A Program for the Iphone at WDW?


Well-Known Member
Sadly that is not exactly possible - we paid double the price for an unlocked iPhone, only to find out that it is only compatible with certain networking systems (none that are of any preference to me) and my current service is not a compatible network. So here I sit with an iPhone and no service because I HATE at&t, and the other compatible services do not have very good reception out here - or are not available at all in my area... :brick:

So wait...you paid twice as much money for the hardware...and would rather let it sit unused than use AT&T? And, if AT&T is the only service that has good reception in your area...why wouldn't you want to use them? Also, why pay double if you'd use AT&T anyways? BTW, where did you buy an unlocked one? I thought it would be rendered useless if it was unlocked anyways.

What company were you hoping to use it with? Verizon? T-Mobile? Sprint/Nextel?

AT&T is fine in my area (much better than Sprint/Nextel which is horrible). I actually can't blame AT&T for wanting to be the sole carrier since they probably paid a hefty fortune to receive the rights for it.
So wait...you paid twice as much money for the hardware...and would rather let it sit unused than use AT&T? And, if AT&T is the only service that has good reception in your area...why wouldn't you want to use them? Also, why pay double if you'd use AT&T anyways? BTW, where did you buy an unlocked one? I thought it would be rendered useless if it was unlocked anyways.

What company were you hoping to use it with? Verizon? T-Mobile? Sprint/Nextel?

AT&T is fine in my area (much better than Sprint/Nextel which is horrible). I actually can't blame AT&T for wanting to be the sole carrier since they probably paid a hefty fortune to receive the rights for it.

I unlocked mine myself so I can use it with T-Mobile (I had AT&T when I got the phone, but I cancelled it because I was constantly getting dropped calls :( ). It only takes 2 clicks with a special program to unlock. It does not brick the phone. Mine is fully functional and I get all the features except you tube, but there is something you can download to make it work. The only thing unlocking does is that it completely voids the warranty. So if it breaks, your out of luck. Just take good care of it and don't drop it. :p

Other than that, I can't live without my iPhone and I hope they implement it in the parks!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I am sure you aren't but in reality they are all crooks. I have been with Nextel, Verizon and Circular/AT&T and they all stink pretty much equally in different areas. I am lucky enough that the wife works for AT&T so the employee discount makes them the lesser of the 4 evils.

On the iphone.... I am going to revisit the option when the new model comes out supposedly in mid June. The price has gotten much better ($199) and a few features have been added that might make me pull the trigger and upgrade from my razer.

$199!?! In JUNE?

Wow!I just might do that...I always said to my self that if they dropped the price to about 200 I would have to save up.That's a pretty sweet deal.

And the iPhone in Disney?Good call.


It only takes 2 clicks with a special program to unlock. It does not brick the phone.

The only way the phone will brick is if Apple bricks it with an update.
When the phone was first released, as a means of punishing people who unlocked it, Apple put a function into the updates that would totally shut down any phone that had been unlocked. Sadly, they haven't done that for a while. I won't sell an iphone to anyone who doesn't already have an AT&T account, or isn't activating the iphone. That literally takes money out of my pocket.

Sadly that is not exactly possible - we paid double the price for an unlocked iPhone, only to find out that it is only compatible with certain networking systems (none that are of any preference to me) and my current service is not a compatible network.
You have an non-GSM carrier and you bought an iphone? Should have asked a few basic questions since the phone won't, and likely never will, work on the other, antiquated systems that some companies (Sprint/Nextel, Verizon, Metro, etc.) are clinging to.

AT&T is fine in my area (much better than Sprint/Nextel which is horrible).
Which is one reason why Sprint/Nextel is bleeding customers at a rate of nearly a million per quarter while AT&T creeps upwards toward 70 million. Honestly, I think that S/N would be ripe to be purchased by another carrier if it weren't for the nightmare of dealing with their old technology.

On topic...the Disney maps are great.:D


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about this today.

Nike and Apple have a gig going right now (chip in the shoe that syncs to iPods).

Put that chip into a child's shoe and voila...you could have a child tracker. (Put it in the shoe because most "abductors" don't have a change of shoes/sneakers with them because of foot size variations).

