Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

Hey Everyone,I wanted to start this out with a pic of my trip journal(like in the last TR)but,I figured since there's plenty of room left in that same book for more Tr i'd make a title page instead.I found this perfectly appropriate quote from Alice In Wonderland.


My girls had mentioned that they wanted solo bday trips with mommy and originally I was supposed to be taking my oldest DD as a late bday in January,but she lost that due to behaviour issues,yep I know I'm mean ohwell!!!She now gets a chance to earn it back ,in the meantime I'm taking the youngest DD for her bday and mine during time that fits right in between the 2.she is now 7 but will be 8 at the time :( I knew I wanted to plan it ,but didn't know when and to be honest I didn't really take it seriously .....that is until about 210 days out when I went shopping over the border and found star wars material (this past trip[ we did star tours for the first time-a few times and she fell in love with it)

All that being said at 205 days out we booked our flights at an amazing rate(the cheapest i've ever found) and because I had flight credits to use ,they became so cheap that its as though 1 of us flies for free.203 days out I booked the trip portion.It's a short trip while the oldest DD will be home with daddy and I'm afraid to leave too long(thinking about how she'll be dressed for school frightens me to no end)So just me n Hailey aka "H" or whatever else i feel like calling her at the time and Me Carrie :D

Here's a pic from our last trip while riding expedition everest


This is going to be my cheapest trip ever and thats without any discounts yet,we're staying at AOA in an ariel room for 3 nights.


with no set plan for dining yet.We have until November 20th to decide that.I'm also very happy to say that I will again be seeing some of my fave magic ladies.If anyone has any non buffet dining suggestions please don't hesitate to share those with me.At this time I'm not doing the DDP because out of pocket when I can share meals with H is cheaper and just better for us(we eat smaller meals more often throughout the day,we're snackers really)


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okay it's real life time so every year my DD's school puts on a french cafe n raffles stuff n serves croissants n juice n raises money for the grade 8 grads,all while practising what they learn in French class and every year someone donates a cake to raffle,but it seems like every time I have something going on so this year I was able to donate.Now its almost 3 am and I just finished,the theme this year is "animaux sauvage" wild animals.So I made 4 miniature cakes.....

i had told the french teacher that i'd donate 1 cake but decided 4 was better because it would make them more money by selling more tickets and yet it still took the same amount of ingredients as 1 larger cake so it's a win win .she'll be so surprised.


i had told the french teacher that i'd donate 1 cake but decided 4 was better because it would make them more money by selling more tickets and yet it still took the same amount of ingredients as 1 larger cake so it's a win win .she'll be so surprised.
you're such a good parent, look at you! 4 cakes. I never got involved at my kids school. All they ever wanted was money for this n money for that. I may as well have sent them to a private school. Anyways, you did a grand job on those animaux. :)


Hi everyone guess what happened this week? i got not 1 not 2 BUT 3 pieces of mickey mail WOOHOOOOO,I received my DME packet first,then my booklet of vouchers and itinerary,and saving the best for last I also got a pkg from my friend in england who was kind enough to send hailey and i a pkg containing 25 trading pins to take with us on our journey.

i didn't get a pic of the DME stuff i guess.

Oh and in other news my sister STILL has not told me that her n my nephew are not coming BUT I think it's obvious since she has offered to take my dog while i'm away and to watch Riley.So now I have a dining resrevation to cancel for Garden Grill ( because i made a back up for Via Napoli,and i'd rather go there) and I need to decide what to do about the pirates league appointment for my nephew.I think i'll ask Hailey if she wants to go in his place and if not then it'll be cancelled.33 days to go and "I just can't wait to be kinnnngggggg" oops i mean there I just can't wait to be there!!
that package looks suspect!


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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH omg theres only 27 days til disney woot wew!!! this past weekend I was roped into making Ag doll laptops for the girls so this is the end result


And the strangest thing happened on the weekend My oldest asked if she could go sleep at her friends house that lives with a foster family,well she had asked before and I just didn't feel comfortable with it but something somewhere told me to "let it her try it even if its just one time" and then yeasterday we found out that it would just be one time.Her bestfriend and really only friend at school is being moved to another foster home far away.She is heart broken,and so am I.this kid is a really good girl and she has been bounced all over the place and I wish so bad that i could take her in.I'm also really worried about my ry because she doesn't make friends easily because she's so shy.I hope it works out n that this little princess is okay,I just hate feeling helpless in this situation.So we had some heavy hearts around here and I think the mouse knows!today we got some mickey mail from one of my very special Disney friends(you may remember seeing her in my last tr)She sent a bday card for H and a colouring kit,stickers for ry and some cards for us aswell as some Disney inspired bows........

