Main Street U.S.A. hub redevelopment at the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
Ha! Even if it were just exit/closing time, that's enough to warrant a proper corridor with shop access.

That's thousands of people every single day that will be bypassing the Main Street shops on their way out of the parks at the end of the day.

funny. I just posted the same thing on the bypass thread. I would think the lost revenue would more than pay for the bypass being done right with access to the stores

Perhaps they will miss a few who might have stopped in and spent a bit of money, but there will likely be a great many more who just want to get to the gates and on their way to their car or bus.

Again, as I've said before, I don't see this being open except during the extreme peak days just for the reasons above.

The Visionary Soul

Well-Known Member
You may be right, I don't know, I'm certainly no expert in human behaviour. Bottom line though, it's all a moot point IF the point of this bypass was providing guests swift passage out of the park, as the lack of retail or food options appears to make me think it was, because the bottleneck under the railway is still the same. Unless they create a side exit, a la the International Gateway, there's no stopping the massive mess that currently exists.
Oh, I'm not denying the reason they are cleaning up that area is so they can use it as a swift bypass route from the hub to Town Square. That part is very obvious, and if that really is their only goal, then they have succeeded.

What I am really saying though, is that they dropped the ball on this one. They needed more than just a swift exit route after Wishes. They need a permanent arcade open at all times so they can use that as a permanent show ready corridor for guests to move around in during parades, bad weather, and maybe just if they want to stay out of the sun and in AC. And that arcade should have entrances to the shops and things, and have access to Center Street.

It's simply a matter of them building something that was cheaper and more limited in use than what was actually needed.


Well-Known Member
It could be phase one of a larger project. They could always add some shops and dining later. If they completely enclose it that would make it harder later.


Well-Known Member
From the video posted above.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Obsolete technology.
So they are gonna add automated robotic plants with bio luminescence mamba jamba edition(tm) later?

Just conjecture here...

That area currently has a gentle slope from the hub down to the moat. More than likely, they will bring in fill out to the new second ring so it is level with the hub. Once that's done, there will be a steeper slope from the second ring down to the existing section around the moat. They will probably have to even that out which require new landscaping in the rose garden area. That doesn't mean they won't keep the roses and put them back in once the slope has been configured.

I hope they do this, if not.. if these things are gonna be used for the fireworks display.... the guys behind the people on these hills will get their views blocked.

Hmmm. I hate to beat a dead horse, but here's just another example of TDO stepping over dollars to pick up dimes.

In this instance, they'll be re-routing thousands of people frequently down a bypass (bypassing the shops on Main Street completely) with little or no opportunity for merch or food sales.

It cracks me up how they'll spend billions on a program to take people's info to learn their spending habits (in order to squeeze every dime out of them) but will then refuse to spend a few million to create a proper retail corridor to give backside access to the Main Street shops.

It infuriates me when TDO comes off as greedy and wanting every last dime from their guests (raising ticket prices frequently, MM+), but as a fan of WDW, I want the parks to make as much money as they can through normal and non-intrusive means. It is frustrating to me to see them leaving this much money on the table for no good reason.

When you really look at it, they probably could have paid for the upgraded retail corridor in only a few months of sales. Heck, they probably would have paid for it on just the APholders who would go and visit the shops just to see the new corridor. It's just silly.

Well, for WDW it seems.. "anything that costs more than 1$ is too expensive unless we slash another department". Still they might be thinking on how to monetize this new park exit.

You can be optimistic about the hub. East Street is going to look like crap, just not as crappy as it does now. When I said it was "beautiful" in an earlier, post, that was sarcasm. They're building wooden walls for pete's sake instead of actually full facades and stores. They will still not get any revenue from East Street, and it still won't connect to Center Street. It's just really low budget. They needed to spend more on this route so it could be like an arcade in Paris. That really is the bottom line.
What if they add a bunch of store carts similar to AK?

You may be right, I don't know, I'm certainly no expert in human behaviour. Bottom line though, it's all a moot point IF the point of this bypass was providing guests swift passage out of the park, as the lack of retail or food options appears to make me think it was or is, because the bottleneck under the railway is still the same. Unless they create a side exit, a la the International Gateway, there's no stopping the massive mess that currently exists.

