What's the most surprising thing you've seen at Disney


Active Member
The amount of women nursing on benches in the middle of the parks. I don't know if it's "legal" in WDW, but I've never seen them talked to by anyone official. I know it's sort of acceptable these days but I just don't get it; my mother didn't do it and whoever mothers my children will not do it.

you can't be serious. A mother was feeding her child?????? How shocking!!!


Well-Known Member
We encountered this very thing by the little cove at the exit of the Everest Fastpass machines exit. It was broad daylight and these folks were puff, puff, passing.
Same with us! Right next to the Everest fastpass, 3 guys passing it around. I guess that's a good place for them to do it O.o


Well-Known Member
The amount of women nursing on benches in the middle of the parks. I don't know if it's "legal" in WDW, but I've never seen them talked to by anyone official. I know it's sort of acceptable these days but I just don't get it; my mother didn't do it and whoever mothers my children will not do it.

The nerve of that woman to feed her child in public! I can't believe they didn't arrest her! What a brazen hussy...


Well-Known Member
With me, it was in the MK near Peter Pans Flight. There were these 2 kids, college age id say, all smoking some illegal substances. In broad daylight, strolling through the park with their pants pulled down to their knees. They were cursing loudly and being disrespectful. We told the nearest CM, but I don't know what happened after that


Active Member
I have to preface this with saying I have an uncontrollable urge to laugh when I see people trip or fall (unless it looks really bad or painful, I swear!). I have tried to restrain it over the years, but I don't know if it's a nervous thing or what, but I literally cannot help myself. It's not that I don't care if someone is hurt or embarassed, it's an uncontrollable urge.

So last trip we were waiting in line for the Safari at AK. There were these two kids a few people ahead of us, about ages 7-9, who were just WILD. Very anxious, excitable, and of course, the parents could not have cared less. So the girl ran underneath the rope that separates the line and the landscaping, and it was a bit of a hill. She was running up and down, up and down, up and down, until finally I guess she had enough momentum and couldn't stop herself and clotheslined herself on the line rope. She got up seconds later, looking a bit frazzled, saying 'I'm fine! I'm fine!"

At that point, my sister and I literally fell to the ground in tears we were laughing to hard. I fell to the ground. I had enough class to turn away from the child (lol) while I laughed, but I laughed so hard I was crying for the rest of the 10 minute wait. Thinking about it now, I am laughing. My husband and mother were mortified at my sister and myself laughing, but I could not stop.

Now the argument could be made: which was the worse thing? The misbehaving child who clotheslined herself, or the 2 adults who almost peed their pants laughing at it? :D

I'm laughing over here just thinking about it, how could you not? I would have done the exact same thing! I probably would have been laughing so hard that I wouldn't be able to get back off the ground! Hopefully that'll teach her not to act like that again.


Super structures are my specialty!
Premium Member
I was walking from the parking lot to Downtown Disney with Mrs M as we were on our way to see 'La Nouba'. I saw these two figures ahead, one tall and one small. As we got closer (they were heading towards us) I thought "What the ....". The woman was all in black with bright red lipstick and had on a mini skirt, a garter belt, black fishnet stockings and really high heels. Her chest area was quite well displayed also and she had a lead with a dwarf attached on the other end who was also in black with a spikey collar. As we passed the dwarf ignored me however the lady said "Hello". As I said "hello" back, Mrs M gave me a look that said "Under no circumstances are you stopping and having a conversation with this woman".

To this day I have no idea what the whole thing was about but possibly would guess they were on their way to Pleasure Island or had seen a concert at The House of Blues?
I literally laughed out loud repeatedly reading this. I could completely see my wife having a very similar reaction and giving me a look that could turn me to stone. Seeing a sight like that is not that uncommon in certain areas. However with a background of a Disney owned property it would certainly catch one off guard. Priceless!


Well-Known Member
I was walking from the parking lot to Downtown Disney with Mrs M as we were on our way to see 'La Nouba'. I saw these two figures ahead, one tall and one small. As we got closer (they were heading towards us) I thought "What the ....". The woman was all in black with bright red lipstick and had on a mini skirt, a garter belt, black fishnet stockings and really high heels. Her chest area was quite well displayed also and she had a lead with a dwarf attached on the other end who was also in black with a spikey collar. As we passed the dwarf ignored me however the lady said "Hello". As I said "hello" back, Mrs M gave me a look that said "Under no circumstances are you stopping and having a conversation with this woman".

To this day I have no idea what the whole thing was about but possibly would guess they were on their way to Pleasure Island or had seen a concert at The House of Blues?

