Congress Questions Next Gen


Well-Known Member
Exactly! And while we assume FP will be phased out in the future, nothing said at this time indicates when that will be. So we are going on and on about something that may be years down the line or never at all.

I think finally people are starting to see how ridiculous it is to have a total freak out over something that has not even taken place fully yet or be experienced by the masses.


Well-Known Member
I hate being punished for not staying on property and not getting extra magic hours. How unfair. Disney owes us right?!

Just wait til phase 2 kicks in... Non-resort guests will have to wear silly hats with big red and white stripes on them! :p

Please tell me you're joking here?


Well-Known Member
By opting out of the band, you effectively opt out of tracking. The card is described as short range only.

You're only opting out of being "actively tracked" using RF. They still have ways to track you, like they always have, just not as efficiently or accurate.


Well-Known Member
once again... those worried, mad, upset about Disney so-called "tracking" while in their parks.... should certainly be worried, mad, upset about the government, google, web providers, cell phones, gps units, phone providers, email providers, the internet in general, etc.

At least with Disney it will only work in THEIR parks - so why do you think this is worse then the government or google being able to look pretty much inside your bedroom window from the sky or facebook displaying everywhere you are when you post something (if that's enabled), etc.

I just don't understand why people are so freaked out about this - do you think Disney is going to collect data from us to make our lives miserable and torture us from now on or are they doing it to better the parks and experience and how they run things based on this data?


Think for yourselfer
It's not entirely clear exactly where ALL the distinction points are, but Disney has made it clear you can opt out of marketing, and the bands, and possibly even more aspects. See the portion of the letter sent to Markey from the addendum

@ParentsOf4 this speaks to your concern too...

That is interesting.

All the more reason to avoid the Bands then, IMO. The main reason I see for opting into the program is the need for FPs. If that can be achieved with only an e-mail address and a short range RFID card, then that is the way to go, for me at least.


Think for yourselfer
Exactly! And while we assume FP will be phased out in the future, nothing said at this time indicates when that will be. So we are going on and on about something that may be years down the line or never at all.

I think finally people are starting to see how ridiculous it is to have a total freak out over something that has not even taken place fully yet or be experienced by the masses.


We are not assuming FP will be phased out, Disney has said it will be. And the freak outs remain. Many people do not want to book ride reservations months or weeks in advance. It sucks a lot of the fun out of "vacation". It makes it more like a job. The tracking aspect is just one thing people are upset about. There are plenty of other reasons to have "a total freak out".


Premium Member
You're only opting out of being "actively tracked" using RF. They still have ways to track you, like they always have, just not as efficiently or accurate.

True - but no one had any problem with the company tracking their spending or KTTW usage prior either. The worries that have been going on here for weeks all basically been shot down.. except the idea of FP+ as a virtual queuing system and it's advantages or not.


Think for yourselfer
True - but no one had any problem with the company tracking their spending or KTTW usage prior either. The worries that have been going on here for weeks all basically been shot down.. except the idea of FP+ as a virtual queuing system and it's advantages or not.

Yes, having an alternate option to the tracking band, that still gives you the FP+ and the access the the MyMagic system is a good thing. And definitely alleviates some of my worries.

But my main issue with the whole system was how it would effect my in park, and planning experience. And, as of now, I am just as annoyed and worried about it as ever.


Well-Known Member

We are not assuming FP will be phased out, Disney has said it will be. And the freak outs remain. Many people do not want to book ride reservations months or weeks in advance. It sucks a lot of the fun out of "vacation". It makes it more like a job. The tracking aspect is just one thing people are upset about. There are plenty of other reasons to have "a total freak out".

I agree it takes enough planning for dining, etc. now and having to book a lot of attractions could be another hassle... but I don't see it "sucking a lot of the fun out of vacation". I'm reading it as a way to plan to ride a FEW attractions around a certain time a day without having to wait in fastpass lines, etc. If I want to take advantage of it cool, if not, no big deal (I rarely if ever use fastpasses now).

Wouldn't it be nice to not have the massive FP line in and around Toy Story Mania when it first opens


Premium Member
I transcribed the complete letter and addendum from Iger and posted it on my blog. Text is here as well

