Dinosaur Audio Effects Changes


Well-Known Member
My wife went on Saturday (7pm) and she is usually just as quick as I am to notice changes (and be critical if they are not for the better). She didn't know about this reported change, so she had gone on the ride without watching for the issue. When I asked her later about it, she said she didn't notice any differences in the ride's audio. So maybe it worked for her? Or maybe the change wasn't something that leaped out at her? She's been on the ride probably 30 times total in her life, so it's not like she rides every weekend.

She *did* say the charging carnotaurus wasn't moving, and the "eating" dino was immobile. And of course the diving pterandon and jumping compsognathus haven't done their bits in years.


Active Member
When I went in December I did feel that it was significantly brighter on the ride. The ride felt more like a typical disney dark ride as opposed to a ride in near black-out conditions with the occasional dinosaur lit up

Nothing was surprising, you could see where you were going. A T-rex isn't exactly going to scare you if you can see it coming 30 ft away.

I agree, a quite good ride, ruined over the years.


Well-Known Member
They should just fix it by now.....no excuse. Its one of animal kingdoms only REAL rides and its been getting no love or attention. All they have done to it is try and create a better name(FAIL) for it...and let it WASTE. Im still dissapointed

Flight Safety

Active Member
Original Poster
For all you Dinosaur haters, and "Its too loud" people out there. I have just 3 little words for you. UNIVERSE OF ENERGY. The audio during UOE is at least 15 to 20% louder than Dino ever was.

I will say this again too, there ARE warning signs at both attractions addressing the loud sounds and scary situations.

Oh well, I guess I'm just wrong for thinking this way. :shrug:


New Member
For all you Dinosaur haters, and "Its too loud" people out there. I have just 3 little words for you. UNIVERSE OF ENERGY. The audio during UOE is at least 15 to 20% louder than Dino ever was.

I will say this again too, there ARE warning signs at both attractions addressing the loud sounds and scary situations.

Oh well, I guess I'm just wrong for thinking this way. :shrug:

That's defiantly true. First time I went on Dinosaur was in 2004 and I was scared! But it was a good scared. I went back to WDW last Oct. and I went on UoE than, that same day, Dinosaur and was shocked at the minimal amount of noise! It was most of my cousins' first time on it and, even though they enjoyed it, i was upset they couldn't see the ride in it's prime:mad:.


Active Member
Your exactly right. Inspectors are all the same. In the case of parks(not just Disney, anyone; Universal, SeaWorld, Six Flags, Cedar Fair, ETC), OHSA hates them. I have talked at conferences and other things with other park people the general consensus is that no escapes OHSA without a fine or being told to change something.

OHSA doesn't care about show in the least. Not if they can cite you for something.

Fines = Departmental Funding = Job security for Napoleon Dynamite OSHA dude


Active Member
I'll admit it. I have a habit of throwing the Forbidden Journey into any thread that complains about something done wrong at Disney for the sole reason that when something breaks on Potter, it's fixed shortly. I've seen it. It's the perfect example of the dark ride done right. They can't afford to have poor maintenance on it. I'll definitely comment to a CTX cast member next time I go. At least they'd be getting some feedback. I'm just surprised that the cast members would be exposed to all of that sound in the first place.

Uni has no choice; they have to fix it because of FJ's and HP's overall contribution to the increases in attendance at Uni. If any of the parks at WDW began to experience precipitous decreases in attendance, then there would be a motivation to keep the attractions in better condition. But when attendance is steady or growing, why bother?
Uni has no choice; they have to fix it because of FJ's and HP's overall contribution to the increases in attendance at Uni. If any of the parks at WDW began to experience precipitous decreases in attendance, then there would be a motivation to keep the attractions in better condition. But when attendance is steady or growing, why bother?

You're right - Universal has no choice. They hold themselves up to show quality standards, something Disney used to do years ago. Universal does it to make sure the ride is close to 100% show quality as possible upon opening every operation day.

Prime example - the first mummy AA in Revenge of the Mummy. How often is it broken? Pretty often, to the point sometimes the sarcophagus doesn't open at all. How often is it repaired over the next few days and back up running? All the time. Go talk to the Yeti and see if that is the case for years now.

Universal is stepping up there game. Disney is retreating in this category.


For all you Dinosaur haters, and "Its too loud" people out there. I have just 3 little words for you. UNIVERSE OF ENERGY. The audio during UOE is at least 15 to 20% louder than Dino ever was.

I will say this again too, there ARE warning signs at both attractions addressing the loud sounds and scary situations.

Oh well, I guess I'm just wrong for thinking this way. :shrug:

You can make as many warning signs as you can and it wont work. Some idiot will find a way to complain. There are people(lots of them) that have grown way to sensitive. They aren't bound by any race, gender, income level, or political standing. They just find issue with EVERYTHING.

Here's how OHSA goes. Someone can complain to them about anything and OHSA will believe them. They believe employers are always hiding something and if they have a union, the union leaders are blind to the issues.

Now it can be a guest who makes a compliant. There are tons of special interest groups who complain and whine daily about WDW rides. But it can also be an actual CM or past CM who calls it in.