I would love to be able to make a checklist of things I want to get done during the course of a day at the park. Using wait times, parade tracking, FastPass distribution times/availability, etc...it could give you a "best plan of attack" for the day.

Also, it should have Priority Seating reminders.

What would REALLY rock is if it could tell you where prime seating is available for nighttime shows and parades. (Maybe the CM's that are along the routes or in the viewing areas could transmit "realtime" people-tracker reports.

This sounds difficult and in depth...but with today's technology, it could be right around the corner.


Active Member
Except (a) in the US it only works on AT&T or T-Mobile's networks and (B) if you unlock it, they brick you. Just do a google search and see how many people's expensive iPhones have become paperweights.

I posted that message from my unlocked iphone which has been working just fine since I bought it in February.


Active Member
Sadly that is not exactly possible - we paid double the price for an unlocked iPhone, only to find out that it is only compatible with certain networking systems (none that are of any preference to me) and my current service is not a compatible network. So here I sit with an iPhone and no service because I HATE at&t, and the other compatible services do not have very good reception out here - or are not available at all in my area... :brick:

No internet service or no phone service? Any provider should work once you put the sim card in (assuming it was actually unlocked)


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where you're from, but it's reputation isn't horrible around here. For every few of you who feel that way, there are hundreds who feel that they're the best out there. Their coverage is certainly the best in the US.

As for the iPhone, most of the people who say they suck are the people who either can't afford them, or they have a hang up about all of the hype. Whether or not those people want to admit it, the iPhone is truly is a revolutionary product. As with every first out there, there are some things that got either overlooked, or were seen as less important for it's initial release. The 3G that's coming next month will still be the best phone and mobile devie on the market.

Hear hear!

I have never had a problem with Cingular/AT&T... but Verizon, on the other hand... :zipit:

Love my iPhone. :D And all my geeky EPCOT Center ringtones I made for it... :lol: "We've Just Begun to Dream!"


Well-Known Member
i would love that. I love my iphone, and i would love if disney would offer this service. i also think it would be cool if they added features to correspond with attractions and stuff


New Member
Easy there...

*begins response to off-topic hater rant*
Also, any video I've ever tried from youtube works just fine...I have the 8gb model (the next model(s) will have at least 32gb), which allows me over 500 songs with room for a couple of movies as well...I send well over 500 texts a month, and with it's revolutionary predictive keyboard, I can send them faster than I ever did on my POS verizon phone that had a full keyboard...

And finally, most users wouldn't even notice the difference in speed between 3G and the current network...and with WIFI functionality built in, the Iphone is quite fast, and WIFI is just about everywhere these days...

*ends response to off-topic hater rant*

On topic, I think this will be great if they can get park info/maps on to the Iphone, or any smartphone for that matter...it would be SO much more convenient and useful than having to carry around all that paper...and just think of all the trees Disney could save!!! Oh, the tree-huggers will be ecstatic...

Well my phone can store over 2000 songs, and several movies. What is so revolutionary about predictive text? Nokia and Sony Ericsson actually pioneered it - a decade ago, and on average I send over 4000 SMS per month and so do with great ease and speed. In fact despite how revolutionary you claim the iPhone keyboard to be, the #1 texting device based on usage, continues to be the T-Mobile Sidekick family of devices.

Most users wouldn’t even notice the difference between 3G and GPRS/EDGE? That is pure fanboy talk, intended to lessen the negative impact from consumers regarding having a phone for under a year that is already obsolete. 3G is a world a difference, it's the equivalent of nearly dial-up to cable/DSL. Wi-Fi is everywhere, but it's not free everywhere and in most cases, you still need to set up an account or modify your Wi-Fi settings on your device.

The iPhone is predicted to have sold 45 million units by 2009. I wouldn't say that it's "too small."

You would say “expected,” to sell not predicted to have sold. I see the expected sales for 2008 at just 10M. So by the next year, they expect to sell 450%? Anyway Nokia in 2007 alone sold over 445M phones worldwide, so I have to agree that the iPhone is still a marginal niche market.

I love how I can listen to music and play movies and videos because I produce music on the side and I can dump music straight to my iphone without having to go through the annoying process of burning it to cd. Also, another thing people are overlooking is Apples long term commitment to the iphone. They are alway coming up with software updates to improve use. Every other brand of phone just comes today and is gone within a few months. Plus I think Apple is on the verge of overtaking the PC as the norm. Less problems, less haggle.