She made H an Ariel inspired bow

Ry a merida bow

and can you guess what characters mine are????

and here are my cards (ones from her mom :D )

So now I'm super excited to wear the bows to Ak!! and really hope I get to see my munks .I just love them all really,and the girls loved theirs so much too! so jess if you're reading this thank you ure Awesome!


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UGH I wrote an entire update n it disappeared !! OKay let's start this again shall we? Anyways before we get to the Disney talk let's talk about real life....so Friday I was tidying the girls room because ry was gonna have a friend over when I saw the biggest spider I've ever seen in my life ,I mean this thing was more furry than old italian man who stands shirtless in his garden ( and yes he exists)anyway i tried to kill it but it fell and I was hoping that it had fallen in between the screen n the window so i slammed it shurt very fast hoping i had captured it and that it would either find its way back outside or die .i didn't care,i'm so loving i know!!! anyways Rileys friend came over for 3-4 hours

( riley looks like shes pledging )

and no idea what they're doing here but ok

then about an hour after she went home we went to the park

the girls played on all 3 playgrounds before we ended up leaving for dinner.Still no sign of the terrifying creature that roamed our home.Then saturday we had a bit of a surprise her friend that left the foster home was coming back( i don't know what happened n I didnt ask)but the foster parents were going to a wedding n needed someone to watch her so she came to spend the night here.

anyways the girls had a great time,made a tonn of noise
and ate far too much junkfood OOPS!!! then finally on Sunday I found mr spider ON MY NECK!!!!!! AGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! he was so HUGE!!!! it took my whole hand to remove hiom n throw him as hard as i could onto the ground because at the time i didsnt know what the furry tickly beast was on my neck,i'm telling you I freaked my freak right out!!! n then I so sweetly n caringly SQUASHED HIM!!! YES!!! Victory was mine muahahahaha.Anyways enough about that lets move onto Disney related updates shall we?............ coming right up



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Okay soooo do you all remember when I said to cross your fingers because i needed some good news? Well for a little while i was thinking that this trip might not happen,hubby's had some major health issues and we were told he would need surgery but we didn't know when that would happen,if it woulda been during my trip i would've cancelled for sure eventhough he tried to tell me to go anyways.So we got word now that i am okay to keep my trip scheduled,which is good because I had planned it knowing it was close to the time that it would be 1 yr since losing my dad n I would be a mess.Also its right between H's n My birthday.THe bad part is that he saw the specialist today has pre op tomorrow n surgery Friday which means its more serious than we originally thought. Anyways I need to change the subject now before i get too emotional,let's just all hope for the best please,and thanks again for your support.
In other news........ i had some stuff to post but didn't want to because I didnt wanna get more excited about my trip incase it didn't happen now I can post the other stuff.So I've now gotten my dme stuff n my resort info BUT i am also completely packed(which is funny since my mom leaves for Disney this friday n hasn't packed a thing) HOW ON EARTH DO PPL DO IT???? I neeed to pack way ahead of time always!!!

oh and I love the new luggage tag but I wish they still had the clear plastic rope style fasteners

and heres my mini book I will casrry around everywhere that has my dining n meet up plans n friends phone numbers and all the important stuff(even some of your addresses to send postcards to)

and I could've sworn i took pics of my packing adventures with Chip n dale but i'll post them when I find them ,in the meantime I hope you all have a magical day



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Okay so apparently i uploaded my packing pics to the computer but did not upload them to photobucket.......

You remember Hailey's new kitten suitcase that my step dad bought her ?well she decorated it

and then ofcourse she said that my suitcase needed to be decorated too

then I always pack a bit of my stuff in hers n some of her stuff in mine just incase cause ya never know so heres the contents .....

I see a Wendy bird

yeah don't be fooled by those headbands,they're for momma

WE are SO READY!!!!

Oh hey John n michael and sadly we couldn't fit all of the lost boys but there are some in there somewhere n ofcourse no trip is complete without my fave munks

in that last one you can sorta see the Dumbo blanket I made for her SHHHHH it's a secret,oh and you see the Storm trooper water bottle /bags?they are for some special friends we haven't met yet.and theres ofcourse some decorations in there for the room aswell.

18DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!

REAL LIFE UPDATE: hubby had pre-op today and goes for his surgery tomorrow,so please keep your fingers crossed for us .



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First off HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to any moms out there,if it is a happy day for you ( for me not so much this time ,but thats okay)
REAL LIFE UPDATE: Hubby had surgery Friday,and although i was not prepared to see how he looked(it was worse than I expected n kinda scary) THings seem to have gone quite well.The only for sure news they gave us was that it was tumor and it could possibly come back someday.I'm going to hope not with all that I can.The weird thing is it's very rare for this to occur at such a young age the main cause is heavy smoking,My hubby has never smoked a day in his life so that makes no sense until you look at the number 2 reason.......radiation hmmmm well that makes sense since his cell phone is always in his front pocket.If you have sons,brothers, hubbies whoever tell them not to keep their cell phone in their pockets please!!!
anyway he's in alot of pain ofcourse but hes getting whatever he wants,and in great hands.I'm a darn good nurse when I want to be.As soon as we left the hospital I had these waiting for him.....

aswell as McDonalds to eat,I also bought him 3 cases of yogurt,applesauce and icecream incase he couldn't solids

and because Saturday was his bday I got him a bday cupcake with a pinwheel on it (incase he's 5 like me) and a chocolate dipped canoli with a cherry on top,and some lunch......

this he requested....

and this because he loves it and I wanted to surprise him

so we couldn't go out for his bday but I did what I could for him at home,and he's resting right now so all is well so far,let's hope this is the last of the stupid tumor!!

On a happier note i'm getting closer to Disney time,and boy do I need that!!!


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Also I'm hyper and have no life so incase you're interested,today is my unbirthday and I'm 12384 Days old!

here's my unbirthday cupcake I made



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Hey everyone I thought you might like to see what i was up to this past weekend,so I'll get to that in a minute but first let me just say that I checked the other day and it was 155 days from the nest disney trip YAYYYY.Also i'm almost at 2 months away from final payment EEEEKKKK!!! Anyways I have some pics n stuff from my weekend that isn't technically Disney content but does have some Disney paralells like ,rainforrest cafe,coke products,Joim shore,Elvis and some food for ya.So hubby n my oldest went to a magic show in Niagara falls and I decided to have a date day playing tourist with hailey in Niagara falls.we started out by going to build a bear,now before i post pics does anyone know if build a bear clothes fit Duffy? Let me know.

okay this employee was hilasrious n great with H he had her n I both laughing so much ,he needs to work at disney I can totally picture him in frontierland for some reason!

giving her bear a bath

finishing touch

that was super fun I kinda wanna go n make one myself LOL

okay so we weren't sure what we wanted to do next,I wanted icecream n H wanted a slushie so i figured we'd walk around while we figured it out,THen OH EM GEE you'll never guess what we saw!!!!!! The "real" Batmobile!!!! you see comic con was this weekend so they had it sitting on clifton Hill for people to see and I had to get pics of course to show you guys

and somewhere in that pic is a clue of whats to come

okay so that was cool but it was getting crowded around there n I get claustrophobic so we moved it along but I spotted something thats a rare occurence,infact in all my trips to the Falls (which is far too many to count) I had never seen this guy out and about so we stopped for a pic



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do you know him? he's the rainforrest cafe tree Frog!

we ended up in the Coke store because by this point we were in need of cold drinks

i love the decor of this place

we decided on milkshakes I got strawberry n H got chocolate chip cookie dough

here we are h with her shake n me in my geek goggles!

another update follows this......


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our next stop was the Hershey Store because it's right beside the coke store n the shops r linked like at Disney

hey look it's the Nick wellanda of Hershey Kisses lol

and some cool light fixtures because no report is complete without those(all though we all know Disney ones r the way to go )

Anyone want a kiss?

then we went outside n started to walk back towards the hill along the way we saw this....

oh n this too

and can you guess who was there? My boyfriend!!!! I can't believe he came all the way from Magic Kingdom to see me? That's love people you just can't deny it!



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oh show window remind of you anywhere?

it's no confectionary but its my at home version so i go whenever i can


then we ran into "A model citizen"

this made me miss dowtown disney so much!

now some images of the hill


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