(Begin Letter)
January 28, 2013
The Honorable Edward Markey
2108 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Congressman Markey:
For 90 years, Disney has been synonymous with high-quality entertainment for families and children of all ages. We use creativity, innovation and technology to create memorable moments and experiences for our hundreds of millions of customers and guests. And, as you well know, Disney’s record and commitment to children’s safety and security and the protection of their privacy is exemplary. People around the world trust Disney and its products. That trust is the cornerstone of our company, and we take it very seriously.
We are offended by the ludicrous and utterly ill-informed assertion in your letter dated January 24, 2013, that we would in any way haphazardly or recklessly introduce a program that manipulates children, or wantonly puts their safety at risk.
It is truly unfortunate and extremely disappointing that you chose to publicity attack us before taking the time to review our policies and/or contact us for information, which would have obviated the need for your letter. Had you or your staff made the slightest effort, you would have found most of the answers to your questions already existed and were publically available online at and
In the enclosed attachment, we address the questions in your letter about our new, yet-to-be-launched program, MyMagic+. However, to ensure that you fully understand our practices as they pertain to children, and our commitment to our guests’ privacy, let me be clear and reiterate the basic facts.
MyMagic+ is a completely optional program that was designed with the privacy controls from the outset. Disney does not use personal information to market to children under age 13, does not personalize or target advertisements to an individual child, and never shares children’s personal information with any third party for their marketing purposes. Additionally, parents have full control over their child’s participation in MyMagic+. We have transparent privacy practices, guests can control and limit the amount of information they provide to us – and how their information is used.
Further details are attached.
Robert A Iger
(Begin Addendum)
MyMagic+ is a completely optional program
Guests can enjoy admission to the park without having to register or provide any personal information. But guests who do choose to participate in MyMagic+ will enjoy the convenience of having their tickets, guaranteed ride times for shows and attractions, resort room access and other enhanced features all in one place. Using MagicBands or cards for purchases is also optional.

MyMagic+ was designed with privacy controls from the outset

The hallmarks of privacy by design are transparency and customer control, and these are central to Disney’s overall privacy policies and practices, which can be found at

Disney does not use personal information to market to children under age 13
Disney does not personalize or target advertisements to an individual child
Disney never shares children’s personal information with any third party for their marketing purposes
Parents have full control over their child’s participation in MyMagic+
Parents control whether or not their child participates in MyMagic+, how much information is shared with us, what experiences the child will engage in and whether they use a MagicBand at all. Children cannot create individual registration accounts for MyMagic+.
Parents decide whether to provide information about their child’s preferences (such as favorite character or favorite color) for personalized services. These personalized services are also optional.
No matter what the parent decides, Disney does not use personal information to market to children under age 13 and does not personal or target advertising to individual children. Furthermore, we never share children’s personal information with any third party for their marketing purposes.

Disney has transparent privacy practices
Information about the privacy practices associated with the MagicBand is available in multiple locations. Even though the program has not been launched yet, specific information about MyMagic+ and the MagicBand is already available to guests at and available for their review before they decide whether to participate. Additional information about other aspects of the enhanced guest experiences can be found at
Consistent with best practices, when the MagicBand becomes available to our guests we will once again provide the guests with full notice about the information that will be collected by the MagicBand. At that time, the guest can elect to use a card instead, as described more fully below.
Guests can control and limit the amount of personal information they provide to us
Guests who participate in MyMagic+ only provide basic contact information: name, email, address and date of birth. Guests would also provide the name and age of other members of their travel party participating in the program. This information is used to establish the account the guests will use to participate in the program, and is consistent with both practices utilized by the hospitality and travel industries for guest registration and what our resort guests provide today. MyMagic+ participants provide any additional information only at their option.

Guests control how their information is used
Guest's personal data is not stored in the MagicBand. The MagicBand is not GPS-based and does not enable collection of continuous location signals. The long-range readers which detect the MagicBands will be in specific locations for the purpose of providing better service to our guests.
Guests can participate in MyMagic+ and visit the park without using the MagicBand by choosing a card instead. The card contains a short-range chip whose location cannot be detected by the long-range readers stationed in the park. We also plan to provide the option for such guests to use the Fast Pass [sic] system by simply providing basic contact information (name and email address). As is also true for parties using MyMagic+, the system would not require separate email addresses for other members of the guest party.
We will not share location information collected in connection with the MagicBand throughout The Walt Disney Company without the consent of the guest.
As is always the case at Disney, guests participating in MyMagic+ can choose not to receive marketing information from us. MyMagic+ also allows guests to receive offers and tips during their visit to the Walt Disney World parks and resorts, but only if they request them from us.
As described in the Disney privacy policy found at guests can ask us to amend or delete personal information we may hold about them.


Think for yourselfer
I agree it takes enough planning for dining, etc. now and having to book a lot of attractions could be another hassle... but I don't see it "sucking a lot of the fun out of vacation". I'm reading it as a way to plan to ride a FEW attractions around a certain time a day without having to wait in fastpass lines, etc. If I want to take advantage of it cool, if not, no big deal (I rarely if ever use fastpasses now).

Wouldn't it be nice to not have the massive FP line in and around Toy Story Mania when it first opens

It would also be nice to be able to decide what park I want to go to when I wake up in the morning, and not when I wake up 60 days before I leave, before I go to work, and hustle to the computer to reserve Space Mountain for 9:45a. And, what happens if I don't get that FP+. Maybe all they have is 5:30p. But I had dinner reservations at Via Napoli at 5:45p. Shoot, I guess no Space Mountain this trip. It is all too much planning. Too much effort.