It’s great that the iPhone can do everything a phone could do four years earlier, I guess I don’t see what is impressive about it? I’ve been listening to music on my phone for decades, nothing new there. Also Blackberry, Treo/Palm and Windows also do updates, and their products have longer lifecycles unlike Apple where you have to literally discard your subsidy-free device for the new 3G one soon.

Rob, are you kidding? lol On the verge of taking over? Have you seen the market? The only thing keeping Apple afloat is iTunes and iPod sales, the desktop market isn't doing too well and the MacBook Air is a major bomb. Besides the PC market is dominated by Windows with 98% of the market, that's not changing anytime soon. I find that fact that Apple hardware/software is so limited to be a major problem, I just love the freedom and flexibility of having access to tens of thousands of programs and hardware choices as opposed to the relatively tiny selection available to Mac users.

The name change had NOTHING to do with any "reputation". It was done simply because the big AT&T bought Cingular (who had earlier bought out AT&T's unprofitable wireless division). Simple as that.

I love my iphone. Wouldn't take two Blackberries for it.

Yes, it's locked to our service...happens with most phone models when they first come out (remember the Razr?) I fully support the locking of the phone, and the bricking of it when it's hacked or unlocked. We paid good money for that exclusivity.

The new iphone will hit between June 15 and July 15. It will be 3g (fastest 3g in the US and getting faster)and will handle enterprise mail (as likely will the 2g version following the 2.0 software update coming at around the same time).

The name change is complicated, and you being an employee is immaterial as this information is completely public. I am not going to get into this convoluted topic, but it’s all a major monopoly. BellSouth and ATT, back to the good ole’ days of one company wanting to control the market and increase costs for consumers. Who does this benefit?

Phones are locked because they are subsidized, yet when iPhone was first released, people had to lock up via prisoner loyalty to ATT/Apple a 24 month agreement and pay full MSRP for the device. The whole point of contracts is to secure the return on any up-front subsidies, anyway the FCC was on the verge of investigating and low and behold, ATT drops the price in the nick of time. I think it’s pretty sad, a fellow consumer would take pride in a major corporate monopoly engaging in such anti-consumer practices.

Also ATT is not the fastest 3G, it’s Verizon. And care to explain why ATT was forced to cease and rescind that old ad campaign regarding the least dropped calls? And how JD Power & Associates, an industry and global leader, continues to rate ATT at the bottom for call quality, customer service, price and in-store experiences? How exactly does a carrier with 70M accounts service them with such limited service hours? Sorry but ATT is no leader, they are just comprised of several smaller mobile operators and ATT Wireless’ old consumer base into one huge entity now.

Which is one reason why Sprint/Nextel is bleeding customers at a rate of nearly a million per quarter while AT&T creeps upwards toward 70 million. Honestly, I think that S/N would be ripe to be purchased by another carrier if it weren't for the nightmare of dealing with their old technology.

On topic...the Disney maps are great.

Still surprises me to see a consumer be so proud of corporate anti-consumerism. It’s like you want to see one carrier rule the market, not me. The reason ATT has 70M is from buying out myriad of smaller operators, and the former ATT owned ATT Wireless and merging that with Cingular. Might I add the transition was horrible, ATT engaged in shady practicing regarding its CDMA consumer base, and of all the mobile providers (and this includes Sprint), ATT is consistently rated very poorly and actually has the most complaints of them all with the BBB AND FCC. ATT accounts for over 60% of the mobile operator complaints, whereas Verizon less than 6%.

Now back on topic, I agree the maps are great but I'd prefer Disney to stick with Nintendo DS.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I guess you could say that is me. I fit in the "logo on the box" guy. That being said though...I only say that because every piece of Apple technology I have used, it's been extremely user friendly, reliable, and it just plain works.

The iPod. I've had Sony mp3 players, and a Dell...of the three I've personally owned, the iPod wins hands down.

I now own a Mac. I only decided to get a Mac (I was a devout PC guy) because I was fed up with the lackluster reliability, the constant crashes, and updating virus protection over and over and over again...to STILL not have the latest when the virus hit. I turned to an iMac and have never looked back.

