WDW Audio Collector's Idea


Original Poster
I'm sure all of us on the message board have park audio of some description whether listening to streaming audio from various sites or you have it on your ipods or other mp3 media. I have a rather unique idea for how to construct your audio collection. If you have a mp3 or audio producing/construction software you may be able to do this a lot more easier especially if you have a really large collection. But for this project I use audio cassette tapes and a cassette recorder. I do this because for me it's what I prefer. You will also need all park maps/brochures and probably a monorail route sheet as well. Also an enlarged map of Magic Kingdom with railroad stop locations. If you have audio from retro attractions that are extinct you will probably need maps to those locations too. It's also important to have all the audio you are going to use. Whether that is vinyl records, tapes, cds or your hard drive because for this project the order is very essential. The way I go about my collection is I record disney music first on the tape. Choose a song that is very powerful to the disney name. It doesn't even have to be a park song, I chose the original Zip A Dee Do Dah song that Uncle Remus sings. Then I record Resort TV Audio as if you were sitting in the hotel room watching tv. Next use monorail audio. For this portion I generally record the ever famous most heard saying, "Please stand clear of the doors" first, as if you were really getting onto the train for real. It's important to go in the the correct direction/order. If you wanted to ride the monorail all the way around first use the audio you have and go in the correct order. Say your next destination is EPCOT. Use the audio you have for the EPCOT spiel next. I generally again use the audio of the please stand clear of the doors sound again to simulate that the doors are really going to close as you leave. Then use the EPCOT Entrance Medley since you are now in EPCOT. And I generally start with Spaceship Earth since it's closest to the entrance. Use the park maps that you have and record or order your audio as if you were really walking from one destination to the next. Once you have circled the entire park or half of it end it with your favorite nighttime parade audio such as Illuminations, Wishes, MSEP, Spectro or whatever else. Since you are simulating that it's actually night now. And to conclude your collection you can do the monorail thing again back to the TTC. I like using audio tapes because I can control what I record and I can listen to these tapes when I'm falling asleep at night. You are essentially ordering the audio as if you were really there. By the time you are done you have a really neat vacation collection from start to finish. I really like my collection and the way that it's done.

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