The Memorial Day Week 2007 Trip Report

It has been a while since our last trip to WDW. Our very last trip was in Sept. 2006, which I had reported in the Pin Event trip report. And this same time last year, we were about to start on what I called our Mini Grand Tour, where we started our vacation at Disneyland, and then flew to WDW to finish the rest.

Tomorrow, we will start on our trip to WDW. We will be heading to Fredricksburg, VA first, though, to spend the weekend. We will be flying in to Orlando on Monday, Memorial Day (I fully expect the airports to be totally nuts).

We have several things planned, and many, many pins to buy. The whole trip will culminate in the "Red Shirt" day on Saturday, followed by a private party at Disney-MGM Studios that evening, headlined by Kathy Griffin!

I'll post my report as we go along after we get to WDW, including pictures. My next transmission will be from the Happiest Place on Earth. See ya then!



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I just love your pictures and its a fantastic trip report! What day did you see Jammin Jungle? I'd LOVE to see more pictures and I'll definitely look forward to seeing the video!


We saw it on the 29th along the pathway leading between Asia and Africa. I think that is the best place to view it since you are under a shade.

Stay tune for the video. I'll edit and upload it after I get back.



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This is a continuation of what we did yesterday. We picked up our friends at the airport, and then, after they checked in, we rushed to the Magic Kingdom. Had dinner and then stayed to watch SpectroMagic and Wishes.

SpectroMagic was fine as usual. However, I think they were showing us the "light" version (no pun intended). Having watched this parade many times (and with 2 versions of it in my video collection that I've uploaded), I tend to remember it very well. This time, many things were either parred down, or simply didn't work! The "mountain" didn't open up to reveal chernobog! That was the biggest disappointment of the night!




The dancing ostriches also went "light". There used to be 3 of them on each side. Now, there's only 1 on each side.

At least the Princess was there! :)

We then moved to Main Street to see Wishes. I was going to snap pictures of it (as if I don't have enough already), but just as I started to snap a few, I had a low battery signal. I could have switched battery, but I thought I should just enjoy the show. So I only got a few pictures. This is one of them.

Today, we're going back to Disney-MGM and spend the morning there. Later in the afternoon, we'll head to Epcot and will do dinner at Marakesh and stay for IllumiNations. Epcot has the extra Magic Hours this evening, so we'll see how much energy I have left tonight to stay up that late.



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We're back at our resort for a short break and relaxation after spending the morning at Disney-MGM Studios. This is going to be a short report because we're heading to Epcot for the afternoon/evening and the extra Magic Hours. However, I wanted to report this:


We were about to board the vehicle at the Great Movie Ride when a cast member announced that we are the lucky guests to get the Dream Fastpasses as part of the YOMD celebration. We cheered like wild monkeys while some of the guests looked around not knowing what that meant or what was going on.

It was fantastic. I didn't think we'd win or get anything, so this was a wonderful surprise. Still, we had done all the attractions that we wanted to do, so we decided NOT to use the fastpasses and keep all the "tabs" that we were supposed to tear out at each of the fastpass attraction. So these are the 2 Dream Fastpasses with their tabs intact.


I can't remember the last time I win anything. This was a terrific bonus even when it really isn't that big of a deal. I'm just happy I got some of the "million" dreams that they're giving out.



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Wow! Congrats!!! What time of day did you do the GMR?

Thanks. We did it around 10:30 am.

We just got back from a long day at Epcot. Stayed for IllumiNations and the extra Magic Hours. Now I'm exhausted and need sleep. So the report from this evening will have to wait.

Tomorrow we will be doing Animal Kingdom, and then dinner at Boma at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. After that, we'd probably spend time shopping at Downtown Disney and then turn in early.



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This is a short report from yesterday. We of course started out at Disney-MGM Studios. This is a picture from inside the "fateful" ride - The Great Movie Ride - where we received our Dream Fastpasses. I didn't get that many pictures mainly because I was busy trying to read the instructions written on the fastpasses during the ride! :)

They are still having the Star Wars weekend there.

