The weather is here...I wish you were beautiful...or something like that!

Hello again, my WDWMagic peeps! Welcome back for another installment in the many adventures of SweetPee's family!

Not gonna get too organized or crazy piecing this one together. It's against the rules after such a kicked-back journey. If you don't know us yet, check out a few of the old reports in my signature. There's more than enough there for you to get to know us.

No big who, what, when, or where's for ya this time, either. Wanna know? Read more. Sometimes you just gotta go with what you get and enjoy the ride. Hope you'll come along. The more the merrier. Let's hit the highway yet again....:wave:


Let me tell you-I'm beginning to think I'm just too dumb for technology! I just lost a bunch of talk, talk, talk again!! I've got to figure out what I'm accidentally hitting! But let me try once more. I almost cried when y'all got off the ship-so sad it's over! It was like you knew that even though you could've stretched the last little while out some-it was just OVER-so let's just go! Horrible feeling. Then, when you got in the car, I remembered your doggy!! Yay for picking up pets after long vacation! I loved the pics and activities from Castaway Cay. Thanks to whoever (my apologies for not going back into report to see who said it-I have such bad luck losing my replies and I'm just plain scared!) said you could get bikes at one spot and return at another-it was not useless info at all. I am itching to cruise down there(when I am no longer poor as crap)and that would definitely sway my decision to take a bike ride.
Now. The lovely comment from the older couple about your boys.It made me cry and stuck in my head all day. I have lots to say here! Years ago I used to wait tables and one evening these 2 or 3 couples came in together with 5-7 kids following behind. (sorry for the blurry details-gettin' old) The adults got a booth and put the kids at table across from them. Right away I am dreading them. Adults that sit separate from the kids usually means they don't want to be bothered by their insanity...lucky me.These were the best kids I had/have ever took care of. They were probably ages 4-12, boys and girls, and were not just well behaved and polite but were so enjoyable to talk to. ALL of them. I felt really bad for judging them. Before they left I told their parents and them together all of that and more. I figured when your kids act like nuts someone will sure let you know about that...that you (and the kids themselves) should hear about it and get praised for it when they're great. I haven't thought about that in forever and certainly not since I've become a parent. Reading your experience and seeing it and my long ago one through my "Mommy eyes" makes me sooooo glad I told them now. It just seemed like the right thing to do at the time but it now seems like so much more!!! Like many others on here, I think your boys are fabulous. Back when I first started reading (lurking) your reports, that was what caught my attention. When I got pregnant I was sure it would be a girl. I played with girl cousins when growing up and babysat girl babies from girl cousins later. I was never around boys-didn't know a thing about them. Well until I went boy crazy in middle school but that's another story and I sure didn't learn anything useful about them then! Mine was still a baby when I was first reading your WDW adventures and I remember feeling more at ease about raising a boy from seeing you and yours. I am glad to know I am not the only one constantly second guessing every thing I do too. I know what I'm trying to accomplish but I'm always wondering if I'm going about it backwards. Or if what I hope to accomplish is all wrong for him. I do things a lot differently than my sis-in-laws and friends. So I don't get much support there. But even though I love their kids-they're great kids-they just aren't...well I can't explain it really. Like I said, they're great-but...but...well, heck, I don't know. I just know they aren't exactly raised like I want mine to be. They aren't raised bad. Just different. And all kids are different anyway. But I do stress over it all a lot. When I have moments of clarity I feel like as long as you love them and they can feel that love and you are devoted to raising them and being there for them...the rest is just fluff. Which brings me back to YOUR family. If those of us just reading about you can feel the love in your family...well, it sure must be great to be y'all and feel it up close and personal! My FREE unprofessional psychological opinion is that your son feels comfortable showing you both affection in public because he has seen that you do(and hubby) with them and with each other. They are surrounded by the love y'all have together and for them and that makes it easier for them to express it. I also see some of the sweet ways they treat you and things they do for you and say KUDOS to Tracey (I think it's spelled with an e-sorry if not-again, I am NOT going back into report to check-too risky). Boys love their Moms but they learn that respect and how to treat you from watching Daddy...and we all know Daddy treats you GOOD! Personally, I was hooked on the last trip when he went out of his way to go get you Starbucks!!! Great fella! Well that's all the mush and gush I got for you! Can't wait for you to travel again! Hurry up!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for writing this awesome TR! I truly enjoyed reading about your family adventures and it sounds like you all had a wonderful time together!

Can I ask you some advice? I am at the moment thinking about booking a cruise on DCL for next year. I am torn between a 7-day on the Fantasy and a 5-day on the Wonder - both to the Caribbean. I find it interesting that your first DCL cruise was on one of the new ships and your second one on one of the older ones and was wondering what your opinions are comparing these two.

My thoughts are that I would prefer the 7-day cruise (more time to relax), but think I would prefer the smaller ship. But then there is that Disney fan in me that really wants to see all the neat things on the new ships. But then the cruise on the Wonder is considerably cheaper than the Fantasy (not only in total as it is shorter, but also per night).

Any input would be very much appreciated!


Active Member
Ok, I should have taken always I love your T.R.' are a great at these things and I'm glad you decided to do one again...I know there was a time that you weren't sure you would. And I think it's funny that you've fell in love with Disney cruises being such a beachy girl and all ;)

You look great even after four days of eating... I've been working on losing weight since january to get down to be able to wear a bikini....enjoy that you can wear one after eating whatever you want! I was a little disappointed by the lack of men stories when you wore that dress again, hahaha! You rocked it girl, and kuddos to the pirate outfit! So cute!

The story the man and women coming up to you at dinner brought tears to my sweet..really that's the biggest compliment I think someone could give. At the end of the day, it's not how much money one has or how good someone looks, it's about family and love. Be proud my friend! My baby boy is four and all those things you describe in your boys sloppy kisses are so Mom always taught me never to wish my children's life away...and I haven't (except those baby nights we were up with fevers). And the fart story was the funniest! When my son was about 3 years old and farted at the zoo when he was with my Mom, turns around (with lots of people around) and says really loud, Granny you farted! My Mom was so embarrassed but wanted to laugh because it was funny how he completely blamed her, it was so unexpected!

