News Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser coming to Walt Disney World 2021


Well-Known Member
I'll share this little tidbit from my Lucas pals about this resort project... so, please keep in mind these folks are literally swimming in Star Wars every day of the week as they are working on the films, games, parks, etc. Each of them told me that they will be booking a trip to the resort once it is finished.

That's about as high of praise as I could imagine as if anyone could reach SW saturation - it would be this crowd and this project has them excited to experience it for themselves. This isn't going to be a trip to the Bibbidty Boddibi Boutique in space... which is good because that glitter is hard to get off.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming this will be aimed at the casual fan, but who has seen all the films. Not the guys who can recite wookiepedia alphabetically from memory. There will be elements that give a nod and a wink to those superfans, but that level won't be required to enjoy the experience. OTOH, it WON'T be for the people who are not fans of SW. That would be a waste of your time and money, to stay "just so you can say you stayed at every disney resort", as some people do.

Totally agree. But I think the Super Fans will be the most in attendance in the beginning. These jerks are hell at Christmas..imagine fighting them to get to their Mecca.

I will be there as close to opening as possible.. hopefully opening weekend depending on what week of the year it is. I'm fully expected to be surrounded by mega nerds, but I also know there will be plenty of families on the same level as my family..and just as dedicated to get that reservation for their children.
Do they really need to stick to the gimmick that closely in every room though? I'd think a not insignificant number of people would like to stay at the hotel but have some fresh air and sunshine. They could probably even charge extra for it if they wanted.

Hey, we're in agreement on a subject!!
The claustrophobic feeling could easily be eliminated by a glass dome pool though.
I guess we'll see.


Well-Known Member
I'd think that has a potential for disaster, not everyone is going to want to play along 24 hours a day. It would make more sense to have the "interactive" breakfast at set time like you say, but then everyone else can show up when they want. Especially at the prices they're going to charge, I can imagine people losing their minds if they're late to breakfast and don't get to eat.

Yeah, I know.. that was "storyline". For those prices, I'm sure you'll be able to access food 24/7. And I also suspect there will be multiple "paths" you can take.. from disinterested observer, to participant.

It just makes more sense to me to theme the rally points to the experience, considering the blurb and concept art, rather than jar people out of it with an announcement that
"sword fight darth vader is on the lido deck.. conference room C in 20 minutes!"


Well-Known Member
It's not a hotel. It's a two day show/ride/experience.

I'm betting there won't be any window. Just like there aren't windows below decks on the ships.. but there are fake portholes, which nemo and ariel zip by now and then.

I guess we'll see, but it's hard to imagine Disney turning down the money of people who would pay through the nose to stay there but still want to vacation at their own speed.


Well-Known Member
I guess we'll see, but it's hard to imagine Disney turning down the money of people who would pay through the nose to stay there but still want to vacation at their own speed.

If the 200 rooms is an accurate number, they won't have any trouble filling it with people who want the experience. I expect this will be booked solid 5 years out the day reservations open. And I'll be ed because I got on the phone 5 minutes too late.

I think (some) people are viewing this as a themed resort hotel. It's not, at least as presented. We'll see. But I can't see anyone spending the ridiculous amount this will cost to sleep there, hang out at the pool, and head to the parks during the day.. or run to V&A for dinner.


Well-Known Member
Do they really need to stick to the gimmick that closely in every room though? I'd think a not insignificant number of people would like to stay at the hotel but have some fresh air and sunshine. They could probably even charge extra for it if they wanted.
It's not a "gimmick," it's the entire reason anyone would ever stay there. What you're asking for is akin to saying they should let you pick a cabin with windows on Mission: Space.

How would that even work? How would you be staying on a Star Cruiser and then... walk outside?

I guess we'll see, but it's hard to imagine Disney turning down the money of people who would pay through the nose to stay there but still want to vacation at their own speed.
They're going to fill the place every single day with people who want to vacation at the speed of the story. The "own pace" people will stay elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
It's not a "gimmick," it's the entire reason anyone would ever stay there. What you're asking for is akin to saying they should let you pick a cabin with windows on Mission: Space.

How would that even work? How would you be staying on a Star Cruiser and then... walk outside?

They're going to fill the place every single day with people who want to vacation at the speed of the story. The "own pace" people will stay elsewhere.

I don't live in the cabin in mission space, I ride it for a few minutes. I'm sure there's lots of people that want to stay there and enjoy the experience and dont need to be dragged in to playing pretend 24/7. I'm one of them.


Well-Known Member
If the 200 rooms is an accurate number, they won't have any trouble filling it with people who want the experience. I expect this will be booked solid 5 years out the day reservations open. And I'll be ****ed because I got on the phone 5 minutes too late.

I think (some) people are viewing this as a themed resort hotel. It's not, at least as presented. We'll see. But I can't see anyone spending the ridiculous amount this will cost to sleep there, hang out at the pool, and head to the parks during the day.. or run to V&A for dinner.

You can offer a complete experience while also allowing free time. I just don't see the 2 as being mutually exclusive.

I highly doubt you will be paired with other people, at all times, from early am til bedtime.

Was it announced anywhere that it would literally be that way? That guests won't have any time -outside of in their rooms sleeping, to enjoy alone time or time with their own family?


Well-Known Member
Because their kids begged them to take them.

Bingo. I'm a Star Wars fan now, mostly because of my kid's level of excitement for Star Wars. But I'm sure there are other families where one of the parents may not be very into it, but their kid is, and their spouse is.. these people will still go.

Even with me being a fan, I still want a few minutes to take a run, a swim, or just sit with a cup of coffee where I choose. And I'm still willing to pay the price, and still want to be part of the overall experience.

I don't think I can be the only person who feels that way. I think it will be most people.


Well-Known Member
Do they offer a walking path on Big Thunder Mountain for those that don't want to ride the fast train?

Not that I know of.

Well, I guess they have areas for CMs to walk and evacuation lanes. Seems unnecessary though, most people would just avoid the ride.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Bob said it, not me. I just posted his quote. :D Personally, I think they're looking to push the envelope on this one.
Maybe you decide to opt in or out at check in. If you opt in, you and your family will be woken at 2am with a klaxon going off in your rooms and blaster fire outside your windows. Kind of like a fire drill. If you opt out, you get to sleep. I'm going with opt out.

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