We hopped over to Epcot in the evening. Epcot always looks very lovely during the Flower and Garden Festival.

We did Spaceship Earth, and got to see for the first time the exit area that has been empty for such a long time. It is also interesting that they are still planning to add more stuff there.

Had dinner at Marakesh and it was wonderful as always. Went shopping around World Showcase and did Maelstorm. Love that little ride, but they stopped it right after we did the final plunge. Didn't know they could stop the boat that fast right after we reached the highest speed! :)

We saw IllumiNations, and then stayed for the extra Magic Hours. We did Test Track and then headed over to the Finding Nemo attraction, but it was down. We were told it would be open about 1/2 hour later, so we went to do Living with the Land (Soarin' was approaching 1 hr wait and we didn't feel like standing in line that long). By the time we got out of The Land pavilion, Finding Nemo was back on and we walked right up to the loading area. It's a wonderful attraction, especially at the end when the animated fish were superimposed with the real fish. That's really cool.

We then went to do Turtle Talk. This is the first time we're seeing the newly renovated area. Obviously, they had to work within the existing structure. That's the only reason I can think of for letting this pillar stay in the middle of the entrance to Turtle Talk theater. It's highly annoying, but if they can't get rid of it, they can't get rid of it.

We left Epcot around 11:30 pm after a full day.

Today, we will do Animal Kingdom (again!), and go to Downtown Disney after lunch. We will probably go back to the resort and rest a bit before heading to AKL for our reservation at Boma. I want to get there early to be able to see some of the animals there (and I don't mean the people around the pool area! :D). We will probably turn in early tonight since we will have a full day tomorrow. We will be doing The Magic Kingdom all day, and then the party at Disney-MGM Studios in the evening. So I certainly need all the beauty sleep that I can get! :)



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BTW, I just re-read what I typed when I reported us winning the Dream Fastpasses. It made it appeared that we were the ONLY group on the Great Movie Ride that won it. We weren't. The WHOLE GROUP of people who were riding the Great Movie Ride for that particular "trip" were given the Dream Fastpasses. It was just that half of the people didn't know what that meant or the significance of it with regards to the YOMD celebration.

So our group weren't THAT special. Still, it was a nice thing to get even when we didn't use it. :)

We're off to AK to have a Wild time!



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Just a short report this time. We had a great day at AK. Did Everest again (twice), the safari, Bugs Life, Dinosaur, and Primeval Whirl, which btw was spinning FASTER than I ever remember it. Maybe it was just that car that I was in, but it was a screamer.

Here are a couple of pictures from the safari ride. This was the vehicle that we rode in.

I was very happy to see the baby rhino that I've heard about.

We then rested a while at our resort. It has finally started to rain out here, and supposedly a major storm is expected in the area over night and into most of tomorrow. They are desperately hoping for rain, but it's too bad it had to come in the next couple of days.

We then headed to Boma. As usual, the food was outstanding and the service was excellent. Our server Paul was very efficient and very friendly. I think I gained enough weight to have to do my workout for the next few months just to lose all the stuff I ate tonight. That seafood soup was unbelievable as usual, and they had a lamb stew tonight that would go so, so well with buttered noodles! Here again are a couple of pictures at Boma.



I could seriously pig out like mad at this place. Since it was raining, we couldn't get out to the animal viewing areas. So that was a bummer. We decided to turn in early so that we can get to the Magic Kingdom tomorrow early. Besides, I think it would be nice to really relax for an evening not doing anything. I also have to start thinking of how to get all of the stuff that we bought home with us. A lot of stuff are already being shipped home directly from Disney after we purchase them. But we still have quite a few pins that we bought and a few frame sets that we got for just $15 a piece since we bought so much stuff (they make excellent gifts, especially for Christmas).

We will have our last full day tomorrow, which will be spent at the MK. Tomorrow evening will be at Disney-MGM Studios for the private party that starts at 8:00 pm. I'll try to get as many pictures as possible, but I hope it doesn't rain too heavily.