I love the Keys pictures, as many times as I've been to the Keys I think those are some of the best pics I've seen! I'm sure I'm forgetting so many things I wanted to remember, but I'm sure most things already been said


Active Member
Oh and if you like peach, put a little shot of peach schnapps in your sweet tea vodka...yum...i was at Howl in the Moon in Orlando and they offer that as a drink (skinny tea) it has become one of my favorite drinks to make at home. I just use unsweet tea, shot of Firefly sweet tea vodka and a shot of peach schnapps!


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I'm so sorry for dropping the ball on responding. So rude of me! We did finally get moved and I even unpacked the last of the lingering boxes I refused to look at that were in my room just tonight. LOL! So here goes!

I know I will forget a lot of what I wanted to say but here goes....

Love your pics of CC! I want to be back there so bad! I agree that the food was just ok. Good idea to go back to the ship for lunch. We might try that next time! And you still look great in your bikini! I can't even pull off a two piece. Oh wait a minute, yes I can, the kind that hides your stomach and has a skirt for the bottom! :lookaroun Even with all this running....oy. I don't think I will ever have a bikini bod! :lol:

I so wanted a CC 5k tee but all they had when we were there were XL and 2 XL. Ugh!

I think next time we will probably do Topsiders for our last breakfast. Is the spread as good as a regular buffet breakfast? Our last breakfast was not good at all.

Your pup is so cute! And that is a look of pure happiness to to be back with the family! The worst part of going on vacation is leaving my furkids! There were actually 2 therapy dogs (a lab and a zu) on the cruise we went on. One was a seeing eye dog and not sure what the other was for. They had a little wading pool with sod set up on deck 4 near where the mechanical rooms were. At first, I didn't know what it was for, than I saw doggie bags there later. :lol:

Ah yes, the $90 parking fee! But it was kind of worth it to have the car right there. We could have taken the free hotel shuttle but didn't want to be waiting around for it.

I know how you feel! All during our recent move I'd get so sick of it all and try so hard to wish myself back to Key West or CC. It's heaven on earth, isn't it?

I can't wear a real bikini. No way. There's too much that'd be all loose and flyin'. I go for stuff that's skirted for sure! And it looks so cute & girly! Back in my younger years I had the killer picture-perfect bod that could rock the little string thing. Age and carrying babies killed that. LOL!

We'll be back at CC at the end of September. Would you like for me to look for you a 5k tshirt? PM me what size you need and I'll fetch it for you. No prob!

I thought the Topsiders spread was every bit as good as any WDW breakfast spread. I can't really compare it to other meals at Topsiders since we didn't go for any other meal than that last one. We find it easier to move at our own speed on our last morning. Even with us using DCL transfers back to the airport on our upcoming Dream cruise I'm still not sure we'll go to the dining room for our last breakfast. I think we need it to be more low-key and less-scheduled to choke back that heartache of leaving.

I know! The boys have asked me if I could bring Riley would I. I dunno. Part of the vacation is not having to have the responsibility of her daily care just like I look forward to not having to figure out what's for dinner, keep the laundry done, the house picked up, etc. etc. I could see where having her would be wonderful but then it'd also take away from the escape. Letting go is tough. Coming home sure is sweet! Definitely takes the edge off the crash to reality to have your pup so ecstatic to see you.

$90 to park...**sigh** But you're right. It is worth it to have your car right there just steps away. Less fuss. Just get in and go. We like parking in a structure because it also helps keep the car from getting so unGodly hot. Ugh!

Awesome TR, Kelly! Looks like you guys definitely had an awesome time!!

I sooo want to go parasailing! We debated doing it at WDW last year but we opted not to. Hopefully someday soon. It is on my bucket list! CC looks like a great place to do it. Nothing better than overlooking the ship and that crystal blue water!!

I will agree with you that dogs have a personality and express feelings. My mom's little pup smiles whenever you talk to her. You can tell it's a legit smile. It's so flippin cute. It was really hard for my sister to leave her pup when we went last month. He's like her baby. Just turned 3 yesterday! :D

Thanks! We did have an amazing time!

Parasailing is definitely something to try! I loved it!

I understand how your sis feels. When we got Riley the guys were still in public school and Tracey had to work. It was just me & the puppy trying to figure it all out. Just like with the babies, I figured out how to get thru it all and it made me that much closer to the little stinker. I cared for her much like I did my babies which has made me soooo attached. So I totally can relate to your sis leaving her pup. It's her baby just like Riley is mine. My mom jokes that I had to buy a puppy to get the girl I wanted so bad. LOL!

After reading this, I may be inspired to post a report I wrote for my mom's reading enjoyment from our 2010 "honeymoon" (really anniversary, but we refer to them as honeymoons) trip. It's difficult for me to write reports since we don't do a whole heck of a lot (DH has a neck injury which keeps him in bed a good part of the day...we are on the ship more to relax than anything else). That report was for our 10th anniversary and has a few really special moments included in it, so it makes for better reading than "we spent a good deal of time in the stateroom." LOL!

I loved reliving the cruise through your report, Kelly! And honestly, you look fabulous in all your pics!

Aw, Cindy! I'm so glad you WERE inspired to post your report. I enjoyed reliving it thru your perspective during our miserable move. And thanks for the sweet comments about my pics. I'm so self-conscious so it really is an exercise of "letting go" to even post the pics of me regardless of what I think of them.

Oh yes! I forgot to add also that we would love to try parasailing one day. The price was a bit off-putting to us this time around though. Maybe if we skip doing an excursion in Nassau next time. It wouldn't have matter anyway because none of the excursions went out from CC due to wind.

Definitely try parasailing when you can. It's amazing!


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A shout out!! :sohappy::sohappy: How much do you rock? Well, you already know ;) I love that when you see Coast Guard, you think of us!!

So yes, there are Navy and CG bases on Key West, and the air bases in Miami and I think Clearwater deploy over Key West. Rough life, eh? Of course the deploying would have zilch to do with us, but it would always be a good excuse to drive down and meet the hubby.

