Disney Vacation Nightmares???


Original Poster
Has anyone had one of these? You plan and plan and one night you have a dream about your upcoming vacation and everything goes wrong.


I'm going in May with my wife and kids and my wife's family.
We get to the house we rented and the previous people are still sleeping in the beds.. umm gross!
The next day we get to MK and half the rides are down for refurbishment and the other half all have 120 min waits with no FP's.
The 3rd day we start getting the group together for DHS.. by the time we are all ready and in the van, its 15 minutes before the park closes...
By this time I'm so frustrated that I take a train that apparently Disney installed from the back of the house we rented to AK. When I get to animal kingdom, my MIL is swimming in a maintenance type pool.. when I ask her why she is there, she says she just wanted to take a swim....

Finally I wake up, clenching my pillow with my fist and teeth.... LOLOL!

So has anyone else had these type of "nightmares"? Keep them light please, no dreams that were actually really traumatic.


Well-Known Member
I have these ALL THE TIME. Mine aren't just about everything going wrong (which always does happen), but also about Disney World being totally different. In several dreams it's been more like a carnival or fair, and other times, the rides are vastly different from what they're really like. I've never had a dream where a WDW experience was an improvement over the real experience...


Well-Known Member
I do!!!

Especially about a month or so before my trip.

I have this awful dream that we all get to Disney World, and then about 1 day into the vacation, someone forgets something at home. We have to fly allll the way back to massachusetts, to get it, and when we get back home to find it, we can't, and someone in our family finds something else we need before we go back, and by the time we get back on the plane to go home, our vacation is almost over. I have that dream all the time before I go on my vacations to WDW and I can't stand it!!!

And I have paranoia about missing our flight, so sometimes I dream about that, so the night before the trip, I set all the alarms in the house, and cell phones so that we wake up lol.


Original Poster
I have these ALL THE TIME. Mine aren't just about everything going wrong (which always does happen), but also about Disney World being totally different. In several dreams it's been more like a carnival or fair, and other times, the rides are vastly different from what they're really like. I've never had a dream where a WDW experience was an improvement over the real experience...

I had one that all of the sudden the place looked like a local fair, with all the games and cheezy rollercoaster type rides... bright colors, big stuffed animals.. it was horrible..... then I realized I wasn't dreaming but just walking through AK.


Original Poster
I do!!!

Especially about a month or so before my trip.

I have this awful dream that we all get to Disney World, and then about 1 day into the vacation, someone forgets something at home. We have to fly allll the way back to massachusetts, to get it, and when we get back home to find it, we can't, and someone in our family finds something else we need before we go back, and by the time we get back on the plane to go home, our vacation is almost over. I have that dream all the time before I go on my vacations to WDW and I can't stand it!!!

And I have paranoia about missing our flight, so sometimes I dream about that, so the night before the trip, I set all the alarms in the house, and cell phones so that we wake up lol.
you could post your phone number and ask for wake up calls.. imagine like 3000 wake-up calls.. LOL!

Sorry folks, the mouse out front should have told you we were closed for repairs. (like Wally World)

Yeah I think I would respond the same way he did!


New Member
Thank goodness I am nightmare free. And I am always too excited to sleep before vacation so I end up waking up serveral times in the night before I give up and just start getting ready to go early. :D


Well-Known Member
^I don't just mean the night before, I get these weeks or possibly even months before we leave. At least I have happy-Disney thoughts-only during my waking hours, I suppose.


I have these. I have the ones where everything that has ever gone wrong on a vacation before is happening again and again and again. Most notably the one where I can't seem to get to where I'm going, or when I get there I have no ticket, or wallet. ARGHHHH!


Just last night my wife had one. (First of all I was a Disney fanatic way before her. She had never been to Disney before she met me. Two trips later and she is a fanatic too. ) Anyway last night she dreamed I decided not to go with her on our upcoming trip, and she had to take our son, her mom and a friend. I kept telling her I couldn't miss work, work was way more important than Disney World. I just laughed when she told me that, because I have my priorities Straight and Disney is way ahead of work! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I do!!!

Especially about a month or so before my trip.

I have this awful dream that we all get to Disney World, and then about 1 day into the vacation, someone forgets something at home. We have to fly allll the way back to massachusetts, to get it, and when we get back home to find it, we can't, and someone in our family finds something else we need before we go back, and by the time we get back on the plane to go home, our vacation is almost over. I have that dream all the time before I go on my vacations to WDW and I can't stand it!!!

And I have paranoia about missing our flight, so sometimes I dream about that, so the night before the trip, I set all the alarms in the house, and cell phones so that we wake up lol.

I have a very similar dream where I realize mere minutes before my flight that I have a flight that day. I rush about trying to pack everything thinking I can make the flight somewhoe but knowing it takes off in 15 minutes.

I also dream alot that it is either Christmas or vacation (my 2 favorite times of the year) and I don't realize it until like the last day...really weird. And then I think of all the things I missed out on that will have o wait until next year.


Well-Known Member
Once I was checking into All Stars and twice they gave me rooms which had peoples stuff in it. I was ed really ed after the second time. The third time they upgraded me to prefered room.


Well-Known Member
I have all kinds of dreams about Disney but so far, none of them have been bad. The night before I go... I'm to excited to sleep!:lol:


New Member

They usually revolve around either getting left behind, as in "The plane leaves in 5 minutes... if only I could put on my pants!" but your movements are slow and plodding.

Or, they sometimes involve Disney having been "downgraded" somehow. Like, you go to Magic Kingdom and it turns out to be just a merry-go-round and a ringtoss game.


Well-Known Member
I dream about Disney lots. Last week I dreamed I won the castle suite. How's that for wishful thinking.

I don't really have nightmares like wacky mishaps or anything like that.

A few years ago when we were living in Georgia I had several nightmares, very graphic, of watching my sons on rides at parks (not at Disney) and then really horrific accidents happening. But that's not fun stuff so I won't get specific.

Anywhoo, I originally thought the thread was about nightmarish experiences that really happened. Then I read the OP with disbelief. I think it was the train to AK that made me realize we were in a dream...hence the nightmare title. LOL!


Well-Known Member
^I don't just mean the night before, I get these weeks or possibly even months before we leave. At least I have happy-Disney thoughts-only during my waking hours, I suppose.

That is too funny...I thought I was the ONLY person that had these dreams.

Just like you said WDW looks like a Fair and its dirty and run down.

Everyone who works there is in street clothes and guys have long unkept hair.
The one thing that always is part of the dreams is Haunted Mansion is a walk through and there are no moving parts.Its more like a Museum and they have these huge musty velvet couches that you can sit on.


Original Poster
our next trip we are taking a friend that has never been. I told her about my dream and she laughed... then the next night she had one. She dreamed that her tickets were invalid and they cost $650 to replace, she had to leave and couldn't go in.

She told me and I laughed....

... then called guest relations to make sure our tickets were all valid...:lookaroun

Glad to know I'm not the only one!:)


Active Member
I am surprised that nobody has posted dreams about weather yet! The last 2 times we went was during hurricane season (and one of our trips was land/sea package) so I had a bunch of dreams about being down there during bad weather and our vacation being a total "wash out." :lookaroun

The other thing I had dreams about was our last trip we brought our 18 month old daughter and I kept dreaming that we would lose her "woobie" (beloved blankie we call raf-raf):eek: Low and behold we did lose it on main street in MK but some kind person put it on top of one of the garbage cans and after an hour of back tracking :hammer:.....we finally found it! Thank god we did or things probably would have gotten ugly!!!!:lol:

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