
Well-Known Member
When I see stuff like "creative difference" with companies like this.....I call BS. WHne your talking about that kind of money creative differencve goes out the window. As with Rowling and Cameron it is about the money....and how much Disney will invest into any project. Rowling wanted enough money to make Potter what it should be.....(see the UNI version) Disney wanted only to pay for a much more scaled down version. This IMO was the "creative difference" I am thinking this is the same thing that is happening with Cameron.

You know what would be funny.....If we see Avatarland at UNI.


Well-Known Member
One thing to remember is that Disney historically builds things slowly to spread CapEx over as many fiscal years as possible. That does not mean that if they wanted to, they couldn't fast track this project.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member

I wonder if it was maybe because Rowling didn't want to work with Disney? Maybe she thought that they would have too much control and I could see her not wanting a bastardization of her legacy.

If what others have said is true, Disney's selling point to JK for Potter in Disney was a ride like TSMM... And if that was their proposal, they should be ashamed... JK is a smart woman... She made the right call not working with Disney...


Well-Known Member
When I see stuff like "creative difference" with companies like this.....I call BS. WHne your talking about that kind of money creative differencve goes out the window. As with Rowling and Cameron it is about the money....and how much Disney will invest into any project. Rowling wanted enough money to make Potter what it should be.....(see the UNI version) Disney wanted only to pay for a much more scaled down version. This IMO was the "creative difference" I am thinking this is the same thing that is happening with Cameron.

You know what would be funny.....If we see Avatarland at UNI.
I honestly think that's why it was purchased if we can't build at least universal can't either


Active Member
Cameron gave Universal first crack at it, but Universal didn't want it/see the merit in it.

And that alone is why I thought the project was doomed from the start. Disney should have known better than to try for UNI rejects. The whole thing was just to get some Disney press with the WWoHP opening. "See, look we're doing something too!" without having to spend serious coin to get noticed.

Also I think UNI had a heck of a time dealing with Cameron with their T2 attraction, so they learned from their mistakes.

This whole Disney/UNI theme park war just smacks of schadenfreude over Disney's rebuff of Comcast's buyout offer many years ago. I don't care if Comcast and Disney have just inked a 10 year contract for ESPN et al, that's just smart business sense on Comcast's part. And as they say, keep your friends close.... but your enemies closer.

It will be interesting to see what all becomes of it.


Premium Member
What I don't understand is why Disney would attempt to work with Cameron and not Rowling. You would think that after the strained relationship Disney has with Lucas that this would have been a red flag. He's not called king of the world because he's a nice guy. There are so many proven franchises Disney owns why risk investing in something unproven. Before anyone says its the highest grossing film ever, I agree but adjust star wars or lion king for inflation and they aren't too far behind. I'm like you though you have to show me so I can become a true believer. Blue sky is pretty but at Disney it's prettier when blocked by Disney construction

The thinking might have been that Avatar could bring in a new audiance to the parks, people who aren't already coming to the parks. An existing franchise is likely to only appeal to Disney fans who are already coming to the parks. Harry Potter brought in a lot of people to Universal who had never been there before.


Well-Known Member
Then one would think that given Camerons ego he would be more willing to work with Disney in order to get the project done.

Oh, I'm sure Cameron would be plenty happy to see his vision implemented in a Disney theme park. But Disney is undoubtedly balking at the cost.

We know that Cameron toured Universal and the Animal Kingdom, and I'm not sure the result was what Disney execs or Imagineers had hoped for. I can only imagine the conversations but I'm sure not all of them were pleasant.

Cameron: "So you're telling me it will cost X dollars to do what I've envisioned? Why is that? Universal appears to have done Y for Z cost."

WDW Exec: "Well, we have a much more thorough and in-house team of talent here. And we do things right. So it naturally costs a bit more."

Cameron: "The numbers you're showing me aren't a bit more. They're more like double and triple. My people are still scratching their heads over your cost projections. Tell me, why are you so bad at your job?"

WDW Exec: "Excuse me? Bad at my...what?! We are the market leaders. Have I shown you our attendance figures?"

