Dumb things heard and seen last night


Original Poster
DW and I were at MK last night headed to POC. The guy behind me asked his group "Which Pirates of the Caribbean movie was the ride created from?

There was a big group from Wisconsin, all with the same shirt on. The back had the places they were visiting:
Walt Disney World
Sea World
Island of Adventure
Cocoa Beach
Disney's Hollywood Studios

They had gone to EPCOT too, but that wasn't on the shirt.


New Member
Those people should be thrown in jail! The high and mighty CSAGUY has identified someone in the parks who hasn't spent their entire lives devoting all their existence to Disney World! How dare them! HOW DARE THEY TRY TO HAVE FUN AND NOT GET THE NAMES RIGHT! INFIDELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we could create a new ride where the park can bring people like those stupid Wisonsiners to a stage with CSAGUY and listen to him ridicule them all day!

WOW! That would be fun!

Because we all know CSAGUY is God's gift to the Universe!!!

Is it necessary to be that sarcastic? Come on now, lets be nice!
Those people should be thrown in jail! The high and mighty CSAGUY has identified someone in the parks who hasn't spent their entire lives devoting all their existence to Disney World! How dare them! HOW DARE THEY TRY TO HAVE FUN AND NOT GET THE NAMES RIGHT! INFIDELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we could create a new ride where the park can bring people like those stupid Wisonsiners to a stage with CSAGUY and listen to him ridicule them all day!

WOW! That would be fun!

Because we all know CSAGUY is God's gift to the Universe!!!

wow real mature...


New Member
Those people should be thrown in jail! The high and mighty CSAGUY has identified someone in the parks who hasn't spent their entire lives devoting all their existence to Disney World! How dare them! HOW DARE THEY TRY TO HAVE FUN AND NOT GET THE NAMES RIGHT! INFIDELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we could create a new ride where the park can bring people like those stupid Wisonsiners to a stage with CSAGUY and listen to him ridicule them all day!

WOW! That would be fun!

Because we all know CSAGUY is God's gift to the Universe!!!

is that nessicary? someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. go take it out on a tub of ice cream or something, not innocent people.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that CSAGUY meant this as a joke. To continue the light hearted nature of the original post, I heard some of the same things on my last trip. I can't count how many people called chip and dale alvin. I also heard people on the HM line refering to how the ride was based on the movie. My favorite was the group that tried to get in to MK with universasl tickets. They claimed that the ticket they bought entitled them to all the parks. Then there was the lady who told her friends to skip epcot because she only lasted one hour there before realizing that it was such a snore. I realize that people are different and all entitled to their own opinion. I post this on a disney fan site because we as disney fans can all laugh and think about similar experiences. I say this because I do not wish to be attacked for making fun of people in a harmless manner.:wave:


Active Member
I've posted this one before, but here goes..

I believe I was waiting in line at Splash Mountain at the time..

"Mommy, what is fastpass? Why are they passing us?"

"That's for handicapped people, baby."


New Member
Those people should be thrown in jail! The high and mighty CSAGUY has identified someone in the parks who hasn't spent their entire lives devoting all their existence to Disney World! How dare them! HOW DARE THEY TRY TO HAVE FUN AND NOT GET THE NAMES RIGHT! INFIDELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we could create a new ride where the park can bring people like those stupid Wisonsiners to a stage with CSAGUY and listen to him ridicule them all day!

WOW! That would be fun!

Because we all know CSAGUY is God's gift to the Universe!!!

sorry but as a cast member that is one of my biggest pet peeves is when magic kingdom is called anything from disney world to "that park with the castle you know disneyland"


Well-Known Member
I call Magic Kingdom...Disney World...Always have always will
I know that the whole place is Walt Disney World but it is what I have always called it so I do..:)
Just like I still call it MGM...

I know what I mean and so do the people I talk too..:)


Well-Known Member
There was a big group from Wisconsin, all with the same shirt on. The back had the places they were visiting:
Walt Disney World

They had gone to EPCOT too, but that wasn't on the shirt.

Isn't Epcot included in WDW? So technically, the shirts were correct! (Just trying to be kind this morning. . .)
when i was little i refered to MK as "disney world" and was home of "thindawella's cassle"... everyone knew what i was talking about, its not a big deal.

anyway, its almost more amusing how disney fans will correct others! im guilty or that as well! my friends will say "oh we just went to disneyland!" and i will ask, were you in florida or california? and they say "um... florida" to which i correct them and say, then you were at disney WORLD. haha im not trying to be a jerk, its more for the sake of clarification!


New Member
My favorite "dumb thing" I heard on this past trip was during the Living with the Land boat ride. When we first entered the greenhouse, the woman sitting behind me told everyone else in her party, "Oh, look! We're inside the giant golf ball!"

I don't expect everyone to know every minute detail about Epcot, but please.


Well-Known Member
sorry but as a cast member that is one of my biggest pet peeves is when magic kingdom is called anything from disney world to "that park with the castle you know disneyland"

Maybe you should be a bit more tolerant of the guests you serv.

Whether the OP meant it as a joke or not, why does anybody seriously care what someone does or does not know about WDW?? I have never been able to figure this out. I have a sneaky feeling many of the people that could pass a Disney history exam would have difficulty passing a high school civics or history exam.

Let’s be a little more kind and tolerant to the folks that may not have the knowledge we feel they should have, okay?


Well-Known Member
I think many of us with our big disney know-it-all ego's have, at times, looked at someone fumbling with a map on main street and thought to ourselves, amateurs. It is part of our nature to do so and it is harmless as long as we realize that we are not really superior to those people. However, at times this can be helpful. My last trip was a solo one and so I paid a lot more attention to those around me. I had many conversations with people that started with me helping them out with where things were and "what is this ride about" etc. I even had one group who appreciated my advice so much that they insisted that I accompany them for the day at MK and play tour guide. :wave:
I forgot to add my favorite. The avid golfer in front of me in line for SSE (yes there was a line) who thought that it was a huge golf ball and that the ride was going to be about the history of golf or something like that. I could not stop laughing.


Active Member
My favorite "dumb thing" I heard on this past trip was during the Living with the Land boat ride. When we first entered the greenhouse, the woman sitting behind me told everyone else in her party, "Oh, look! We're inside the giant golf ball!"

I don't expect everyone to know every minute detail about Epcot, but please.

YES! I would have laughed so hard at that

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