What is that dirt section at SSR?


Well-Known Member
To the 5th Gate...which is in a different dimension...THE TWILIGHT ZONE
No, that's at DHS. But no monorail (yet).

EDIT - The Fifth Gate will share the same four dimensions (height, width, depth, time) as the rest of WDW. There are at least two large developable undeveloped pieces real estate at WDW reserved for it. Rumor has it that plans were almost put into motion several years ago to build an ESPN-branded action and sports park next to and incorporating the current ESPN sports complex.
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When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Peter is our local monorail expansion and transportation infrastructure guru and has the unique ability to tie most any thread to those topics. It's really a gift.
Yeah, but at least he's not obnoxious about it, and rarely gets into heated arguments.
Passion is a good thing. And I love a good conspiracy theory.

@PeterAlt - I don't know if I missed it, but I still haven't heard how your Epcot mission went. Details, please.

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
Peter is our local monorail expansion and transportation infrastructure guru and has the unique ability to tie most any thread to those topics. It's really a gift.

You must feel very self important?........you mock the guy rudely for nothing more then offering his views and opinions......

Frankly I don't agree with him on everything, but the possibility of a expansion of the monorail is not impossible. No one here has produced evidence its not, only rude opinion.

I guess since you seem to *know it all*, he should just bow down and worship you?



Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Peter is our local monorail expansion and transportation infrastructure guru and has the unique ability to tie most any thread to those topics. It's really a gift.

You must feel very self important?........you mock the guy rudely for nothing more then offering his views and opinions......

Frankly I don't agree with him on everything, but the possibility of a expansion of the monorail is not impossible. No one here has produced evidence its not, only rude opinion.

I guess since you seem to *know it all*, he should just bow down and worship you?

I saw no mocking....but then again I'm not certain at whom you are aiming those barbs.

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
Tonka's Skipper said:
Peter is our local monorail expansion and transportation infrastructure guru and has the unique ability to tie most any thread to those topics. It's really a gift.

You must feel very self important?........you mock the guy rudely for nothing more then offering his views and opinions......

Frankly I don't agree with him on everything, but the possibility of a expansion of the monorail is not impossible. No one here has produced evidence its not, only rude opinion.

I guess since you seem to *know it all*, he should just bow down and worship you?

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I saw no mocking....but then again I'm not certain at whom you are aiming those barbs.
unkadug, 9 minutes ago Report

Sorry Unkadug, I should have been clearer, It was *Hakunamatata*. I was referring to previous threads where Peter is rudely and mockingly been put down just for offering his views on a expanded Monorail, repeatedly.

Peter has always been polite. Yet a few make sport of him.



Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Sorry Unkadug, I should have been clearer, It was *Hakunamatata*. I was referring to previous threads where Peter is rudely and mockingly been put down just for offering his views on a expanded Monorail, repeatedly.

Peter has always been polite. Yet a few make sport of him.


I don't think that @hakunamatata was mocking Peter, but then again ulterior motives were never my forte.

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
No problem,

I just could never understand why just because it is unlikely that the Monorail system would be expanded, why some posters need to attach the person that thinks it will be!


Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
Tonka's Skipper said:
No problem,

I just could never understand why just because it is unlikely that the Monorail system would be expanded, why some posters need to attack the person that thinks it will be!

Click to expand...
hakunamatata, 18 minutes ago Report

Not a intelligent response, however very typical when someone is in the wrong and has nothing they can say.



A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Tonka's Skipper said:
No problem,

I just could never understand why just because it is unlikely that the Monorail system would be expanded, why some posters need to attack the person that thinks it will be!

Click to expand...
hakunamatata, 18 minutes ago Report

Not a intelligent response, however very typical when someone is in the wrong and has nothing they can say.

People can have plenty to say and still be in the wrong.....


Liker of Things
Premium Member
@Tonka's Skipper - I've played along with @PeterAlt in his threads a few times...I think one of Peter's good points is that he is very good natured about any ribbing he may get as is @hakunamatata. I think @hakunamatata would back down if it seemed like Peter had his feelings hurt. If anything, Mr. Alt seems to really step it up into high gear to prove everyone wrong which is really cool in its own way. I understand your concern though. Things can get lost in translation on message boards. If you're ribbing someone in real life, you have immediate feedback from facial expressions and the like which we miss here. Nonetheless, I've seen @hakunamatata's posts for years and I'm sure if he felt like he was really bothering Mr. Alt he would back down. I really haven't seen any sign that he bothers Peter. However, I've been in your (AKK's) position before where I'm not sure if certain posters are playing together well, but typically follow up posts reveal all is well about 97.3% of the time. The other 2.7% of the time there are tons of deleted posts and it seems as though @JenniferS was engaged in some kind of knock down drag out and you wonder what kind of mess could have been going on to drag one of the board's nicest members into aformentioned brawl.
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Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
I agree, .no problem.......... but the attacks and mocking comments does nothing to support a opposing view point, in fact it only makes those posters seem childish and rude.


Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
@Tonka's Skipper - I've played along with @PeterAlt in his threads a few times...I think one of Peter's good points is that he is very good natured about any ribbing he may get as is @hakunamatata. I think @hakunamatata would back down if it seemed like Peter had his feelings hurt. If anything, Mr. Alt seems to really step it up into high gear to prove everyone wrong which is really cool in its own way. I understand your concern though. Things can get lost in translation on message boards. If you're ribbing someone in real life, you have immediate feedback from facial expressions and the like which we miss here. Nonetheless, I've seen @hakunamatata's posts for years and I'm sure if he felt like he was really bothering Mr. Alt he would back down. I really haven't seen any sign that he bothers Peter. However, I've been in your (AKK's) position before where I'm not sure if certain posters are playing together well, but typically follow up posts reveal all is well about 97.3% of the time. The other 2.7% of the time there are tons of deleted posts and it seems as though @JenniferS was engaged in some kind of knock down drag out and you wonder what kind of mess could have been going on to drag one of the boards nicest members into aformentioned brawl.
Hello George,

I can see your point , but I also see the tone in Peters post change. Does the fact he's good natured about the attacks (sorry the comments I have seen are far beyond ribbing) make them right?

Bullying is bullying!



A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Hello George,

I can see your point , but I also see the tone in Peters post change. Does the fact he's good natured about the attacks (sorry the comments I have seen are far beyond ribbing) make them right?

Bullying is bullying!

And obsessing is obsessing....


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Please explain obsessing has to do with this?

Or is it that the bully's don't like being proved they are just that?
Perhaps his posts wouldn't garner the response they do if the notion of monorail expansion wasn't brought up by him in nearly every thread he posts in, regardless of the topic....


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I think @PeterAlt would admit that he obsesses about monorails at WDW. Nothing wrong with that. If he does feel bullied I would encourage him to communicate that thought via PM to anyone who he thinks is bullying him. Actually, I'd encourage anyone to do this since most of the folk at wdwmagic are nice and you do miss all kinds of nuances that are present in a face to face conversation. I admit I'm not the best person to talk to about this since not much bothers me. I am aware of this and since I do like to joke around I don't make it personal unless I'm 100% certain it doesn't bother the person (*crossing fingers and hoping that @Monty hasn't been crying himself to sleep at night after a strings of bad Canadian jokes*).


Well-Known Member
His monorail discussions are often solicited. I like them.

btw, not that everything a CM tells you is true, on an Epcot tour backstage I was told that area to the west and north of Living Seas/Land is emergency water containment for the Seas itself with water treatment to the east of that and the old Living Seas/United Technologies logo'd helipad to the south of the overflow containment.

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