My original cell phone was a brick (no problem, back then it was fine.) My next phone was the iPhone. I'll admit that I only got a new phone because I hated Sprint/Nextel and needed a new phone. I did wait for the iPhone though. It seems that I've become the "Blackberry/SmartPhone" guy around work so I do get to use a lot (The big cheese is very picky when it comes to phones...so he gets a new one basically every 3 months...and then...the OTHER big cheese can't be outdone so that one gets the "biggest and best.")

The worst phone I've used is the HTC Touch. Horrible. I will say though...the best I've used is the iPhone. It's not because my mind is branded with an Apple now...everybody that tries it out loves it. I have my reasons that I love it...and in other ways it drives me nuts. Of the phones I have used though, it has the LEAST AMOUNT of things that drive me nuts :lol:

I've slowly become an Apple nut but only because they haven't let me down.

BTW, they're not flexible because of their reliability. If you start switching out parts and pieces...the reliability may go down because things weren't tested and designed to work together. If I were Apple, I'd be the same way. No matter how great my technology is, my name is the most important thing to me. If my name is synonymous with "Reliability," I'm going to make sure it stays that way.
From my end a Mac is just not really an option. The engineering software I use does not care for Mac's at all, regardless of what OS you try to run it on. Secondly I am a gamer so again not the most Mac friendly thing. I have always build my PC's from the ground up and rarely have problems mainly because I do my homework. I also like overclocking which yet again, not Mac friendly. Then there is the cost issue. I could always build for less money then and out of the box system and that is not even possible with a Mac.

When it comes to other products namely mp3 players I feel that much like the Air to much function has been sacrificed for form. I have always liked the Sandisk line of MP3 players because of more bang for the buck, WMA support, better battery life, and multiple programs will work with it. I can use Windows Media player, Musicmatch, etc or simply drag and drop files into it in explorer.

However, when it comes time to get my kids another computer Mac's are going to receive a serious look. They are the ideal case for a person switching from a PC to a Mac. They go to every web site and download every last thing without thinking. Then when their computers slow down to a crawl and 50 pop ups come up every time they open up IE they come running to me to fix it. I try to tell them that having 30 useless programs come up at start up ans 20 different toolbars on IE is a bad thing. At that point my only real choice it to format and reinstall the OS.


Phones are locked because they are subsidized, yet when iPhone was first released, people had to lock up via prisoner loyalty to ATT/Apple a 24 month agreement and pay full MSRP for the device. The whole point of contracts is to secure the return on any up-front subsidies

Making up the subsidies is one benefit of contracts. Reducing churn and keeping the customers is another, bigger one. The whole point of AT&T paying huge sums of money to Apple for exclusivity for the iphone was to attract customers. Makes perfect business sense. If the iphones were not locked, we would be selling them to anybody and seeing no reward at all. As it is now, I get people every day walking in and asking to buy 4 or 5 iphones who have no intention of using our service. If I sell them the phone, they leave and unlock it for T-Mobile or whoever, and I and the company see nothing from it. No commission, no monthly revenue, just a small slice of Apple's markup on the phone. No sense in that from my perspective.

anyway the FCC was on the verge of investigating and low and behold, ATT drops the price in the nick of time. I think it’s pretty sad, a fellow consumer would take pride in a major corporate monopoly engaging in such anti-consumer practices.
Nope. AT&T had nothing to do with the price. That was pure Apple. We found out about it literally within 36 hours of it happening and had to scramble to figure out how to deal with it. All pricing on the iphone is controlled directly by Apple.
As far as me being a consumer, I am an Bellsouth/Cingular/AT&T customer since 1992 and have never had one problem with my service, nor have I ever thought of leaving. Also, in this case, I am a consumer second, and an employee who is worried about his paycheck first.

Also ATT is not the fastest 3G, it’s Verizon.
Just plain wrong. The latest tests were done recently.
Still surprises me to see a consumer be so proud of corporate anti-consumerism. It’s like you want to see one carrier rule the market, not me.
Probably because your livelihood doesn't depend on it. Rule the market? I don't care about that. As many customers as possible coming in through the door? Yes, please.

The reason ATT has 70M is from buying out myriad of smaller operators...
Sure. Same way Verizon got 67 million.

Ok...that's it. This thread has gone WAY too far off topic. I'm off.....

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