Maybe she was just a dwarf wrangler and lost her horse. Its a cuthroat field of work. ;)

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
The amount of women nursing on benches in the middle of the parks. I don't know if it's "legal" in WDW, but I've never seen them talked to by anyone official. I know it's sort of acceptable these days but I just don't get it; my mother didn't do it and whoever mothers my children will not do it.
After going on safari in Africa, being transported into the 5th dimension, being attacked by pirates, seeing 999 happy haunts, going off to Neverland, etc. the most surprising thing you saw was breastfeeding?

Oh, and here's a little tip for you: the mother of your children will decide about breastfeeding, not you. ;)


Well-Known Member
After going on safari in Africa, being transported into the 5th dimension, being attacked by pirates, seeing 999 happy haunts, going off to Neverland, etc. the most surprising thing you saw was breastfeeding?

Oh, and here's a little tip for you: the mother of your children will decide about breastfeeding, not you. ;)
Not that I need to defend my opinion, but oh well...it's the internet

I never said I was against breast feeding. I never even said I was against breast feeding in public. What I am against are women sitting on a very public bench, literally half-naked breast feeding. There is a big difference between a women who is discretely doing it (on a bench off the beaten path maybe, or using one of those cover things) versus a women letting it all hang out in the middle of one of the busiest places in the world.

And yes, the mother of my children will decide, but that women will have a moral compass that points her away from being exposed in public.


Well-Known Member
The amount of women nursing on benches in the middle of the parks. I don't know if it's "legal" in WDW, but I've never seen them talked to by anyone official. I know it's sort of acceptable these days but I just don't get it; my mother didn't do it and whoever mothers my children will not do it.

I used to feel the same way until I had children, and discovered that breastfeeding is not only beautiful, natural and entirely appropriate, but can be done in public very discreetly.

Also, I imagine "whoever mothers your children" might like a say in the matter oneday. ;)


Well-Known Member
The thing I saw that took me aback was a pretty blonde girl of about 13 or 14 walking with her parents and brother through Adventureland. They were speaking French, so I assume they were "international guests." The girl was wearing denim "shorts" that were cut from crotch to hip in the front and back, so that her buttcheeks were completely exposed. I'm not talking about a little bit of "butt cleavage" -- I mean everything but her buttcrack was visible.

I pointed it out to my husband and said, "Look -- so that's Tinkerbell's Magical Nook!"...


Well-Known Member
I think one guest I gave a good memory, speaking of breastfeeding, was my last time on HM. In the graveyard scene, my son started fussing so I did the mama thing and fed him. As the cars turn you can see in the buggy next to you. Some dude in the buggy in front of me looked over and his eyes bugged out his head! He was staring at me walking out and almost walked into a wall. And I was being quite discreet (and in the dark!) PS to all the boobie feeding comments, Disney is very openly one of the most breastfeeding friendly places in the world, so mothers feel safe there. Whip it out or be discreet, your call. In the course of a Disney day, you'll probably look at 400lb ladies in daisy dukes, hairy sweaty dudes in tank tops and pre-teens dressed like hookers. Not to mention apparently kids peeing in the grass! You can handle a little :)

My surprising moment was getting pooped on (and I mean COVERED) during Illuminations by geese in the trees in Mexico. All those cute ducks and geese in the lagoon? They sometimes get in the trees at night. And the fireworks can...startle them. My husband and I learned this the hard way when the finale started and the birds unleashed hell on us. We were so caught off guard we just took there laughing til the show was done. I got hilarious photos out of it!


Well-Known Member
Not that I need to defend my opinion, but oh well...it's the internet

I never said I was against breast feeding. I never even said I was against breast feeding in public. What I am against are women sitting on a very public bench, literally half-naked breast feeding. There is a big difference between a women who is discretely doing it (on a bench off the beaten path maybe, or using one of those cover things) versus a women letting it all hang out in the middle of one of the busiest places in the world.

And yes, the mother of my children will decide, but that women will have a moral compass that points her away from being exposed in public.

If you mean discreetly then fine. But your original comment was pretty blunt about women not breastfeeding. I have no problem with it at all as long as the woman does not sit down in full view of everyone and plop out the breast and allow every young child in the vicinity to get a good look. Adults should be able to handle it, but children do not need to see this until after the child starts feeding. However, sitting down in a very public place and breastfeeding is perfectly fine, and natural. I've just seen some women that take it to the extreme and blatantly cause a public spectacle just to dare someone to say something to them. My wife breast fed in public with both of our children and she did it discreetly and no one even bothered to give her "a look".


Well-Known Member
Standing on the International Gateway Bridge next to a tourist who was explaining to his party that YC/BC was Caribbean Beach Resort.

Waiting in a very long line for TSMM near a French family who thought it would be funny to make fun of all the over-weight people in line.. and sneeze on their hands and touch the railings. Friends, please remember the "dracula" - sneeze into your elbow!


Well-Known Member
The time when Gary Sinise made a, shall we say, "awkward" gesture during the candlelight processional.



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