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  • You probably don't even check in here anymore, Tom, but I just saw some of your articles on another blog website. Miss your pictures, buddy, but I'll start following you over there!
    It was nice to meet you yesterday, Tom. i hope you and Guy had a great day
    just signed up on your website- very well done! i really enjoy all the fb pics too!!
    hi figment!! I am new to photography. Im trying my new camera out on our disney vacation at the end of sept!! So excited!! I absolutely love your pics! They stand out more than anyones of the threads!! How do you get the color to pop like that on the photos?? Is it a program?
    Hey Tom,
    Have you seen the New Figment Ear hats? They are cute, and when I saw it I thought of you and your crazy outfit for the D scavenger hunt!
    I must say I truly enjoy your photography. It is so colorful and beautiful. I Love it.
    Hi there, just wanted to stop by and say that your pictures are fantastic and I really enjoy browsing them when I'm missing the parks! Thanks for sharing them!
    Hey there, I was scrolling through your (awesome!) Flickr page when I saw that you had a cat named Yossarian. Kudos to you for naming your cat after a character from such a great book. :D
    @Patrick_Ears - Thanks!

    @LilSuzy - I use a Nikon D7000, primarily.

    If anyone else has questions, send me a private message. It's only by chance that I saw these comments. I normally don't check my visitor messages!
    Hi there fellow Hoosier! I was wondering if you could point me to your proposal photos. I would like to show my daughter who is likely approaching having the "question popped" and I think she would love them!! I remember how incredibly romantic and beautiful it was. Thanks so much!
    I saw your post on MiceChat and then came over here to look at the rest of your trip reports. Your pictures are fantastic!
    Tom, love your WDW xmas photos!!! It is as close as I will get to Disney at Christmas for a long while, unless Santa gives me an xmas trip for xmas!! Thank you so very much for sharing!! Merry Christmas to you and Sarah and your very cute furry children.
    Hi WDWFigment! I stopped in to say your photos are amazing. What kind of camera do you use?
    is david's vacation club rentals a good place to go to rent a dvc timeshare or is it a rip off. Could you please send me an email at cool777t@yahoo.com and let me know what your ideas are on this company.
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