Disney Twighlight


I haven't seen the movies so I'll admit I'm going completely on the advice of people whom I trust when they tell me to steer clear of them. For all I know they're all Oscar worthy and my friends are simply ignorant.

That being said, is this accurate? If so you've got to admit it's pretty freaking funny...love Sparkly Cedric's expression.



Active Member
I haven't seen the movies so I'll admit I'm going completely on the advice of people whom I trust when they tell me to steer clear of them. For all I know they're all Oscar worthy and my friends are simply ignorant.

That being said, is this accurate? If so you've got to admit it's pretty freaking funny...love Sparkly Cedric's expression.


:ROFLOL: That pretty much sums it up.


Well-Known Member
The story of Twilight (New Moon in particular) is by no means deep or thought-provoking.:lol:

I still enjoy it though, and I find Harry Potter boring.:shrug:


Active Member
I love Twilight, Harry Potter and Disney. I've been teased and made of relentlessly for all of them. And it's true that people's attitudes and opinions of you differ based on the things you like. Ive been called juvenile and stupid. I've been told to get a life and I've been told to grow up because of my love for all three things. Yes, it makes me angry when people "hate" on them, because I'm so passionate about it, I can't stand to see others dislike it so much.

It's like working on a masterpiece of art and someone coming along and saying it sucks. It's not personal, but it still hurts. My own fiancé is sometimes embarrassed to go out with me when i'm wearing my Disney hoodie with a huge Mickey on the back. He thinks it's very juvenile. There are several grown men at my job who also love the Twilight series and when we're overheard talking about it, their manhood comes into question.

My point is, it gets really frustrating, tiring and old, constantly defending and sticking up for the things I like because others don't understand or agree. However, that's not going to change the way I feel. I'm a die hard fan of Twilight, Harry Potter and Disney and that's not going to change anytime soon. Do I think they're all perfect? No, I'm not delusional. But I really enjoy them, Books, movies and parks.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but what really bothers me are people who opinions are based on bias or false information. People who make up they're mind about something before they know what they're talking about.
It's like those people who hate on Disney because they think it's just a kids place. It kind of makes you want to prove them wrong.

If youve never been to Disney...go. If you havent read twilight or Harry potter....read the books, see all the movies, then if you don't like it...fine. If you're not interested in doing that, then jut say it's not your cup of tea. No need to rip apart something that millions of people love because you dont get it. You're opinion may not be intended to be personal, but that's how it feels to those who love it.

As to the original post, a Twilight themed park would be ridiculous. There'd be nothing to do.


Well-Known Member
I love Twilight, Harry Potter and Disney. I've been teased and made of relentlessly for all of them. And it's true that people's attitudes and opinions of you differ based on the things you like. Ive been called juvenile and stupid. I've been told to get a life and I've been told to grow up because of my love for all three things. Yes, it makes me angry when people "hate" on them, because I'm so passionate about it, I can't stand to see others dislike it so much.

It's like working on a masterpiece of art and someone coming along and saying it sucks. It's not personal, but it still hurts. My own fiancé is sometimes embarrassed to go out with me when i'm wearing my Disney hoodie with a huge Mickey on the back. He thinks it's very juvenile. There are several grown men at my job who also love the Twilight series and when we're overheard talking about it, their manhood comes into question.

My point is, it gets really frustrating, tiring and old, constantly defending and sticking up for the things I like because others don't understand or agree. However, that's not going to change the way I feel. I'm a die hard fan of Twilight, Harry Potter and Disney and that's not going to change anytime soon. Do I think they're all perfect? No, I'm not delusional. But I really enjoy them, Books, movies and parks.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but what really bothers me are people who opinions are based on bias or false information. People who make up they're mind about something before they know what they're talking about.
It's like those people who hate on Disney because they think it's just a kids place. It kind of makes you want to prove them wrong.

If youve never been to Disney...go. If you havent read twilight or Harry potter....read the books, see all the movies, then if you don't like it...fine. If you're not interested in doing that, then jut say it's not your cup of tea. No need to rip apart something that millions of people love because you dont get it. You're opinion may not be intended to be personal, but that's how it feels to those who love it.

As to the original post, a Twilight themed park would be ridiculous. There'd be nothing to do.

Great post.


Well-Known Member
True story (and will explain a lot of my feelings on this issue):

When I was about 10 or 11 I was at the mall with my father and sister. As you can see by my avatar, I'm a big Bon Jovi fan. Have been for a long time. Anyways, I was wearing this jean jacket that had a Bon Jovi patch on the back of it. You remember the type, people wore them all the time in 80's, jackets with their favorite group on it. As we're walking through the mall, these 2 or 3 teenage girls start screaming "BON JOVI SUCKS, BON JOVI IS GAY", and some other stuff I can't repeat here. It was the most embarrassing moment of my entire life. From that day, I just never understood why people had to be so mean.