I'm so loving the portion about Key West. I have always wanted to go and now I am NUTS to go! I don't know if it is because I am really missing the warm weather or the real beach. We live a block or two from the beach here in NW Oregon but I gotta tell you...hoodies at the beach kind of takes the magic out of it. And all these fools who come here to "visit the beach" have no clue. My beach is Florida plain and simple. If we're getting specific, the Gulf all the way. But anyway I've said to much...can you tell I'm sick and tired of the cold? :veryconfu

That being said, if you ever need a summer vacation to cool down from the Texas heat, and want to get away from the big city, I can recommend some great places on the NW Coast. There is a lot of beauty here. And random know the awesome cult smash hit movie The Goonies that we all grew up on? It was filmed here. I could take a picture of it today if you wanted because my son goes to school a block away. Weird huh? "Heyyyyy you guyyyyyys!!!"

Ok and on a totally off-topic note, I just found out...I got into the nursing program!! Woohoo!!! I'm going to be a nurse!:sohappy::sohappy: (Unfortunately it means I have to stay here in the cold longer but it won't matter...I will be spending all of my time in the hospital doing clinicals).

Ok off to get ready for my day. Gonna read page 6 and on later this afternoon! Loving it Kelly!! :wave:

Yes! When I see CG I think of you! And now my awesome little tenants in our house! I love the coasties!

I love hoodies at the beach! What are you saying?! I'd rather wear a hoodie than be cooking from the inside out. Ugh! I'm sure I'd feel different if that's all I had, tho. That said, I soooo wish I could head up there for a summer cool down. And OMG! You live where the Goonies was filmed?! Talk about reliving a piece of my childhood! I would love that!!!!

Congrats on your nursing program! So does this totally kill the girls cruise for sure??? I guess if it does it's for the bestest reason there could be but still, I'll miss yoooouuu! We'll need to do another cruise so once you're done with school we can celebrate! Yeah!

End of trip story crasher sorry! But I just spent almost two hours reading your terrific trip report. Then to cap it off I saw you have a Min Schnauzer like the one I used to have (13 years of love) and I said to myself-this is a true Disney kindred spirit all the way.

Best regards and I will look forward to DW trip reports from you in the future. Thanks

You're no crasher! You hit the party at the crescendo! Just the use of the term "kindred spirit" means something in addition to Disney love & schnauzery love. Anne of Green Gables & Anne of Avonlea are 2 of my all-time favorite movies and Anne finds many a "kindred spirit" in her adventures. So yay for finding each other!

More reports shall be forthcoming! The hubs "surprised" me over the weekend with a call from Mickey informing me he'd be seeing me real soon in the Bahamas. We're going on a kid-free 3-day Dream cruise at the end of September to celebrate our anniversary! Woot! Report shall follow!

You are a fabulous writer! I have been enjoying your trip report for the last few days and I can tell that you write it as you feel it. Such a great, easy read!
This New England girl has to wait until May, 2013 to be on Disney soil again and your trip report has soothed my restless Disney spirit! I can't wait to read your other trip reports...and you know what? You have inspired me to maybe look into doing a Disney cruise. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have really moved me!
And btw, you have a beautiful family! :)

Oh thank you! What an amazing compliment! That goes for my writing and my family! Thank YOU! Definitely give the cruises a little consideration. It's a whole new kind of Disney vacation!

What a fantastic trip report (as always) :sohappy:

Thank you!

Nooooooooo!!!! It can't be over!!! :cry: It stinks how quickly a wonderful vacation is left in the back window. No bueno :(

That sunset leaving Key West was amazing! Truly incredible! It makes me want to be a pirate on the high seas :cool:

Wow, I can't believe Brian got up super early to watch the sunrise. How cool is that??

LOVED the dinner pictures with you in your beautiful cream dress!! All of them were awesome!

Drinks and stashing rice krispie treats...girl we should hang out ;)

I totally LOLed when I saw your Goonies shirts!!! I left my earlier comment before I even saw them! One more thing we have in common! In fact here, June 7th is officially "Goonies Day". People come in throngs to check it out!

What a wonderful, awesome trip report!! I really need to go on a cruise!!

After your last comment I did some googling and saw all the stuff about Goonies Day!!! OMG! I so wanna go to one of those! I loved the Goonies. It was the stuff we all dreamed of as kids. Seriously. I mean, who didn't want to go down those water slides & land in a pool that has a real pirate ship RIGHT THERE?!?! And didn't we all know a kid like Mouth, Data, Chunk, Mikey, etc. etc.??? We all did! And I know I wished I could be as super-cool and beautifully un-awkward as Andy!

You do need to go on a cruise! Again, finish nursing school and let's talk. What year will you be done??? Let's start dreaming/planning!

OK...I woke up this morning still feeling full from dinner. In fact, I'm still technically full; however, reading your report has made me crave any number of things. :lol: It's sad to see it come to an end, but it looks like it was a great trip. :D Your report has definitely helped add a Disney cruise to the host of options for an anniversary trip next year.

I see that Brian's hand is ok- that's good news!

Your drive home also really has me thinking about our Nov trip. While we enjoyed the stop in Biloxi last trip...I'd really just like to head straight home. Of course, we're heading down the Ft. Lauderdale area before hitting the road back to TX.

And yes...I fully believe that dogs do smile. Such sweet pics of the doggy on the drive home :D At least she sits there so nicely.

OK- off to the market and am going to try really hard to not think about any of your food pics. :)

LOL! I think my food pics are so unappetizing! I've been craving cake like mad the last few nights. I feel your pain.

Dogs definitely smile! Riley loooves to ride in the car with us. It's nuts. Ask her if she wants to go for a ride and she goes bananas. But then when she's riding she's like a lap noodle. Doesn't move. I don't get how that can be something to get so excited over. I think she just loves to not be left behind. Heehee!

Definitely consider a Disney cruise in the future. It's a fabulous way to spend an adults getaway or a family vaca!


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Got caught up on your report! Wonderful stuff, Kelly!

That's pretty cool you guys got in a parasailing excursion. I know that's not something I'd enjoy seeing how I'm not a fan of heights, even though the views from up there are probably worth it.

Awww...the last day is so depressing! :( Bittersweet is definitely the best way to describe it. Well you can definitely tell your little pup was happy to see you and I completely agree that our pets miss us when we're gone.

P.S. I really liked your black strapless dress in the picture of ya'll with Chip and Dale. Very cute!

P.P.S. So sad you're trip report is over!

Thank you!