Cameron: "Whatever. I've seen it for myself. It's costing you triple to do what Universal is doing and the result isn't even half as compelling. You suck at your job."

WDW Exec: "Our creativity is second to none! Joe Rhode, whom you will be working with closely, is a genius!"

Cameron: "A genius at what? Outrageous ear jewelery design? I wouldn't even hire that guy to do set decoration...and that seems to be his only real skill. His attractions - if you can find them in this vast acreage - are more boring than a 6 hour descent into the Marianas. Give me someone I can actually work with here, open up your wallet, or stop wasting my time."


Premium Member
But here is the biggest, most obvious reason: The Disney Channel. They should go back to having live (or live-on-tape) children's shows here. The Mickey Mouse Club was filmed here in their Justin Timberlake/Brittany Spears/Christina Aguilera/Ryan Gosling days.

Yeah, and the economics just showed it wasn't worth it. It didn't make sense to move 'hollywood' just for the sake of making a theme park work. Making the Disney Channel work in itself, is more important than making DHS a better theme park. That's what it boils down too. Heck, they can't even make Radio Disney work there.. and that is peanuts compared to the film industry.

It's time to move on.. it doesn't make sense to force the film industry into things to make the theme park work. The roles are not simply reversible.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Yeah, and the economics just showed it wasn't worth it. It didn't make sense to move 'hollywood' just for the sake of making a theme park work. Making the Disney Channel work in itself, is more important than making DHS a better theme park. That's what it boils down too. Heck, they can't even make Radio Disney work there.. and that is peanuts compared to the film industry.

It's time to move on.. it doesn't make sense to force the film industry into things to make the theme park work. The roles are not simply reversible.

I'm definitely in agreement.


Well-Known Member
So if Cameron doesn't want to work with the Disney imagineers, then just send him packing. There's plenty of other ideas that were probably backburnered to make way for this "project".


Well-Known Member
When I see stuff like "creative difference" with companies like this.....I call BS. WHne your talking about that kind of money creative differencve goes out the window.

Disagree ... Creatives have huge ego's (I should know) and the more money you make and awards you win ... the bigger it gets. I see it all the time.


Well-Known Member

Opinion. What a wonderful thing!

yes and no. what elicits emotional responses are the opinions you're predisposed to. but you can have a rational viewpoint on the matter that isn't steeped in opinion.

to use your analogy, yankees vs. red sox. if you're a yankees fan, you can scream, "THE RED SOX ARE TERRIBLE!" although, taking a step back, you could probably say without a shadow of a doubt that the red sox were a better organization from 2004-2007. same thing can be said about the yankees organization from 1996-2000(i'm a mets fan, i have no horse in this race).

to extend it to the theme park world, i prefer disney. in fact, i've been to universal just twice. the only reason i went the second time was because my wife wanted to see WWOHP. and i was so indignant about going there that i didn't even want to buy a water there to give uni money.

but then i took a step back from my emotional side and realized that uni is doing things the way disney used to do them. and for that, uni gets props from me. when most disney fans praise uni, it's because they wish they'd see similar commitment to show in disney. when disney fans bash people who say, "hey, uni is doing some cool stuff. wish disney would do some more of it like they used to," that's not coming from anywhere but the brand loyal part of the brain.


Well-Known Member
If somebody would just wake up and smell the coffee. Find something with someone willing to work and make it happen already. FLE is happening, without outsider help. Maybe stick to something Disney owned and quit trying to be UNI that relies on outsiders to push their business. Disney has many movies to base lands off of. Stick to what you know.


Well-Known Member
I agree ... their was nothing wrong with BK or MI ... why Stagg's felt he had to go outside his fence? That's what I would like to know ... Things must have gotten stale on Flower Street.


Well-Known Member
Disagree ... Creatives have huge ego's (I should know) and the more money you make and awards you win ... the bigger it gets. I see it all the time.

Surely wont argue with this.....point taken. My point was that I didnt think that egos had as much to do with it as the money did.

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