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We are having Tropical Storm Barry coming over central Florida today, and a tornado watch being issued in the area. Will those stop us from spending the day at The Magic Kingdom? Not on your life!

Unless the park is closed, we will be at MK all day today. Maybe with the weather, many people will not be there, which will make it even better. We have our ponchos ready, and extra socks/sandals in case our shoes get wet. We're ready!

The event at Disney-MGM Studios tonight will start at 8:00 pm. If I'm not too tired, I'll try to post a report later today/tonight. If not, I'll post more after I get home. We check out tomorrow morning, but will be spending our last day at Epcot. We fly out at 6:00 pm tomorrow, so we'll have plenty of time to enjoy our last day here. Can't believe it is already close to the end. :(

Our next trip will be a short 4-day visit to attend the Pin Celebration event at Epcot in early Sept.



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With all the bad weather expected and predicted for today, it was an amazingly wonderful time! The threat of bad weather certainly, I'm sure, caused many people to change their plans. That made the morning part of the day not very crowded at all.

The day started off looking very ominous. It was drizzling, and the sky didn't look too nice. This is what I snapped when we were about to leave our room at OKW.

Still, we got to the Magic Kingdom rather early before they opened and were in time to see the Welcome show.

Even by mid-morning, the place wasn't that crowded still, although it was still drizzling on and off.

We did all the rides in Fantasyland first, before all the families with kids show up and the lines get long. This is from It's A Small World.

I've never seen the Monster's Inc Laughing Floor, so that's where we aimed for after our Fantasyland romp. It was a great show and hysterically funny.

We then headed on over to Buzz Lightyear ride. I've always liked this ride, but wish the weapon can be pulled out like the one at Disneyland.

In the afternoon, we did teacups. While the crowd was building up, it was still only a 5 min wait to do Teacups.

It was certainly getting crowded by late afternoon, but still bearable. The weather, while overcast sometime, and sunny now and then, was not unpleasant at all.

BTW, this is something I've noticed since the first day I got here. I've heard about this Croc footwear before, and have heard about them getting the Disney license to manufacture these, but this is the first time I'm seeing these footwear, and they're everywhere. They look kinds funny to me, but they're rather quite comfortable (I tried one). I was tempted to buy one, but the price tag stopped me - each pair is around $37. I have enough sandals as it is. Still, maybe I'll change my mind on my next trip.

We rode back to the Transportation and Ticket center in the front monorail again (love doing that!) and got another Monorail co-pilot card.

We're resting a bit before getting some dinner and then heading out for the party at Disney-MGM Studios. Not sure if I will have time to post anything after that. If I don't, then this will be my final transmission from the Happiest Place on Earth. I will post more pictures and more of my report after I get home and recover a bit.

Thanks for reading!



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Oh, in case I forgot to mention, the private event to night will have Kathy Griffin as the pre-show act, and then, for the main show at the stage by the Hat, it will be the disco diva herself, Donna Summer!

I hope I have the energy to stay up till the midnight fireworks! We shall see.



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I'm back to reality!

It was a wonderful trip, but awfully tiring. Since I had to play "tour guide" to a couple of our friends who were making their first trip to WDW, it was a bit more hectic than the normal pace that I am used to. Still, we had a great time.

The "Red Shirt" day at the Magic Kingdom went amazingly smoothly, mainly because many folks probably got scared away due to the weather. We did almost every single ride in Fantasyland well before 10:30 am, so we avoided a lot of the long lines that formed later on that day. The whole park was still not as crowded as it would normally be at that time of the year. We had rain on and off all day (and evening), but nothing to stop people from doing all the stuff if they want to. We had a terrific time, and once again, had a great Jungle Cruise captain who played along with the rather "red" crowd in her boat. It was a lot of fun.

Saturday evening party at Disney-MGM Studios went well for the first half. They held us at the Light, Motor, Action stadium while they clear up the rest of the park of the regular guests. What was amazing to me was that, for the first time ever, a Disney representative took to the stage to officially welcome us to the event. It was the first official acknowledgment of the Disney company of the "event" at their theme park after 17 years! Better late than never. But then again, the first few years were only made up of a bunch of friends going to MK wearing red shirts. And now, it has grown into a 140,000 strong attendance.