Chandler is pretty afraid of heights but he managed to calm down & enjoy parasailing after the initial freak-out of the take-off. What's funny is that we booked this excursion because it's the one HE wanted to do. The views were amazing! I wish I'd taken a camera.

Oh you liked my cover-up! Bought that in 2010 at the Polynesian of all places. I love it, too!

wonderful trip report, kelly!! so sad your trip is over. it sounds like you all had a wonderful time. i'm so jealous of all of your future cruise plans! i can't wait to go on another disney cruise. thanks again for sharing!

Awww...thank you! We did have an amazing time. I can't wait to go on another cruise, too. They never can get here fast enough then they go by too fast!

Ugh, still so busy at work, and this time of year don't have much time to be on the computer at home (outside keeping up with the garden).

Halfway through! (well, I made it to page 7 of 15, anyway). Quick comments:

Key West looks gorgeous, I'd love to go there someday. That sunset=out of this world!!! Great photos. In addition to sunset pics, really nice one of you in "the dress" with your sons--frame that one ;):lol: Can't get over how much taller than you Chandler is now! :eek:

Neat to see submarine. We visited Groton, CT years ago and went on board a nuclear sub, unfortunately can't recall the name of it now. Nice tribute/reminisce about your dad. My brother's a former Marine, served in Kuwait in Gulf War I.

I was supposed to be sailing on the Magic out of NY in August, had to cancel because of some necessary home improvements to avoid getting flooded again this summer! Really looking forward to girls cruise next year...

Awwww..thanks for all the kindness! Key West was amazing, pics cannot begin to touch the awesomeness of that sunset. Tracey definitely wants to frame the pic of me with the boys. Chandler just keeps growing, too. Kills me! Sad you aren't getting to sail on the Magic. Being a grown-up stinks when you have to nix the fun for the necessary. I can't wait for the girls cruise either! That's gonna rock!

Wonderful trip report! Plane tour, splash down and takeoff, and para-sailing all in one trip - that is awesome. Please PM me the contact info of the pilot if you still have. We may give it a "whirl" next month.

Your boys are growing. Has Chandler started to "test his antlers" with Tracey?
Sterg is in that phase now - always wanted to wrestle with me or puff out his chest, etc. :)

As someone with a daughter that is graduating HS this weekend, all I can say is enjoy and cherish the memories. It goes fast, but I'm sure I'm not telling you something you don't already know.

Thanks! It turned out to be a total dream trip!

The boys sure are growing! Nah, Chandler has mellowed-out a lot. He's more like a 30 year old in a 16 year old body. Don't get me wrong, when he thinks his dad is in the wrong on something he'll call him on it but not in a confrontational way. He's gotten a lot better at thinking things thru and choosing his words carefully. Brian on the other hand is crazy-emotional-hormonal-teen-supreme. So dramatic and sensitive. Oi!

Congrats on the daughter's graduation! Yay for you & the misses on your accomplishment of getting her there! Definitely cherishing the little moments. Time is all any of us really have. Some days I could totally wish these crazy boys away but then I'd miss 'em 'til I was sick if they weren't here. LOL!

More quick comments:

Cream dress—gorgeous!! Story of the dress—totally something I would do. Y’all look fabulous dressed up. And Brian getting so mature-looking. Hope you have the stick handy that you’re gonna need to beat the girls back from the door.

Last photo from that evening, of you and Tracey, the one you said you didn’t like—probably because the pose has you holding your stomach. You started out the cruise with stomach issues, so that photo is probably a reminder. ;)

In addition to our wedding anniversary on May 3, we also remember March 30—the date we agreed to “go steady”. This year was big—30 years of “dating”. :king:

Atlantis slide—glad to hear that Chandler came thru that one OK! It must be a redheaded thing, that instinct to retrieve stuff. I once nearly died falling down a flight of stairs because I didn’t let go of the bag I was holding so I could grab a handhold. :hammer:

I love your wavy hair!! And I’m still waiting to see the effect of this weight gain—you look frickin’ fabulous in your tank top and Daisy Dukes standing next to Daisy Duck!!!

Crying my eyes out over nice man on pirate night—this is awkward, because I’m at work!! What a wonderful moment for you.

I’ve got some brother-assisted damage, myself. I’d be missing the top of my right thumb, except they were able to re-attach it (and that was back in the days before microsurgery!) and then there’s the cool scar on my forehead… :rolleyes:

Gotta get back to work now, hopefully I’ll check out Castaway Cay tomorrow! :sohappy:

OMG! Yes! Brian is the one I worry about with the ladies! He totally makes all the male-typical comments! Like the week before the cruise I was like, "A week from now we'll be onboard the ship!" His response to this would be, "Oooooh yeah....just think of all the bikinis, , & butts...." I smacked him. Grrrr. So yeah, my handsome little devil is the one I think I need to worry about!

That pic of me with my arm across my tummy does remind me of the discomfort. You know, that's a good point you got there. We have some portraits we had taken of Chandler when he was just shy of a year that I swear I don't like. Never have. Nobody ever understands why. They don't know what *I* know because I'm the one who took him for those pics. He was crying just before the appointment time and I see the slight red around his eyes and not entirely happy expression on his face that others don't pick up on. So yeah, makes sense!

Not 5 minutes before Chandler dove down to retrieve his sunglasses Tracey had been flipped off his tube and his expensive sunglasses went down. I retrieved them in seconds. Maybe it is instinctual...

Well, you haven't gotten to my CC bathing suit pics when you typed that comment. I looked pregnant again! And believe me, that's sooooooo not gonna be the culprit for my belly looking like that eeeeeeeever again! LOL!

Yeah, the sweet guy on pirate night was definitely a highlight for us. Makes me cry just thinking about it.

We'll have to swap brother war stories on the girls cruise! We'll be like the cabin scene in Jaws when they're showing off their battle scars and telling tales of survival! We can end the evening with a rousing rendition of the song..."Shooow me the way to go hooooome...I'm tired and I wanna go to bed!...." LOL!


