New Boats on Pirates


Well-Known Member
Apparently I'm just oblivious :p
Nah, it's just one of those things that's right in front of you but you don't really notice because you have no reason to! If you make a point to look for it, you'll be like, "how did I miss that?" but like I said, I didn't even notice it all the times I rode until someone went to use it right in front of me. ;)


Active Member
I was on Pirates yesterday and it seems like they're having some problems with water collecting in the new boats. About every 4 boats, they would stop the ride. Then a CM would take a bunch of soaked towels from the floor of an empty boat, then replace those with fresh towels. A LOT of water was coming out of these boats.

It looked like the boats are bowing around the fourth row, causing water to puddle very badly. My boat, though open to guests, had over half an inch of water in it (leaving my flip flops very wet)!

Now they have CMs wearing rubber gloves bailing out the boats using dust pans.


Well-Known Member
Honest to God, if I hadn't read it here, I wouldn't have noticed anything new. I'm sure I've been on them...

Another new thing learned from the good people on this board. :)


Well-Known Member
It's a bit difficult to see in this photo exactly how MUCH water was in the boat. But even with 1/2 inch thick sandals, feet were still getting wet in this disgustingly dirty water :(


Victor Kelly

Well-Known Member
How is the water getting in them? The drop does not put that much water into one of these boats. Not in my 38 years of experience anyway.

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