.

I was there and this kid was being pelted like crazy. The poor kid was in horrible pain and was screaming like you wouldn't believe.


Original Poster
Wow, I forgot all about starting this thread way back when....LOL. I see it has grown substantially, guess I have a lot of reading to do.

As my wife above (Eliezrah) said, he was getting pelted like crazy. I wish I had made it up, but sadly I didn't. My initial intent of starting this thread was not to be pro or con vs. corporal punishment (my wife and I are against it for fair disclosure), but to show how amazed we were that it was done in public in full view of everyone. We were so dumbfounded. As per another commenter above, there was no cast member that I remember (then again it was over 5 years ago) in the vicinity.


Wow, I forgot all about starting this thread way back when....LOL. I see it has grown substantially, guess I have a lot of reading to do.

As my wife above (Eliezrah) said, he was getting pelted like crazy. I wish I had made it up, but sadly I didn't. My initial intent of starting this thread was not to be pro or con vs. corporal punishment (my wife and I are against it for fair disclosure), but to show how amazed we were that it was done in public in full view of everyone. We were so dumbfounded. As per another commenter above, there was no cast member that I remember (then again it was over 5 years ago) in the vicinity.

I don't think there was a CM there. We were on line for the Monorail and it wasn't there yet. It was us, that family, the man who tried to get her to stop it, and a handful of other guests.


Well-Known Member
Oh brother, a kid gets the belt and suddenly it's child abuse. The real abuse is not disciplining children and allowing them to grow up thinking there are no consequences. Here's what I find shocking at Disney. Some kid not getting their way and are screaming at the top of their lungs while the parents 'ignore' them while dragging them by their arm scraping the kids knees up, because they refuse to walk like a human being, and leaving blood trails, while pretending the problem will just go away when the kid gets tired of yelling. That's shocking to me.
Fixed it for you, and yes I have seen this actually happen. I am with you on this.


Well-Known Member
Yes ur right. That could have been the case. Don't see much belt bustin' these days. ;)
Now if they made and app for that, then you would see a lot of it. People don't like moving more than their fingers and thumbs now a days, and that is still an effort.


Well-Known Member
Note up front: not making judgement on anyone in any way. Just making observations here.
This is really so interesting! Rarely do I remember in a discussion that has been bumped from a long time ago that the OP comes back to comment. Especially since both you guys are infrequent posters. Just find the dynamics interesting. And I haven't been on in ages, and then by coincidence (or for whatever reason) we're in this thread again after so long. strange!


Note up front: not making judgement on anyone in any way. Just making observations here.
This is really so interesting! Rarely do I remember in a discussion that has been bumped from a long time ago that the OP comes back to comment. Especially since both you guys are infrequent posters. Just find the dynamics interesting. And I haven't been on in ages, and then by coincidence (or for whatever reason) we're in this thread again after so long. strange!

I had honestly forgotten about these forums and this thread (and I guess DH did as well) until I got an email that someone posted.


Well-Known Member
This was back in 98, was at WDW with the high school band. I can't remember exactly where it happened, I'm pretty sure it was at the TTC.

Was with a bunch of friends at the TTC waiting for a monorail. We saw some other friends on the other platform. I think heading to the Ecpot Monorail. One guy with us decides he wants to join them, so what does he do? He hops over the railing, jumps on the monorail beam, then jumps to the other platform and over the railing to get to them. Everyone was just :jawdrop:.

That same trip another kid was on splash mountain when he decided to get out of log and walk around the ride. Yeah, that pretty much shut down the ride for a good while.

And then lastly, again on the same trip, a girl was caught stealing from that store and the entrance to World Showcase.

Ahh... Band trips....


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I was there and this kid was being pelted like crazy. The poor kid was in horrible pain and was screaming like you wouldn't believe.
All kids scream when given ANY kind of punishment. You would think someone was pulling off an arm or a leg the way some kids react to a swift swap on the rump!

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