So yeah, I'm over sensitive to stuff like this. I sure as heck don't want my kids harassed at school because of a band they like or a team they support.

I get what you're saying...been there myself a number of times over...but you know what? You need to learn not to care what other people say or think. I've been called so many things for whatever reason and in reality who cares? Why let someone's jerkish nature ruin your mood or make you change things about yourself just so they may think you're 'cool'? It's not worth it. Be who you are and like what you like. If they don't like it and they wanna bash it...screw them. Let them be bitter morons. Enjoy life. It's too short to let others ruin it for you. :king:

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
Vampires and zombies never get old. WDW needs to rework a lot of the boring attractions such as the Tiki Room and CBJ by including fang banging vampires and brain eating zombies. That kind of entertainment is timeless. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I love Twilight, Harry Potter and Disney. I've been teased and made of relentlessly for all of them. And it's true that people's attitudes and opinions of you differ based on the things you like. Ive been called juvenile and stupid. I've been told to get a life and I've been told to grow up because of my love for all three things. Yes, it makes me angry when people "hate" on them, because I'm so passionate about it, I can't stand to see others dislike it so much.

It's like working on a masterpiece of art and someone coming along and saying it sucks. It's not personal, but it still hurts. My own fiancé is sometimes embarrassed to go out with me when i'm wearing my Disney hoodie with a huge Mickey on the back. He thinks it's very juvenile. There are several grown men at my job who also love the Twilight series and when we're overheard talking about it, their manhood comes into question.

My point is, it gets really frustrating, tiring and old, constantly defending and sticking up for the things I like because others don't understand or agree. However, that's not going to change the way I feel. I'm a die hard fan of Twilight, Harry Potter and Disney and that's not going to change anytime soon. Do I think they're all perfect? No, I'm not delusional. But I really enjoy them, Books, movies and parks.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but what really bothers me are people who opinions are based on bias or false information. People who make up they're mind about something before they know what they're talking about.
It's like those people who hate on Disney because they think it's just a kids place. It kind of makes you want to prove them wrong.

If youve never been to Disney...go. If you havent read twilight or Harry potter....read the books, see all the movies, then if you don't like it...fine. If you're not interested in doing that, then jut say it's not your cup of tea. No need to rip apart something that millions of people love because you dont get it. You're opinion may not be intended to be personal, but that's how it feels to those who love it.

As to the original post, a Twilight themed park would be ridiculous. There'd be nothing to do.

I agree that it's hateful when people are making fun of the people who like certain things. I myself have read the Twilight books and Harry Potter books and have seen the movies. The twilight movies are awful in my opinion but I enjoyed the books.

The difference between your stories and this thread is that nobody is calling any fans of the series juvenille/stupid/questioning manhood. They are allowed to voice their opinons of disliking a certain topic. If their opinon is that the books/movies are "boring, stupid, juvenille" that is their opinion of the movies and books - not the fans who enjoy them. I'm simply saying you cannot be so overly sensitive to get angry when someone does not agree with your likes/makes fun of something you like. When they start making fun of you for enjoying it - then we've got a problem.


The difference between your stories and this thread is that nobody is calling any fans of the series juvenille/stupid/questioning manhood. They are allowed to voice their opinons of disliking a certain topic. If they're opinon is that the books/movies are "boring, stupid, juvenille" that is their opinion of the movies and books - not the fans who enjoy them.
Totally agree. I used to make fun of the Harry Potter series until I got all the movies and my wife and I decided to run through them -- mostly because we'd seen everything else in our collection and just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Turns out they're pretty bad-______ and we both ended up reading all the books (twice, for me).

Anyway, I know plenty of people who don't like them and I couldn't care less. I don't take it as a personal assault if someone criticizes books and movies that I had no part in creating.


Well-Known Member
The Career Analyst: Kristen Stewart.....

Since a lot of the convo's here in this thread are about Twilight and Kristen Stewart, I Thought this was an interesting article:


The Career Analyst: Kristen Stewart
Source: Edward Douglas November 15, 2011

So last week's Adam Sandler analysis really took off and we got some interesting comments, which means it's time to delve into even more controversial territory, which certainly may be the case with our latest candidate for career analysis: Kristen Stewart. At this point, we probably don't even need to mention any of "The Twilight Saga" movies in which Kristen Stewart has starred as Bella Swan, because everyone already knows how successful they've been. That's really the role that Stewart will be remembered for, probably for at least the next two decades.

Looking at Kristen Stewart by The Numbers, she's got a billion dollars under her belt in domestic box office by the age of 21 and she's likely to be adding another $600 to 700 million (just domestically) in the coming year. She has seven positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, probably more than Adam Sandler who has made far more movies. You won't see a "Twilight Saga" installment among them, though.