Well-Known Member
It would also be nice to be able to decide what park I want to go to when I wake up in the morning, and not when I wake up 60 days before I leave, before I go to work, and hustle to the computer to reserve Space Mountain for 9:45a. And, what happens if I don't get that FP+. Maybe all they have is 5:30p. But I had dinner reservations at Via Napoli at 5:45p. Shoot, I guess no Space Mountain this trip. It is all too much planning. Too much effort.

Let me try this again... you DON'T have to use it or plan which park you want to go to 60 days before just like you're not forced to make dining reservations or have a dole whip.

Your analogy of Space Mountain only available at 5:30 meaning you won't get to do it on your trip is ludicrous. The standby lines won't be bulldozed. get to the park early and head to space mountain first thing and you won't ever need a fastpass, standard or plus


Think for yourselfer
Let me try this again... you DON'T have to use it or plan which park you want to go to 60 days before just like you're not forced to make dining reservations or have a dole whip.

Your analogy of Space Mountain only available at 5:30 meaning you won't get to do it on your trip is ludicrous. The standby lines won't be bulldozed. get to the park early and head to space mountain first thing and you won't ever need a fastpass, standard or plus

You ARE forced to make Dining reservations. You want to have dinner at Le Cellier, you had better be on the computer at 7am 180 days out, same thing for Chef Mickey's breakfast, BOG resturant, ect....

I fear the same thing happening for the big ticket attractions.

Not everyone likes to go to the parks at rope drop. Some people like to start a little later, it is a vacation after all. Not to mention some people like to park hop, I know I do. So if I start at Epcot, then move to MK later in the day, I am just out of luck?


Well-Known Member
You ARE forced to make Dining reservations. You want to have dinner at Le Cellier, you had better be on the computer at 7am 180 days out, same thing for Chef Mickey's breakfast, BOG resturant, ect....

I fear the same thing happening for the big ticket attractions.

Not everyone likes to go to the parks at rope drop. Some people like to start a little later, it is a vacation after all. Not to mention some people like to park hop, I know I do. So if I start at Epcot, then move to MK later in the day, I am just out of luck?

No one is forcing you to eat at Le Cellier
No one is forcing you to ride Space Mountain
No one is forcing you to go to Disney World

My understandig is Disney is going to limit the amount of FP+'s just like the do FP's so you and I will be able to ride Space Mountain and live in harmony


Think for yourselfer
No one is forcing you to eat at Le Cellier
No one is forcing you to ride Space Mountain
No one is forcing you to go to Disney World

My understandig is Disney is going to limit the amount of FP+'s just like the do FP's so you and I will be able to ride Space Mountain and live in harmony

I knew you would go down this road. None of us HAVE to go to WDW. Everything discussed here is purely optional. Good point. This debate is over.


Well-Known Member
Guests can participate in MyMagic+ and visit the park without using the MagicBand by choosing a card instead. The card contains a short-range chip whose location cannot be detected by the long-range readers stationed in the park.

So, how likely is it that they will give you more FP+ slots if you have a MagicBand which can be tracked long-range instead of a card which is short range only?


Well-Known Member
We also plan to provide the option for such guests to use the Fast Pass [sic] system by simply providing basic contact information (name and email address). As is also true for parties using MyMagic+, the system would not require separate email addresses for other members of the guest party.

Does this mean that you could get a card without RFID inside, so it would work like it does now - the only difference will be FP+ instead of FP (as well as I don't know how you would get into your Disney resort room if they're changing the locks, unless you have seperate room keys and park tickets)


Premium Member
Does this mean that you could get a card without RFID inside, so it would work like it does now - the only difference will be FP+ instead of FP (as well as I don't know how you would get into your Disney resort room if they're changing the locks, unless you have seperate room keys and park tickets)

I don't think that is inferred here. Based on the information I have seen, I believe every ticket will be RFID enabled - you don't opt out of that. You opt out of how the data collected about your account is handled after it's collected. The clip you posted seems to be about creating a FP+ user profile that would be used purely for FP+ and would skip all the other services. Think 'lightweight' user profile.


Premium Member
So, how likely is it that they will give you more FP+ slots if you have a MagicBand which can be tracked long-range instead of a card which is short range only?

While there may be a correlation between those two events (having a magicband and getting better FP options) I doubt there is a direct causation between those two. Who knows, they could use that to help upsell the band 'Buy the band, get one additional FP+ reservation per day!' - but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
MyMagic+ is the entire system - not just 'tracking'. This doesn't exclude the combination of using the online site and still opt'ing out of profiling/marketing.
FP+ is a component of MyMagic+. In order to make FP+ selections in days in advance, you first must sign up for MyMagic+. Fail to agree to the terms of MyMagic+ and you will not receive FP+.

I'll post something later to clarify my position. In essence, my particular "beef" is not with profiling/marketing, it is with tracking. Once we accept MyMagic+, I do not believe we will have the option to "opt out" of tracking.

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