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Original Poster
Let me tell you-I'm beginning to think I'm just too dumb for technology! I just lost a bunch of talk, talk, talk again!! I've got to figure out what I'm accidentally hitting! But let me try once more. I almost cried when y'all got off the ship-so sad it's over! It was like you knew that even though you could've stretched the last little while out some-it was just OVER-so let's just go! Horrible feeling. Then, when you got in the car, I remembered your doggy!! Yay for picking up pets after long vacation! I loved the pics and activities from Castaway Cay. Thanks to whoever (my apologies for not going back into report to see who said it-I have such bad luck losing my replies and I'm just plain scared!) said you could get bikes at one spot and return at another-it was not useless info at all. I am itching to cruise down there(when I am no longer poor as crap)and that would definitely sway my decision to take a bike ride.
Now. The lovely comment from the older couple about your boys.It made me cry and stuck in my head all day. I have lots to say here! Years ago I used to wait tables and one evening these 2 or 3 couples came in together with 5-7 kids following behind. (sorry for the blurry details-gettin' old) The adults got a booth and put the kids at table across from them. Right away I am dreading them. Adults that sit separate from the kids usually means they don't want to be bothered by their insanity...lucky me.These were the best kids I had/have ever took care of. They were probably ages 4-12, boys and girls, and were not just well behaved and polite but were so enjoyable to talk to. ALL of them. I felt really bad for judging them. Before they left I told their parents and them together all of that and more. I figured when your kids act like nuts someone will sure let you know about that...that you (and the kids themselves) should hear about it and get praised for it when they're great. I haven't thought about that in forever and certainly not since I've become a parent. Reading your experience and seeing it and my long ago one through my "Mommy eyes" makes me sooooo glad I told them now. It just seemed like the right thing to do at the time but it now seems like so much more!!! Like many others on here, I think your boys are fabulous. Back when I first started reading (lurking) your reports, that was what caught my attention. When I got pregnant I was sure it would be a girl. I played with girl cousins when growing up and babysat girl babies from girl cousins later. I was never around boys-didn't know a thing about them. Well until I went boy crazy in middle school but that's another story and I sure didn't learn anything useful about them then! Mine was still a baby when I was first reading your WDW adventures and I remember feeling more at ease about raising a boy from seeing you and yours. I am glad to know I am not the only one constantly second guessing every thing I do too. I know what I'm trying to accomplish but I'm always wondering if I'm going about it backwards. Or if what I hope to accomplish is all wrong for him. I do things a lot differently than my sis-in-laws and friends. So I don't get much support there. But even though I love their kids-they're great kids-they just aren't...well I can't explain it really. Like I said, they're great-but...but...well, heck, I don't know. I just know they aren't exactly raised like I want mine to be. They aren't raised bad. Just different. And all kids are different anyway. But I do stress over it all a lot. When I have moments of clarity I feel like as long as you love them and they can feel that love and you are devoted to raising them and being there for them...the rest is just fluff. Which brings me back to YOUR family. If those of us just reading about you can feel the love in your family...well, it sure must be great to be y'all and feel it up close and personal! My FREE unprofessional psychological opinion is that your son feels comfortable showing you both affection in public because he has seen that you do(and hubby) with them and with each other. They are surrounded by the love y'all have together and for them and that makes it easier for them to express it. I also see some of the sweet ways they treat you and things they do for you and say KUDOS to Tracey (I think it's spelled with an e-sorry if not-again, I am NOT going back into report to check-too risky). Boys love their Moms but they learn that respect and how to treat you from watching Daddy...and we all know Daddy treats you GOOD! Personally, I was hooked on the last trip when he went out of his way to go get you Starbucks!!! Great fella! Well that's all the mush and gush I got for you! Can't wait for you to travel again! Hurry up!

Awwww..thank you soooo much for all your "mush & gush" you called it! I appreciate it! It is hard to raise boys when you're as clueless as I am. Their whole lives I have these moments where I'm like "Holy crap are boys weird!" But I adore 'em! You're right, you gotta love 'em with all you have and the rest is fluff to an extent. As long as you do your best every day then what more can you do? I know I'm not perfect. None of us are. I've questioned why the heck I ever had kids several times not because of them but because of me. I can't draw many positives from my upbringing that I can apply to my ability or lack thereof in parenting. What I can bring from my childhood is that no matter how flawed my folks were and messed up some of the adults who raised me were, every last one of them did the very best that they were capable of which is all I can ever ask. I love and respect them for that. The bad stuff I keep in mind to not do and think of ways to improve on the mistakes of my upbringing. So far so good. I still have days when I look at the boys and think "How the heck did I ever think I was qualified to do this?!" I'm always afraid I'm damaging them in some way. But then there's these random moments where I see that what I'm doing that's so unconventional by the world's standards isn't wrong because they're great young men that I really do admire. Along with the random comments from outsiders, I'd have to say the best feeling is when Chandler & I were having a deep conversation recently about his future family and he said, "If I become a parent someday I want to raise my kids the way you guys raised me because I think you're really great parents." That'll put a lump in your throat real quick! LOL!

Your wish is my command! Tracey just surprised me by booking a 3-day Dream cruise for our anniversary without the boys at the end of September. Trip report shall be forthcoming!!!!

Thanks for writing this awesome TR! I truly enjoyed reading about your family adventures and it sounds like you all had a wonderful time together!

Can I ask you some advice? I am at the moment thinking about booking a cruise on DCL for next year. I am torn between a 7-day on the Fantasy and a 5-day on the Wonder - both to the Caribbean. I find it interesting that your first DCL cruise was on one of the new ships and your second one on one of the older ones and was wondering what your opinions are comparing these two.

My thoughts are that I would prefer the 7-day cruise (more time to relax), but think I would prefer the smaller ship. But then there is that Disney fan in me that really wants to see all the neat things on the new ships. But then the cruise on the Wonder is considerably cheaper than the Fantasy (not only in total as it is shorter, but also per night).

Any input would be very much appreciated!

First, thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the read!

Oh my! I hope I'm not too late to be of assistance! I can see how the bigger ship seems more daunting for a first-timer. The smaller ships are quite nice for getting your sea-legs on a shorter itinerary. I think with a full 7 days you wouldn't be in bad shape. I think doing the bigger ship for just 3 days was totally not the thing to do because it was so much to take in and we felt from the start that our time was very limited. We overwhelmed ourselves. With a full week you'll have plenty of time to wander and get the hang of life on the sea. I think either way you can't go wrong. Personally, if I had my choice of the 2 I'd go with the longer cruise just because they're all waaaaay too short once you get to that dreaded last day. LOL!