At 9:30 pm, Kathy Griffin took to the stage and she was at her outrageous best! Let's just say that you'll never hear or see that kind of a show at Disney! :) No one was safe. She took shots at Donald Trump, Star Jones, Ryan Seacrest, etc.. etc. She was hysterical. She did her set in a light drizzle that didn't dampen her enthusiasm at all (no pun intended). That alone was worth the admission price.

We then got herded into the rest of the park, especially by the Sorcerer Hat and the Tower of Terror-Rock 'N Rollercoaster area. There were just a lot more people than I remember from previous years. Star Tours, Tower of Terror, and Rock 'N Roller Coaster were all open, but the lines are just unbelievably long! I used to be able to ride these things multiple times during this event, and that night, I didn't even want to stay in lines that long. So I didn't ride any.

Donna Summer was supposed to perform at 11:30 pm, but she was late. With drizzle and all, and having had a rather long day, I was running out of energy really fast, and by 11:40 pm, we decided to call it quits just as Donna Summer took to the stage. She had someone held an umbrella over her while she sang! What a diva! :)

We left anyway, and by the time we reached our resort, we could hear from a distance the fireworks going on. They were almost 15 minutes late.

We spend out last day at Epcot and had a leisure time around the park before heading out to the airport. It was the end of another memorable and wonderful vacation at the Happiest Place on Earth. I'm disappointed that I didn't get the special Mickey ears hat that they give to selected guess, but I guess getting that Dream Fastpass was more than what we were expecting.

BTW, we ate at Le Cellier and I know many people rave about this restaurant. I like it as well, but let me give you a friendly hint: DON'T ORDER THE SEAFOOD of any kind there. I knew that I should have stuck to the steak and meat dishes, but noooooo.... I had to be different and try something new. I order their seared rare tuna appetizer to start with. Bad choice. The tuna appeared to have been cooked earlier in the day and it is cold on the outside (it's supposed to be seared). It was also hard! I'd rather they just give me a piece of raw, sashimi-grade tune and I would have been happy. This was not a good dish.

I then had their bouillabaisse. Another disappointment. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either, especially for that type of a restaurant. So just stick to the cheese soup and the meat entree there, and you'll be fine.

I will post more pictures and a few other commentaries once I recover from this trip. Now, I just need to find that switch for me to get back into the work mode.



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The following are pictures from the One Mighty Party event at Disney-MGM Studios. We entered through a side entrance because the park wasn't closed yet. We get to see a large section of the backstage area one one side of the MGM main vehicle entrance.

They were holding us away from the rest of the regular guests at the Lights, Motor, Action stadium. Those if us who got there early got to go right on "stage", but as soon as capacity was reached, it was closed off and the rest of the attendees had to stay in the grand stand. By around 9:00 pm, even the grand stand was almost 3/4 full.



Kathy Griffin came on at 9:30 pm and proceeded to rock the crowd. There were a few technical glitches with the mic, but other than that, we were all in stitches as she dissed one celebrity after another.


After Kathy finished her set, we were then herded towards the main part of the party, which is Star Tours, the Sorcerer Hat, Tower of Terror, and Rock 'N Rollercoaster. As we walk along the Street of NY to get there, it was a bit of a sight to see signs like this. This was where the Honey I Shrunk the Kids play set sign usually appear.



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The plaza in front of the hat became a major dance area and the music was pumping. In fact, they had music pumping in from the entrance and all over the accessible area of the partygoers.


The crowd was lively, and everyone headed to their favorite ride, which for most, was Tower of Terror and Rock 'N Rollercoaster.



It was actually a terrific event. Having an opening act to hold the crowd first while they empty out the park was a good idea. Not only do they get to have the crowd longer, it also made for a boatload of beverage sales, the lines of which never grew short. So this was certainly a good idea. I just wish that I'm younger with more energy that can survive through one of these things with only a few hours of sleep.



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