The "human herd" study shows that people will always follow other people, so unless there are CMs redirecting people to the next exit.. 90% of them WILL go towards the main route than actually dividing and using the new route to exit.

This exit could be used for different purposes too. Imagine having this entrance exclusive for the Halloween Party while the cms enclose the park and make the normal clients out, while the other entrance starts admitting people for the Halloween or villains events.

Not sure if anyone posted yet, but Disneyparks blog has this short video on the enhancements:

Funny how we posted almost at same time.


Well-Known Member
"Look closely at our fly-through video and you’ll notice that the enhancements will include new trees and more landscaping in the Central Plaza area. The sculpted gardens planned for the location are inspired by the lush grounds seen around European castles and chateaus."

I hope this is pleasing to those who dreaded the onslaught of a "concrete wasteland". Definitely looks like they're taking a page out of TDL's book, especially with the castle towers out front. Overall, it looks beautiful, and it appears they want to do this well.


Well-Known Member

If this isn't proof that Disney monitors this site I don't know what is. Its like a point by point addressing of every issue thats been brought up.

Additionally - Anyone notice the extra castle towers where the current temporary speaker towers and spotlight/tech booths are? Is this just an artist making the rendering prettier or is this the reason permanent replacement towers haven't been put in yet? Does this mean that show techs won't be sitting under the top of pontoon boat canopies any longer?

If it ends up looking like that I'm 100% for it.
EDIT: Screw being polite - that rendering is gorgeous - anyone that says otherwise must not be watching the same video.
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Well-Known Member

I acknowledge this is just a rendering, but it looks wonderful imo. If they truly add trees of some size as depicted, plus the new fountains, sculpted gardens and new castle turrets (kind of neat way to hide the lighting towers for the stage), it looks like it will turn out to be very nice. Looks like the expect this to take at least one year though (completion date of 2015....doesn't say when in 2015 though).

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
If this isn't proof that Disney monitors this site I don't know what is. Its like a point by point addressing of every issue thats been brought up.

Additionally - Anyone notice the extra castle towers where the current temporary speaker towers and spotlight/tech booths are? Is this just an artist making the rendering prettier or is this the reason permanent replacement towers haven't been put in yet? Does this mean that show techs won't be sitting under the top of pontoon boat canopies any longer?

If it ends up looking like that I'm 100% for it.
I hope they make these changes, because the current ones look a tad ugly.
The renderings look really well, making it look like part of the castle structure.


Well-Known Member
If this isn't proof that Disney monitors this site I don't know what is. Its like a point by point addressing of every issue thats been brought up.

Addiontally - Anyone notice the extra castle towers where the current temporary speaker towers are? Is this just an artist making the rendering prettier or is this the reason permanent replacement towers haven't been put in yet?
Considering how rushed the article feels, I wouldn't be surprised if the info leaked in this thread was what pushed them to announce. The towers will probably serve a similar purpose as TDL's, speakers and nighttime entertainment. Looks like prep for a new nighttime show to me.


Well-Known Member
remember all of those people complaining about how Disney does nothing, doesn't care about the guest experience anymore, and all they want is our money....
I know TDO doesn't care. They are probably banging their heads against their desks knowing they have to cough up money for this. I'm sure they also want Wishes to stick around for another 10 years

The Visionary Soul

Well-Known Member
The trees in that video appear larger than what the actual plans call for... perhaps they made the video of what it will look like in 5 years after the trees have grown a little. Or maybe it's just the perspective. Either way, that video is pretty accurate... though I still can't make heads or tails as to why they are reinforcing that east path into the hub.


Well-Known Member
The trees in that video appear larger than what the actual plans call for... perhaps they made the video of what it will look like in 5 years after the trees have grown a little. Or maybe it's just the perspective. Either way, that video is pretty accurate... though I still can't make heads or tails as to why they are reinforcing that east path into the hub.

Would reinforcing it make it better suited for emergency vehicles? Currently they must travel down Main Street -perhaps they would like to avoid that?

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