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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I like reading stuff like this when LTHS gets to preform at PAC, (texas) So cool for those students.




Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Are they allowed to have phones at school? When I was in middle school we weren't allowed to have them. I remember one time in class a girl's phone started ringing. Our teacher took her phone, answered it and had a conversation. It was really funny and the girl was completely embarrassed. After that she didn't bring her phone to school.

Yep. It is a whole new world. Our HS allows students to check messages etc during passing times too. Our Primary and Elementary schools do not even have pay phones anymore. General lack of payphones anywhere anymore. Times they are a changing. It started changing in 2001 around here for HS and Middle Schools.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well since we're all family I'll tell you. (Only my ex and mom know.) Right before I was pregnant I suffered optic neuritis and went blind in my right eye. The doc was unsure if my sight would come back but it did after three months. One of the main causes is MS, which runs in my family. So after a CT and MRI, they found I had two brain lesions. Not enough for a definite MS diagnosis though I still made trips to the MS clinic and learned a lot. One, take excellent care of my eyes and two, no rides where the G's or ride motion will rattle my brain. It took a long time for the lesions to heal and I'm not pressing my luck for them to come back. So there's a handful of rides I can't do at WDW but I'm okay with that.

It was shortly after Rock'n opened and we were at the bus stop at the FQ talking with a family about rides, the Dad being a neurosurgeon. My DH was telling him how bad his head reacted to Rock'n last year and to Rock'n and the Doc told him not to ride again. The G forces taking their toll on some more than others.

You are wise to forego those rides.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
In other news.. I'm annoyed. Just when I was about to get some packages that I was waiting months ago (curse our post service).
I noticed the packages were always in "with delivery courier" but for a week nothing came.
so decided to call.. and they tell me that their delivery courier took who knows how many days free because of personal reasons and they had noone to deliver packages or mail.
Can you imagine being 2-3 weeks with no email, not even important stuff like credit cards? :|

anyway, I went to the post office (kinda far). And got one of my packages.. the second might arrive tomorrow.. the third in 2 weeks.

So how come you didn't nab all three?


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I watched him from the beginning in '82, but, haven't watched him regularly in 2 decades or so, and, not at all in probably the last 15 years.
May watch tonight, though...

While the last month has been great he really changed after his heart surgery. Something happened there and he went from funny to surly IMO. I didn't watch much since then.


Well-Known Member
Yup, we used to watch Leno. Then Leno went off, and my dad turned on Letterman. I didn't fin him particularly funny. Leno, IMO, was funnier.

Now my mom and I watch Fallon. I think my parents are watching Letterman's final episode, but I'm in bed already, so...

In his heyday Letterman was fantastic. Past few years not so much. I've never liked Leno. First he did Letterman wrong then he stabbed Conan in the back. There's a reason Johnny Carson appeared on Letterman and continued to write jokes for Letterman until he died butt did not do the same for Leno. I loved it when Jimmy Kimmel took Leno to task on his own show. When I do watch late night television I usually watch Kimmel.



Well-Known Member
In his heyday Letterman was fantastic. Past few years not so much. I've never liked Leno. First he did Letterman wrong then he stabbed Conan in the back. There's a reason Johnny Carson appeared on Letterman and continued to write jokes for Letterman until he died butt did not do the same for Leno. I loved it when Jimmy Kimmel took Leno to task on his own show. When I do watch late night television I usually watch Kimmel.

My parents only ever thought that Letterman was okay. My dad is a huge Leno fan. It was disappointing because he came to Baltimore when we were in WDW in January, otherwise my mom and I would have gotten him tickets to see Leno.

I don't think it was really Leno that stabbed Conan in the back so much as it was NBC that stabbed every one of them in the back. That network is not too bright.

As a sidenote, while Conan seems like a perfectly nice guy, I cannot stand his humor. We'll be watching Big Bang Theory, and as soon as Conan comes on, we flip it off as quickly as possible.

I've never really watched Kimmel. If I'm going to watch late night TV now, I watch some of Fallon and then flip to Golden Girls reruns.


Well-Known Member
For whatever reason I never bonded with Leno, his humor was lost on me.
He used to have this segment on his show called "Headlines". Basically, people would send him in these botched newspaper printings, coupons, ads, etc., and he would read them on the show. That segment used to have me in stitches. Even if I had missed the show, I would get on and watch the clip.

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