Most moviegoers' first impressions of Ms. Stewart was when she played Jodie Foster's daughter in David Fincher's Panic Room in 2002, a big role in a movie that made nearly $100 million domestically. Some may have been surprised when she followed that up with two very different movies, both which bombed, the thriller Cold Creek Manor, playing Dennis Quaid's daughter, and Catch That Kid, a family action-adventure in which she starred. In 2005, she had a small role in Jon Favreau's family adventure Zathura, then two years later starred in the Screen Gems horror film The Messengers, although like so many movies, these just barely made a mark and were quickly forgotten. She also started getting more roles in independent films that would receive acclaim at film festivals but then mostly get ignored theatrically.

In 2007, she had a small role opposite Emile Hirsch in Sean Penn's Into the Wild, which was the closest Stewart has gotten to an Oscar-worthy movie so far, and also appeared in In the Land of Women, which put her opposite Meg Ryan, another iconic female star who could potentially offer her some career advice.

Not that she would need it because next came Twilight, a movie that would forever change Stewart's role in the business as well as her image, as she and her co-star Robert Pattinson were immediately elevated to the level of some of the biggest stars in the business. Of course, that's to be expected after the first movie grossed nearly $200 million and then both of its follow-ups floated closer to the $300 million mark.

Even so, she continued to take on daring roles in movies like Greg Mottola's Adventureland ($16 million gross) opposite Jesse Eisenberg, played Joan Jett in The Runaways ($3.5 million) and took on the role of a stripper in Jake Scott's Welcome to the Rileys, which had her acting opposite award winners like James Gandolfini and Melissa Leo. All three of those films appeared at the Sundance Film Festival, where Stewart has become a regular fixture, but she's been in too many movies that barely even made $500,000, and that's after 2008 when her Q-rating notched up so drastically.

Either way, it's the "Twilight" movies that have made Stewart in hot demand on the late night talk show circuit, but recently, when she appears on these shows, it seems like she's bored or too cool to be there.

We may as well just call it as we see it: "Kristen Stewart can't handle fame."

Granted, lots of great New York actors don't like doing press and almost immediately crawl back into their shell when confronted with questions about their work or craft. Being interviewed is actually an odd thing and probably the worst part of being any sort of artist. Even so, Stewart is an actress, so she needs to find a way to use her acting skills to make it seem like she's comfortable in her own skin. She's been acting long enough and she's been dealing with all the other stuff involved with the movie business for nearly ten years now.

You're a star, Kristen, act like it. You can be famous and not be an a-hole and let it go to your head. You have to accept that you're famous and that people want to talk to you and not try to act like being famous is below you. Many people would kill for your success as well as the number of people, particularly young girls, who love and look up to you.

You can be an artist and keep making movies like The Runaways and Adventureland and Welcome to the Rileys but f*ck's sake, find a role that lets you smile a little bit. I know--do a comedy! Prove to the critical people who don't feel you have any sort of acting range that you can surprise them. It's actually worked in career-changing ways for other actresses who took on roles one normally wouldn't expect of them, and it will keep you in the public eye when you're not promoting "Twilight." (And who knows? We can definitely see the day that Stewart will be in a role that gets her awards attention, but she has to be ready to glad-hand and kiss up to those annoying voters!)

The best thing going for Stewart is that next summer, before the last part of "The Twilight Saga" is released, she'll be starring in the big budget fantasy epic Snow White and the Huntsman, a take on a classic fairy tale that will have a trailer in front of this weekend's "Breaking Dawn – Part 1." This is a good way for Stewart to keep making big movies that bring in audiences that aren't necessarily "Twilight" and who knows? Maybe the movie will do well enough that it can lead to another movie or franchise for her, something that will allow her to keep making smaller movies as well.

In the meantime, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 will open on Thursday at midnight and seeing how many sell-out shows it already has, we expect it to be another movie that completely shocks people with how much money it makes.

The Career Analyst's Rating for Kristen Stewart:


Reason for this Grade: Stewart has a lot of potential as an actress, especially when taking on daring roles in independent films, which often helps them get made and possibly seen. She also has the potential for being a serious box office star outside the "Twilight" movies, but her attitude kind of sucks--or at least it comes across that way--and it's the kind of thing that can have her fans turning against her in a heartbeat, especially once "The Twilight Saga" comes to an end.

(Photo credit: WENN.com)

Read more: The Career Analyst: Kristen Stewart - ComingSoon.net http://www.comingsoon.net/news/weekendwarriornews.php?id=84237#ixzz1dmc4DMje

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Its a book/film buy a sad lonely sad act about lonely sad acts watched by lonely sad acts. So yes it would be ideal for Disneys early teen and menopausal female fan base.


Well-Known Member
Its a book/film buy a sad lonely sad act about lonely sad acts watched by lonely sad acts. So yes it would be ideal for Disneys early teen and menopausal female fan base.

First of all, it's "by", not "buy". As someone who tries so hard to come off as superior to everyone else, you could sure use some help with your basic proper English skills.

Second, do you know Stephanie Meyer?

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