Ok, I should have taken always I love your T.R.' are a great at these things and I'm glad you decided to do one again...I know there was a time that you weren't sure you would. And I think it's funny that you've fell in love with Disney cruises being such a beachy girl and all ;)

You look great even after four days of eating... I've been working on losing weight since january to get down to be able to wear a bikini....enjoy that you can wear one after eating whatever you want! I was a little disappointed by the lack of men stories when you wore that dress again, hahaha! You rocked it girl, and kuddos to the pirate outfit! So cute!

The story the man and women coming up to you at dinner brought tears to my sweet..really that's the biggest compliment I think someone could give. At the end of the day, it's not how much money one has or how good someone looks, it's about family and love. Be proud my friend! My baby boy is four and all those things you describe in your boys sloppy kisses are so Mom always taught me never to wish my children's life away...and I haven't (except those baby nights we were up with fevers). And the fart story was the funniest! When my son was about 3 years old and farted at the zoo when he was with my Mom, turns around (with lots of people around) and says really loud, Granny you farted! My Mom was so embarrassed but wanted to laugh because it was funny how he completely blamed her, it was so unexpected!

I love the Keys pictures, as many times as I've been to the Keys I think those are some of the best pics I've seen! I'm sure I'm forgetting so many things I wanted to remember, but I'm sure most things already been said

I'm glad you found the report! WooHoO!

After 4 days of unrestrained eating I don't think I had any business sporting the 2-piece. Oi! I was popping out of that thing! I'm back on the bandwagon trying to shed some pounds before September 26th...when Tracey and I are off on our next cruise.

You're so right! At the end of the day life has absolutely nothing to do with money or looks. It's all about family. I'm so glad that comes across in my reports. Family is the foundation of who we are. Without each other nothing else is worth having. Confession: every time I'm in the moment to make a it birthdays, shooting stars, wishing wells, you name it...I wish the exact same thing. I'd love to recite the wish I make but I'm afraid I'll jinx it. Rest assured, the wish I always wish is about my family. It never occurs to me to wish for anything else. I think it's grown into my boys' souls, too, because if they start daydreaming of winning the lottery someday the first thing out of their mouth is all the things they want to do for their family, the things they'll buy for others, the adventures they want us all to go on. That's definitely a sign of success, wouldn't ya think???

Loved the story about your little boy. Boys are such a trip! Love love love 'em! They're a mystery to me in many ways and I wouldn't trade mine for anything. Love my babies...even when they get to be 30, 40, etc. They'll always be my babies.

Oh and if you like peach, put a little shot of peach schnapps in your sweet tea vodka...yum...i was at Howl in the Moon in Orlando and they offer that as a drink (skinny tea) it has become one of my favorite drinks to make at home. I just use unsweet tea, shot of Firefly sweet tea vodka and a shot of peach schnapps!

I do like peach. I worry about trying schnapps again. Whenever I get sick with something it's hard for me to consider puting it in my mouth again. One of the craziest sick drunks I had was when I was 14...and it was all about the peach schnapps. Ugh! But then a nice peach tea might be what the doctor ordered to get me past that aversion! Good thinking! I gotta go grab me a bottle of this Firefly sweet tea for our upcoming cruise. I soooo need to be mixin' my tea!


Active Member
I do like peach. I worry about trying schnapps again. Whenever I get sick with something it's hard for me to consider puting it in my mouth again. One of the craziest sick drunks I had was when I was 14...and it was all about the peach schnapps. Ugh! But then a nice peach tea might be what the doctor ordered to get me past that aversion! Good thinking! I gotta go grab me a bottle of this Firefly sweet tea for our upcoming cruise. I soooo need to be mixin' my tea!

I hear ya, I still can't even smell gin....blaaaa. Thought it be fun when I was a teen to try gin and Snoop Dog did it ya know. Hahahaha, unfortunately that's a true story! I love Firefly sweet tea and it's not too expensive either.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I hear ya, I still can't even smell gin....blaaaa. Thought it be fun when I was a teen to try gin and Snoop Dog did it ya know. Hahahaha, unfortunately that's a true story! I love Firefly sweet tea and it's not too expensive either.

I stinkin' love the Snoop Dog reference! That's good stuff right there!

So tell me why you haven't mosey'd over to the cruise forums and jumped in on the girls' cruise??? You sound like the perfect candidate to go with us bunch of crazy women! :p Just sayin......


Well-Known Member
I do like peach. I worry about trying schnapps again. Whenever I get sick with something it's hard for me to consider puting it in my mouth again. One of the craziest sick drunks I had was when I was 14...and it was all about the peach schnapps. Ugh! But then a nice peach tea might be what the doctor ordered to get me past that aversion! Good thinking! I gotta go grab me a bottle of this Firefly sweet tea for our upcoming cruise. I soooo need to be mixin' my tea!
Ahhhh....teens and peach schnapps, the perfect mix! Takes me back to my high school days when my friend's would load up their carefully cleaned hairspray bottles (we all had the big Jersey 80's hair then :D ) with peach schnapps and we would hang out at the movies, but not go see movies. I was the good kid who only partook a little in the naughtiness though! I was too afraid of getting my butt kicked by my parents!


Active Member
I stinkin' love the Snoop Dog reference! That's good stuff right there!

So tell me why you haven't mosey'd over to the cruise forums and jumped in on the girls' cruise??? You sound like the perfect candidate to go with us bunch of crazy women! :p Just sayin......

I sooo want to go on the cruise! It's funny you said that because I forgot about it until recently that i've spent more time back on the forums that you guys are doing one...I guess i need to get off my rear and seriously look at it, I just have to convince that big ol hubby of mine two that i'd be safe and two I'm really not running off with some younger dude on a cruise....LOL, I know he would think that. It just actually hit me that I have a friend that I could probably get to go and he'd be good with it! :) Now to talk to her!!!


Active Member
Ahhhh....teens and peach schnapps, the perfect mix! Takes me back to my high school days when my friend's would load up their carefully cleaned hairspray bottles (we all had the big Jersey 80's hair then :D ) with peach schnapps and we would hang out at the movies, but not go see movies. I was the good kid who only partook a little in the naughtiness though! I was too afraid of getting my butt kicked by my parents!

