Things non-disney people think is weird


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Original Poster
Ok so As I was driving to work the other day with the Pre-illuminations Music blaring in my car(that is the best) and I thought to myself Normal people who don't get the whole love for Disney just would not get it.....They don't get the listening to the Walt Disney World park Soundtrack, or pehaps having Disney resort Tv loop playing in your car(its the old one too with the Tip Of the Day oh sooooo good!!)
Is just a bit.. well.. weird to them, but not you guys, its all normal.. or watching old Disney World vaction planning videos, oh those old ones are great!!! Feeling the need to go to the Disney Store , Just to get a cheap thrill (yes We are lucky to still have one and yes I do do that and almost every time tear up when I hear the overhead music or watch the show playing)...Oh I am sooo sad..But here I can admit that.. ..its normal here .Yes I could go on and on.

So my question is what is normal to us Disney nuts that you do but those other non Disney people think is weird. and perhaps you might not admit to them..Other than the obvious of our obsessive love for disney and coming here on this wonderful site(thanks Steve)....Daily or perhaps


Active Member
Things non Disney people think is weird huh?

Alot of people I know think it's weird/pointless/boring/dumb (any number of words like that) to go to the parks as much as we do. My wife and I live in Orlando and have been passholders for years, so we go frequently, and we love it!

Some people just can't see it as anything more than crowds and crowds of people. We see the crowds of people as happy folks on vacation making wonderful family memories, as we ourselves are making memories.

They think of waiting and waiting for "kiddie" rides. We wait for the same "kiddie" rides we rode with our parents and older siblings when we were kids, and we love riding them again and again.

They see the hot Florida sun, we welcome the Florida sun and the chance to get outside and get some fresh air, instead of being indoors at our desks at work.

They complain about overpriced and/or lousy "theme park" food, we cherish the memories of honeymoon and anniversary dinners at Cali Grill and Le Cellier, or eating outside at the restaurant in Tomorrowland with the view of the castle. Or a dimly lit table for 2 along the water in Mexico, or getting breakfast at Starring Rolls.

They see nothing more than Princesses and pirates, while we had a blast at the Pirate and Princess party!

They complain about paying to park, yeah it's steep but not for a passholder. Lol :lol:

They can't understand why we'd want to be on our feet all day, we know being on our feet all day means a day of seeing and experiencing the walking trails and AK, or the wonders of World Showcase, or ending a day with a round of mini putt at Winter Summerland.

They say all the parades are cheesy, and I say "Boo To You!"

Most seems to mention the kids - thousands of screaming whining kids everywhere. That's why we avoid Strollerville at all costs, I mean Toontown! Lol

I hear them say the monorail is another line to wait in, I say the monorail is the "highway in the sky!"

Yeah alot of people think we're a little strange because we go to the parks alot. But we have made alot of wonderful memories there and will continue to do so in the future. We'll take our kids there as soon as we have them, we'll take our parents there while we still have them and we'll take our brothers and sisters because we love them. We'll go to Epcot with friends because we want to eat food and drink wine with them.

Non Disney people think we go too much... but I don't think we go nearly enough.


Well-Known Member
It steams me to no end that people think of Disney as a place full of kiddie rides. My response, is no, that is what your local Chuck E. Cheese is. Disney is a place for *families*, and yes, there is a difference. Mainly, there is the fact that there are things to appeal to all ages on every attraction, even the ones which on the surface look geared towards kids.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
They do not get paying $100 for a soft serve machine just to have Dole Whips at home.

They do not understand the genius of bacon, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce and ranch dressing on fries.

They do not understand why I am paranoid about putting my elbows on the table.


New Member


klinski96, I think I love you!!! I do not know you, but in a way I do in that I feel like I wrote that myself. With the one exception, I live across the country and do not have the luxury you do of visiting at a whim. Jealous, party of one, Jealous :ROFLOL:

masteryoda, elbows on table . . . too funny!!!


Well-Known Member
I agree. I get the,"Why would you keep going back there, why not go to europe for that price?" reaction a lot. I say,"I am. And when I get bored I'll have lunch in china and dinner in canada and...!":shrug:
Well, to get back on topic...As a sound engineer in the corporate theater world, I use the Reflections of Earth soundtrack as my test music for tuning sound systems. I have created a simulation of the experience that you have at Epcot every night (from a musical point of view) and I start my track at +0:26:00 -- which is somewhat near the end of "Falling Through A Cloud" -- through the intro voice over and into the show soundtrack. I've even included the closing fireworks reports and a somewhat (although not completely) modern closing v.o. After that I let the track continue with "Promise" and, if I have a really large space to tune, "Tapestry".

Most of my crew have no idea why I do such a thing, but the truth of the matter is two-fold: 1.) I know the track extremely well and if I can hear all of the instrument voices where they are supposed to be and in the proper levels, then I know that the system is tuned correctly; and 2.) I REALLY enjoy the music!:D

Of course an added bonus is that I drive the folks I travel with absolutely nuts by doing it! Hey, we all have a little sadistic side to us...:fork::D


Well-Known Member
I still enjoy going to WDW and pretty much all things disney with the exception of the disney channel. But I am nowhere near as disneyfied as I once was. Maybe its because I am much older, but I remember I had the mindset that disney could do no wrong, now I see things way more realistically.

I remember the days I used to come to this site the first time I would get on the computer, I would love to read the rumors and just hear people talk about WDW. I remember checking it almost every half hour. Now, I barely come here, I still do a lot, but nowhere near as much as I once did. Well, for one, there are hardly that many juicy rumors floating around and disney is really no longer the center of my life anymore.

I still listen to disney music, but nowhere near as much as I do my other music. The only time I'm really listening to the WDW music and the music from the movies is usually when I am about to go back down there, other than that, I rarely listen to it.

So in all, I can see how it can be weird to jam to disney music all day long, whether its in your car or at work. I know most here probably do, but also have their favorate genre or artist they also love to listen to. I can also see why it can be a good stress reliever. But I am way more "normal" than what I used to be. And while I still love going to WDW and knowing all the facts and rumors and stuff, disney is not the first thing I think of when I wake up or the last thing I think of before I go to sleep.


New Member
Anything I do everyone thinks is weird.

LOL! Me too!! :D

I talk and discuss about Disney so much that my friends (who have never been to Disney or are just not fans) begin to yell and tell me to shut up....or they stop talking to me, lol.

My friend Amber and I go on about Disney ALL day though, she gets it.


Well-Known Member
when i complain to everyone at work that it isn't fair that they remove the villians from the parade

when i quote "spaceship earth" in daily conversation

when i quote "fantasmic" in daily conversation
or watch the video from both WDW and DL while at work. on a daily basis

i call my boyfriend "simba one" in public in a terrible accent
he does not appreciate it

when i watched "haunted mansion" with my boyfriend and pointed out every similarity between the movie and the ride.


New Member
Oh how many times I have used Walts quotes or quotes from rides in real conversation...they just fit! And they make people go "......what?"

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