

New Member
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I'm really surprised no one had brought this up before... (i searched the topic and i didnt get any results so im assuming no one did, but if I'm wrong please redirect me :D)

What is your opinion on Stacy? You know, the girl that has her own channel on the TV in all disney resort hotels...

I really don't know if she's just a really bad actress or a really excited fan who goes to WDW by herself. What do know is that I can watch that channel for about 2 hours straight and it's slightly addicting. :ROFLOL:

(OH yeah, the last time I was in WDW was Augest 2008 so it may have changed a bit; GOING BACK JUNE 30 2009!!)


New Member
it's like it is the only channel on the tv that the rooms have. But yea, I feel like if we do not have it on that we might miss something that we had see or heard before.


Well-Known Member
I'm really surprised no one had brought this up before... (i searched the topic and i didnt get any results so im assuming no one did, but if I'm wrong please redirect me :D)

What is your opinion on Stacy? You know, the girl that has her own channel on the TV in all disney resort hotels...

I really don't know if she's just a really bad actress or a really excited fan who goes to WDW by herself. What do know is that I can watch that channel for about 2 hours straight and it's slightly addicting. :ROFLOL:

(OH yeah, the last time I was in WDW was Augest 2008 so it may have changed a bit; GOING BACK JUNE 30 2009!!)

That would be Stacy Aswad.

The Top 7 Must Sees has changed.

I will hazard to say she is a good actress. I am pretty sure that her personality in real life is not like her personality on Top 7. It's tough to act like that sometimes.



Well-Known Member
We love Stacy on the old Top 7 on the resort tv's. Upon check-in we would race to our room and turn her on. Whenever we were in our room getting ready to go we'd have her loop playing, happily chanting thru the dialog with her. When it was bedtime we'd get the boys to bed, turn off the lights, and turn Stacy on with the volume really low. I'm always the last to sleep so I would wait until I was super-drowsy and turn the tv off just before going to sleep. We looooved the old Top 7.

That said, the new Must Do's totally blow in comparison. It's like they wanted Stacy to be a grown-up. They dressed her in more professional-looking clothes and stuck her in a "set" where she talks to ya all subdued and stuff in between clips. All her silliness and over-the-top craziness has been edited out for the most part. Where's the fun? Where's the exuberance? Where's the wacky woman who's out there living it up, acting like a kid, all carefree and fun like me?!?! I don't like the new Must Do's at all. It's just not so fun to watch. I need to download the old Top 7 loop for our next trip so every day I can play it from my laptop. I'll bring some little external speakers to boost the sound a little more than what my laptop can do for better effect. I refuse to accept the Must Do's. Stacy is soooo much more fun than all that.


Personally, i think she rocks and actually brought home a dvd recording of her show. Usually watch it a couple times a month plus have a copy on my computer that i watch when feeling a little Disney deficient.


Well-Known Member
She's no Kryssa. :animwink:

Oh yea, I def. agree with that. I know its been a looooooooong time since Kryssa left, but I liked her better than Stacey. IMO, Krysaa looked like she was geniunely having a good time and that she enjoyed herself at the parks. Kryssa also looked as though her real personality was shining through.

But with all that said, I've gotten used to Stacey. I enjoyed watching the top 7 as well, and knowing what she was gonna say, and laughing at some of the things she did and stuff. But I think the new must do is crap too. The top 7 was wayy better IMO. While Stacey is no Kryssa in that she seems like she was forceing herself to have fun, I enjoyed the top 7 with Stacey.


Well-Known Member
Love Top 7 Must Sees
Love Stacy Aswad..

But Bless her sweet little heart...Must Do is really sad..They made her to Informative then wild and crazy...Here's hoping they'll go back to a Top 7 style show in the next few years..


Well-Known Member
Its scary how addicting it can be. Even after seeing it several times I think we have to watch the whole thing at least twice while were there. just not complete without it.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
To be honest, she drives me nuts. I'd be MORE than okay not seeing her while at WDW.
Nothing personal, and I'm not saying she's a bad actress, but her character, if you can call it that, just bugs me to no end.


New Member
I loved the Top room buddies and I watched it repeatedly. I was the Disney nerd in the group so Stacy wasn't telling me anything I didn't know, but they found it informative, and we all found it amusing and fun. I think seeing it our first day (while trying to figure out why the channel wouldn't change) set the pace for us, rather like Stacy was telling us this is Disney and you can act ridiculously :). We watched it every morning of the trip for fun. I have just returned from my second Disney trip, and Must-Do is God-awful. Stacy's "character" in Must-Do is more suited to an odd marketable securities infomercial or a bank then to a (let's be honest, in this context, a thespian she ain't) fun, light commercial for Disney's parks (Must-Do is neither fun nor light, which I think it really should be). The splicing together of the new on-set material and various clips from the old Top 7 did not work and highlighted the difference. I too hope that the program is reverted to something like Top 7

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