Hahaha, we did the hairspray bottles too! That's too funny! They (I was too scared) would actually take them to school, it was in 7th and 8th grade! I would only take it to non-school events!


Active Member
I loved your trip report! You are gorgeous and have a great body :) your family seems amazing and sweet

I have never been on a cruise, sometimes I want to but sometimes I don't haha, but if I did I'd want it to be a Disney cruise! I don't really like swimming or water parks- one because I am self conscious, and two because like your suns I have very fair skin and seem to burn even if I put sunscreen on! Also I don't like feeling water logged haha

but I really liked your trip report and it is helping my Disney fix for sure! only 39 more days!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I loved your trip report! You are gorgeous and have a great body :) your family seems amazing and sweet

I have never been on a cruise, sometimes I want to but sometimes I don't haha, but if I did I'd want it to be a Disney cruise! I don't really like swimming or water parks- one because I am self conscious, and two because like your suns I have very fair skin and seem to burn even if I put sunscreen on! Also I don't like feeling water logged haha

but I really liked your trip report and it is helping my Disney fix for sure! only 39 more days!

Thank you!

I was always dead-set against cruising no matter what cruise line it was. All anyone ever talked about after a cruise was the food...eeeeeverywhere food...dessert spreads like you couldn't imagine. I'm no fan of the beach. I'm not one to lay out in the sun. When I go on vacation I want to do fun stuff. The LAST thing someone who is constantly battling with weight gain needs is to be trapped on a boat for days and days with nothing to do but eat. Plus, if I was gonna go on vacation somewhere I was NOT going to spend money to lay around like a lump. I could do that for free at home. There was just no way I was ever gonna cruise. Then, Tammy/disneyfalcon went on the Dream preview cruise for travel agents. She came back and wrote a report with all her awesome pics infused. That's when I realized that maybe I *would* have enough to keep me busy & not look like Violet Beauregard in her blueberry form being rolled off the gangway at the end of the cruise. Those pics were so amazing and there seemed like so much to do. I figured I'd book a short cruise to dip my toes in and see how I liked it. And here I am, about to embark on my 3rd Disney cruise in a year with 2 more booked next year! There's sooooo much to do! I'm no sun-worshiper either. ((I get my color from carefully tanning indoors continually.)) Even if you never got out in the sun or went swimming there's so much more than that to keep you happy. My boys actually did pretty good in the sun this time around. I was pleased. We bought the rash guard shirts for them which offer an SPF of like 50. For their lower arms, necks, faces, & legs I invested in a really high-grade sunblock (thinksport Livestrong) that offers instant protection vs. wait 30 minutes before going out in the sun and held up to the water activities very well. The stuff goes on really thick, almost pasty, so you had to really work to get it spread on good. You don't have to reapply as much, either. At the end of the day's activities when we showered both Tracey & I noted that you had to scrub with a soapy washcloth 2 or 3 times to get it off. Yeah, it's kinda a pain at that point but it's worth a little extra effort to NOT burn. Right?

Yay for your 39 days to go!!! Vacation rocks!


Well-Known Member
Kelllyyyy!! How did I miss this TR?? Another awesome adventure and absolutely stellar narration. Boy, that was a lot of alliteration in that sentence!

You inspired me to start a PTR for our upcoming September trip. Shortly after I started our computer came down with a nasty virus and Ryan had to wipe it clean and re-load all programs. UGH. I need to update the PTR. Definitely not a sweetpea worthy report, but I gotta start somewhere! I was just so darn proud of myself for figuring out how to download pictures...I am such an un-techie.

How exciting that you and Tracey are getting a kid-free cruise for your anniversary! I guess that means you will not be at WDW at the end of September and no that means no meet and greet. :( Oh well, that girls' cruise is sounding better and better. :)

Glad to hear you safely made the move and have your boxes unpacked. Hope life is going well and the boys and Tracey are happy and healthy! Miss you :p


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Kelllyyyy!! How did I miss this TR?? Another awesome adventure and absolutely stellar narration. Boy, that was a lot of alliteration in that sentence!

You inspired me to start a PTR for our upcoming September trip. Shortly after I started our computer came down with a nasty virus and Ryan had to wipe it clean and re-load all programs. UGH. I need to update the PTR. Definitely not a sweetpea worthy report, but I gotta start somewhere! I was just so darn proud of myself for figuring out how to download pictures...I am such an un-techie.

How exciting that you and Tracey are getting a kid-free cruise for your anniversary! I guess that means you will not be at WDW at the end of September and no that means no meet and greet. :( Oh well, that girls' cruise is sounding better and better. :)

Glad to hear you safely made the move and have your boxes unpacked. Hope life is going well and the boys and Tracey are happy and healthy! Miss you :p

I dunno! How did you miss it?! I thought maybe I was getting boycotted for not keeping up my emails the way I should. LOL! J/K!

What the heck is a "sweetpee worthy" report??? Part of what I enjoy about TRs is the many styles out there. Naturally, just like with anything, I have styles I prefer over others. Like I get annoyed with myself sometimes when I'm writing if I get too wordy too often. Your report will be great because it's yours. Write it your way for yourself and let the family enjoy it with you. That's my favorite part: sharing the report with my guys!

I need to go check out your PTR! I have so little time to even read TRs anymore...even less time to comment the way I should...for the most part I don't read (or write) PTRs anymore. But I want to read yours because I feel a little bit of emotional attachment there.... Heehee! I know y'all are beyond excited for your adventure.

I know! Kid-free cruise! Score for momma! Not coming out to WDW at all this go around. Our Orlando time will be all airport from 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday 9/26 to about 9:30 a.m. on Thursday 9/27 (staying the night in the Hyatt in the airport) then a veeeery short hour or two before our 12:35 p.m. flight on Sunday 9/30. I would neeeever dream of asking friends to sacrifice WDW time to come to somewhere as uninteresting as the stinkin' airport. LOL! It's gonna be odd not having our car at our disposal. I've gotten spoiled to that!

Girl, I would loooove for you to jump on the girls cruise!!! It's a really awesome way to do recon for the family while escaping the testosterone-ridden creatures in our lives. Talk about heaven! I'm going to be doing a good bit of recon for my girls on my upcoming cruise. I'm even making the bodily sacrifice of inhabiting a private cabana on the adult beach all day long at Castaway Cay. How will I ever survive the lap of luxury....and cabana boys.... ??? ROFLMAO!

