Challenge 5 – Be Our Guest!
Singular Elimination Challenge
Hello I
magineers, please come in and listen to our tale. The year? Late 2012. The issue? New Fantasyland. In o
ur timeline we know it is Beauty and the Beast that was built in the late nineties. With the New Fantasyland enhancements The Mad Tea Party was rethemed to a Mrs. Potts Tea Cu
ps Ride, Chesire Cafe became a reincarnated Lumiere's Kitchen, and Belle's Meet and Greet was built where Pooh's is in our timeline. Now your
probably thinking "What's with the backstory!" well that's simple it's a s
et up!
This round is to retheme Mrs. Pott's Cupboard (currently Storybook Trea
ts) and Lumiere's Kitchen (currently Friar's Nook). You can retheme both counter services to any theme you want as
long as it is not currently present in our timeline's Fantasyland (hence the backstory), you can assume the Belle's Village area in our timeline was also built for some reason. The theme m
ay be different for each location, a
nd it may be IP based or an original.
Along with coming up for a new theme for both counter services, you are taske
d with coming up with a menu with a similar length to that present now in those locations. The menus:
Storybook Treats
Friar's Nook
The final regulation is that the IP must have existed prior to the beginning of 2012.
You may use as many pictures as wanted, and as many sentences as needed. Due by Thursday, October 27th at 11:59 PM.
If you have any questions, be free to ask them
One last thing I may have one last trick or treat planned for this challenge. I guess you'll just have to find out