And this isn't just something that happens to Disney either. Universal has had to tone things down because of OHSA visits as well. I know they are just waiting to nail Potter for something. I know they will. Whether they make it public or not is the question. Another one of those factors decided by how they are feeling that day. And don't get me started on their hatred towards SeaWorld. IF they could shut them down they would. But they can't.

At the end of the day, it's all about what they think is a good work environment. I can completely see them saying, "you know if worker were walking around in this attraction, there is no way they can communicate with each other. Or worse, they could not hear a car coming and get run over by the ride vehicle." Or "the music is too loud and can cause you to go deaf." They would. OHSA does some good things; i'll give them that. But they also try to make it seem like, they protect employees and make this overly dramatic all the time.

Heres a video of what an inspection looks like for the most part with a theme/ amusement park. Only not as silly.


Fines = Departmental Funding = Job security for Napoleon Dynamite OSHA dude

So true.

Uni has no choice; they have to fix it because of FJ's and HP's overall contribution to the increases in attendance at Uni.

So true also.


Premium Member
You're right - Universal has no choice. They hold themselves up to show quality standards, something Disney used to do years ago. Universal does it to make sure the ride is close to 100% show quality as possible upon opening every operation day.

Prime example - the first mummy AA in Revenge of the Mummy. How often is it broken? Pretty often, to the point sometimes the sarcophagus doesn't open at all. How often is it repaired over the next few days and back up running? All the time. Go talk to the Yeti and see if that is the case for years now.

Universal is stepping up there game. Disney is retreating in this category.

This is true. I was on FJ with a friend a few months ago, as we were about to unload a TM asked me a question, but I was too busy trying to get off of the conveyor belt, so she kindly asked me again "Was the audio working ok???" and I replied "Yes, there were no issues"

I've never heard a Disney CM asking to confirm that before (although I'm not going to say CM's don't do that, I just haven't experienced it)

disney fan 13

Well-Known Member
This is true. I was on FJ with a friend a few months ago, as we were about to unload a TM asked me a question, but I was too busy trying to get off of the conveyor belt, so she kindly asked me again "Was the audio working ok???" and I replied "Yes, there were no issues"

I've never heard a Disney CM asking to confirm that before (although I'm not going to say CM's don't do that, I just haven't experienced it)

I found that on my recent trip, that all of the TM's were great. and my friend actually commented to me about the mummy TM's getting too into there roles...


So if soccer moms find audio too loud for thier emotionally fragile children WHEN IT's PART OF THE RIDE, that gets taken care of. But if fans complain about real things we get dismissed. I SEE


Well-Known Member
I actually thought Harry Potter FJ was loud....however Its supposed to be it gives more of a sense your in the action rather then watching a movie. However The ride broke down 2 out the 3 times I rode in in 2010. Kind of crappy and the sound was off for the second half. I also agree UOE is wayyyy louder then Dinosaur. IDK why disney cant have some scary rides! its meant to be louder then normal but NEVER does it ever hurt my ears to the point of massive headaches after!


Well-Known Member
This is true. I was on FJ with a friend a few months ago, as we were about to unload a TM asked me a question, but I was too busy trying to get off of the conveyor belt, so she kindly asked me again "Was the audio working ok???"
Words cannot describe how awesome this is.


I understand Disney is about family experiences but this is ridiculous. Some family's like mine enjoy thrill rides. They call them thrill rides for a reason. Guests need to stop riding these rides knowing what they're getting into and then complain about them. They ruin it for everyone else. Disney keeps toning these rides down because of the complaining. (((LAME)))


Well-Known Member
I hate to paint a bullseye on the back of my head here, but i do admit that the normal ride audio is somewhat painful to my ears at times. I have pretty sensitive hearing though. I never complained about it or anything, lest you try to assume i did. And it was never enough to complain about. I don't know what it sounds like now, though i don't wish for them to disable the sound entirely (lowering the volume slightly on some of the crashes and roars wouldn't bug me though). I don't find the loudness frightening or startling at all, just slightly painful.

Weird thing is i don't have this problem much with other rides. I think it's related to not only the volume, but the high pitch of some of the meteor crashes (those are the parts that hurt the worst).


New Member
Well It sounded normal to me last time I rode it about a week ago. But if it really effects the ride enjoyment as much as everyone says, the Safari becomes my new favorite ride in AK.

People always have to complain about something, why can't they complain about stuff that actually needs to be done and leave the good stuff alone -_-


Well-Known Member
When I was in the World in January 2012 I realized it was much quieter than July of 2011. We had a friend with us and it was his first time to WDW ever and he had fun on Dinosaur but said it wasn't nearly as intense as we hyped it up to be. I was petrified the first time I ever rode it and this time I came out asking my boyfriend where the loud roar at the end was or if they had turned it down. I also thought it was brighter but my boyfriend says he thinks the lighting was the same. My reaction between July and January were different. In July I was petrified even after 5 rides. I rode it because of what it made me feel. In January I I was like it is an ok ride but not as scary as I remember it.

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