We've been in the new place for 3 weeks and I'm still not entirely unpacked. I haven't put any thought or energy into putting our pictures and stuff on the bookshelves or anything like that. My momma says I'm still mourning my house which, like she said, is still my house even if I'm not living in it. That's true. We talked about it a few days ago and I got all weepy. Not sure if that was mostly hormones or what but I was all blubberin' over how all my favorite stuff I can't have here because there's no space. No sewing machine. No fabric. No dollies to make me smile. Nope. I'd have to go to storage, bring what I want to the apartment, then bring it back. Or live like a hoarder. That's always an option. LOL!


Well-Known Member
I dunno! How did you miss it?! I thought maybe I was getting boycotted for not keeping up my emails the way I should. LOL! J/K!

What the heck is a "sweetpee worthy" report??? Part of what I enjoy about TRs is the many styles out there. Naturally, just like with anything, I have styles I prefer over others. Like I get annoyed with myself sometimes when I'm writing if I get too wordy too often. Your report will be great because it's yours. Write it your way for yourself and let the family enjoy it with you. That's my favorite part: sharing the report with my guys!

I need to go check out your PTR! I have so little time to even read TRs anymore...even less time to comment the way I should...for the most part I don't read (or write) PTRs anymore. But I want to read yours because I feel a little bit of emotional attachment there.... Heehee! I know y'all are beyond excited for your adventure.

I know! Kid-free cruise! Score for momma! Not coming out to WDW at all this go around. Our Orlando time will be all airport from 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday 9/26 to about 9:30 a.m. on Thursday 9/27 (staying the night in the Hyatt in the airport) then a veeeery short hour or two before our 12:35 p.m. flight on Sunday 9/30. I would neeeever dream of asking friends to sacrifice WDW time to come to somewhere as uninteresting as the stinkin' airport. LOL! It's gonna be odd not having our car at our disposal. I've gotten spoiled to that!

Girl, I would loooove for you to jump on the girls cruise!!! It's a really awesome way to do recon for the family while escaping the testosterone-ridden creatures in our lives. Talk about heaven! I'm going to be doing a good bit of recon for my girls on my upcoming cruise. I'm even making the bodily sacrifice of inhabiting a private cabana on the adult beach all day long at Castaway Cay. How will I ever survive the lap of luxury....and cabana boys.... ??? ROFLMAO!

We've been in the new place for 3 weeks and I'm still not entirely unpacked. I haven't put any thought or energy into putting our pictures and stuff on the bookshelves or anything like that. My momma says I'm still mourning my house which, like she said, is still my house even if I'm not living in it. That's true. We talked about it a few days ago and I got all weepy. Not sure if that was mostly hormones or what but I was all blubberin' over how all my favorite stuff I can't have here because there's no space. No sewing machine. No fabric. No dollies to make me smile. Nope. I'd have to go to storage, bring what I want to the apartment, then bring it back. Or live like a hoarder. That's always an option. LOL!

Not sure HOW I missed the TR! Although I haven't been on here nearly as much as I used to. I DO miss our long emails, but have to admit that my trip report commentary got a LITTLE out of hand! :oops: I imagined you opening your email and thinking "Holy cow! Does she have nothing else to do??? How can I possibly ever reply to this novel??" Sorry, I talk entirely too much and obviously that spills over into my emails. But no, I was not boycotting your TR! LOL!

Summer has been pretty busy for us this year. This is the first year that both boys are staying home alone. Either my mother or I run home at lunch everyday to make or bring them lunch and check on them. (This helps avoid any cooking mishaps!) Of course, they are sleeping until 11 or 12 which gives me only 5 hours to worry about!! Teenagers can seriously sleep ALL day!

Ryan also switched jobs in late May and now has to work only 1 Saturday a month! After 9 years of working every Saturday year round, this is heaven! We took a vacation to my dad's house in SC the week after he left Sea Ray and it was our first summer vacation in 9 years. He is loving his new job and I am loving all the time we have together. Best decision EVER!

You're gonna have to email me and fill me in on the apartment situation. Last time I talked to you, you were house hunting in Houston. I totally understand your depression over losing your house. My mom still lives in my childhood home and Ryan and I are still living in the first house we purchased 17 years ago! I especially feel for you since you don't have your dollies or sewing with you. That's just cruel. :(

I would TOTALLY come to the airport to meet you! We'll have to see what we can do. :)

Tracey is such a model husband and kudos to him for planning a kid free cruise! I love it that you guys are still so much in love and not afraid to show it! Kids need to see that their parents are in love and boys need to see how a real man treats a woman...with respect and affection. Ryan and I make a point of going on date nights at least twice a month so that the boys can see that our marriage is important to us and that they are not the entire focus of our world! Well, that's really secondary to the joy we get in spending a few hours talking to each other without interruption! Seeing such depressing divorces as I do everyday, you guys give me hope for the institution of marriage! So, good job...keep it up...more adults only vacations! ;)

Last thing.....girl, you seriously ROCKED that bikini!! I cannot even believe you have body image issues! I would hack my arm off for your body (even AFTER the cruise bloat!) I love the skirt and it was totally age appropriate. Nothing worse than seeing some "older" woman in a string bikini...even if she has the body to wear it...just ick! Older is in parenthesis because you are NOT old and I was NOT trying to insinuate that you were. Anyhoo, love it that you posted the "before" and "after" bikini picks!

P.S. A sweepea worthy report is one which is written in an honest, conversational tone with wit, self-deprecating humor and an admission that life isn't perfect and neither was your vacation! Did that explain it for ya?? ;)


Well-Known Member
Um okay no offence to anyone but I'm just gonna say it like it is...This is the best Tr ever!!!!
funfact:May 11th is significant for me too it's my hubby's b day(who I also didnt hit it off with in the beginning,I once slapped him in the face for making a comment about my "assests" mind you we were too young for him to be talking that way )So i totally get it LOL.
I loved all the pics and details from your small plane adventure,I liked learning about things I never would've known otherwise.
OMG being that I love all things piratey I totally have to get my mom to make me a skirt like yours.That is just too cute for words!!!!

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