MK TinkerBelle Zip-Line

Tinkerbell is usualy played by a woman, although there has been one instance in which a petite male was hired based off of his size and facial features. There is a total of 3 tinkerbells at any one time. 1 who is scheduled to play that day and the other 2 on call incase TB fails to meet tolerances. TB can not weigh any more than 95Lbs due to the fact that the battery pack / costume she wears increases her total weight to 135 - 140lbs. This all goes back to the weight tolerances for the zip line. The zip line is only so thick (as it is seen during the day and they wouldnt want it too be too thick as not to disrupt the "show" experience) and is only anchored to the castle and the landing platform behind Main Street. She climbs into position up a very tall ladder from the level where the Cinderella Suite (never finished WD apartment) at the top another CM will meet her, help attach her harness and conect her to the zip line, and also give her as hard a push as he can. The goal is to get her to the landing pad or atleast behind main street with just the push. If she fails to make it she has control of the battery pack must turn off her lights and then PULL herself in as quickly as possible.

It is also true that she gets paid the most of any other character as she is in the most dangerous job of all. Her contract comes from Actors Equity not Disney. It states that she must be paid for at least 8 hours work, must be paid hazard pay (due to heights she must climb / Fly) And in certain weather or potential weather she will not fly but must still be paid. On days where TB must fly twice she will be paid as if it is 2 seperate days. In return she must meet weight restrictions placed by Disney, she must be in the Park no later that 2 hours before flight (it takes one hour alone to climb into launch position and get rigged into the harness) She is to be onsite for atleast 4 hours incase show is postponed or canceled.

I just had to chime in on this post as I have first hand knowledge of this. This is absolutely correct in all the information. I also wanted to add that since she is equity ans is basically a contractor, that a good piece of that good pay ends up going to Uncle Sam for taxes. :wave:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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Active Member
I have some friends who are friends with Tinkerbell for meet & greets, and a few of them also fly during Wishes.
They are very petite women, but I've never asked any of them about the exact weight of everything to be able to fly.



Thank you all for a most informative thread. My family always wondered how this was done and who was brave enough to do it. Kudos to all "Tinkerbells".:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
That looks like a guy. :shrug:

It's interesting because DL's Tink, who is much more visible wears a cartoon mask and wig.

I posted this picture of Tink a while back, I think it scared a few people :lol: these are very close-up shots though.. you can't really tell she's wearing a mask when she's flying


photos by FrogMiller


Well-Known Member
I'll do it for free also. I doubt they wouldn't need to give me a push and I"m sure I would gain plenty of speed and slam into the mattresses. It wouldn't be the first time that I slam into something on a zip line. I used to do it regularly at the boy scout camp and slam into a telephone pole. I'd prefere the mattress over the pole.


New Member
People have been telling me different things about the CM that plays Tink "flying" from the Castle. I have hear that it is a guy that is dressed like Tink but I have also heard that the CM that does this can be no more than 90 LBS. So would someone mind explaining exactly how this is pulled off to find someone who is only 90 LBS?


What are you talking about ziplines??? It is tinkerbell flying from the castle! Pfft As if there could be a Tinkerbell imposter........Right? :lookaroun


In 1995, after the Disney corporation's acquisition of ESPN, Cinderella decided to surprise Prince Charming with a sports room that would allow him to watch his favorite jousts on the network. This room was built in the castle's tallest spire (Cinderella joked it was time for prince to be stuck in a tower!). The closest access to cable service was Tomorrowland, because it had not yet been invented in any of the other lands yet. Since it could not be placed under the moat, it was decided to just wire it directly up to the tower. This is what is seen by guests who visit the park. The fact that a pretty young fairy girl named Tinkerbelle often uses it to guide her way through the fireworks during the nighttime show should not be construed that she does not actually fly.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Well-Known Member
The castle is old, in disrepair, and has some serious structural damage.

They had to install a cable stay over to Tomorrowland to stop the tower from falling over.

If you are not cautious, it may even fall on you.

Thats not Tink during wishes, it's an OSHA inspector.


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