The Studios is a half-day park that can only be strung out if you watch AIE multiple times.
There is nothing worth doing beyond PIXAR Place (if you have a fastpass)
Sunset Blvd is the main reason to go, if not the only reason.
The BAH ruins any attempt at theming Hollywood Blvd.
At least it has a better name now.
Worst park in WDW.
1: Nope. I can spend at least seven hours there, without seeing anything twice, and avoiding attractions I don't like. If you spend a half day or full day there doesn't matter to me though, I believe parks shouldn't be taken by schedule.
2: Isn't saying Sunset Blvd. is the main reason to go after saying there's nothing to see beyond Pixar Place a Major Contradiction? It's like saying there's nothing to do at kingdom outside of Adventureland. Oh, but you have to see Tomorrowland and Frontierland too.
3: I assume BAH means the hat, thought I can only assume what the BA implies. I wouldn't call it BA, seeing as how it's not that cool, but however you feel dude.
4: No, Disneyquest is the worst.
And even it is, I'll gladly contest the park's value against the others.
If it is the worst, it'll go down fighting my friend.
DHS officially lost any sense of identity when that plastic hat landed in front of the Chinese Theatre.
Servo is easily impressed if he thinks that :zipit: is the best World Showcase country:lookaroun It seems like it's always under refurb.
Studios has a very strong identity. Why do you think, that despite nomenclature, every Cast Member who works there refers to it as "Studios". Rather than "DHS" or "Hollywood Studios" as you guys call it. Because it's tightly knit. Because Studios is unique. Because it isn't the Magic Kingdom with movies. Like the other three parks, it's one of a kind.
And if all the Cast and people who work at Studios want the hat gone, it's because of their indentity. And what hasn't killed the park, will in the end only make it stronger.
(And Japan is clearly the best. Best store, Best restaurants, Best Architecture, Best Landscaping, and certainly best Background Music, and even the best live performers. Most of the Pavailions have no show or ride, so I don't think that's a valid competition point. Plus after all the Rehabs you mentioned, the buildings look way cleaner and better than the rest. Maybe you should wish some tarps on your favorite!)
I agree. It's the biggest problem there, now. The themeing.
As I have said before, DHS needs to be more 1930's Hollywood. In that, it adds to the fantasy and the feeling they wish to convey, I feel.
I won't comment on the other parts, but I do agree with that. Without it, the park wanes to the generic.
I mean, even Uni has a production center.:lookaroun
themeing isn't a word, we've gone over this. It's why it's got those red lines under it in spell check, to remind you that a 30's Coke-Cola sign isn't "themeing" it's detail. Theme is a base concept, etc. Do I need to tell you all this again? Joe Rhode would've just shot you by now to get it over with.
If you want more fantasy 1930's Hollywood, like I said, you at least gotta' understand what's there.
Back to training!
As for the generic, I'll only face palm and say you need more pop culture and less history lessons.
And don't get me started on production, it's absoultly stupid. Aside from Animation, which I'll agree with every which way, the idea that Universal is better because they let David Maus do car ads in front of the park is RIDICULOUS. In three years of being a Passholder, aside from News Broadcasts, I only saw them film one commercial, for which had no advertisement and was blocked from getting a good view of.
Soooo...I went off to ride things. No excitement, no backstage look, just some guardrails and Team Members.
And that's from THREE YEARS OF GOING TO THE PARK EVERY WEEK. The only actual movie that had has some shooting there in the last five years was "Final Destination 3-D". Oh yeah, shooting in betweeneers for THAT would make Studios better.
I love Universal, but production ain't anywhere close to the reasons why.
Do give a toss about relevance or all that other fan boy fake studio guff, just give me some good attractions to experience and make it better value for my money.
^Here, I present to you a valid criticism. I really wish more posters posted like you, it'd make my life a million times easier.
:lol: :dazzle: