Trip Report ~Completed~ My Dream Day at Disney!! No kids!

Is there anything better than Disney? I can't think of anything.. How can there be when you could be in the worst mood and when you start your car and Hakuna Matata is playing on your cd player a wide grin will spread across your face and you start singing at the top of your lungs. ~sigh~ :rolleyes:

As a family we were in Disney last December and here is a link to our trip report if you' like to take a peek. Plus I like to reminisce! :D

Sadly this was just a one day trip to Disney BUT the fact that I can say I went to Disney twice in a years time makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

This trip marks the 20th year of wedded bliss for Joe and I and we decided to take a vacation without the kids and our destination was Florida. I managed to convince Joe to go out of the way and make a quick stop at MK (with a little bit of begging).

This is Joe and I (Teresa), So you know who your reading about.

We ended up staying a couple of nights in Kissimmee so I was lucky enough to also get in some time at Downtown Disney! I'll apologize for the photo's now because 90% of them are from my phone and not the best

Sunday Sept 14th

Since I was in the Disney area but not going to a park this day I wanted the most Disney experience I could get. The wise @epcotisbest suggested that I drive to Riverside or French Quarter and hop on a Ferry to DTD. The man is BRILLANT! That is being in the "bubble" without paying for the "bubble".

We decided on French Quarter since we have been to Riverside before.



I love how they made the walk ways look like roads and the look of the buildings. I definatly want to stay here some day. As I was soaking in all this Disney deliciousness we made our way to the Ferry. I must say I was a bit bummed that the Ferry came so quickly, I mean it wasn't even 5 minutes how was I to make this day last if they were being so efficient.

Here she is! (because all cars and boats should be female)



The Ferry was full and it was blazing hot but WHO CARES!! I'm on a Ferry!

Now who all has this photo somewhere in the Disney albums?


Next we went into an art store and I can't recall the name probably because it's the kind of store my kids would never let me go in. Luckily my kids weren't there. :happy:


There were so many paintings that I wanted and already had the spots on my walls picked out.


One of many that I fell in love with.


Well-Known Member
So glad you liked the alternative to parking at DTD. We enjoy resort hopping and do so every trip. Really like POFQ, and like the fiberglass alligators jazz band scattered about the courtyard. Hope you enjoyed the boat ride to DTD and back. Always have to get a sandwich at Earl of Sandwich while there.
We were there the same time as you. Stayed at AKL Kidani in a savanna view room. It was pretty cool waking to giraffe and zebra right outside the balcony. While not our favorite place we still had a good time, hope you did too. Oh, I have picked out many choices at the art store, and even have specific places on specific walls for them, but never have convinced my wife. Looking forward to more of your trip report!


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So glad you liked the alternative to parking at DTD. We enjoy resort hopping and do so every trip. Really like POFQ, and like the fiberglass alligators jazz band scattered about the courtyard. Hope you enjoyed the boat ride to DTD and back. Always have to get a sandwich at Earl of Sandwich while there.
We were there the same time as you. Stayed at AKL Kidani in a savanna view room. It was pretty cool waking to giraffe and zebra right outside the balcony. While not our favorite place we still had a good time, hope you did too. Oh, I have picked out many choices at the art store, and even have specific places on specific walls for them, but never have convinced my wife. Looking forward to more of your trip report!
That idea of yours was so wonderful, so much better than fighting all that traffic at DTD. We just took it slow and soaked in the atmosphere. The ride was nice and slow but very very hot. It was a great way to spend the day without going to the parks. I will say this trip I had a list of things I wanted to do that I haven't done due to the kids and the Earl of Sandwich was one of them. Unfortunately it didn't happen. There is next time :happy:

We ate at Boma's before and the AKL was just so stunning. Some day I will stay at a deluxe! :)


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After we left The Art of Disney (thanks @Tuvalu ) we were walking along and what is this I see... a CM handing out samples of caramel apples. Again one of those character apples was on my list of musts for this trip and it's a good thing that CM was handing out samples because its the only taste of one I had.

After checking out some stores we knew it was time to take a break and have a drink. WHOO HOO.. I FINALLY GET TO HAVE A DRINK AT DISNEY!! The first restaurant we come across is Paradiso 37


and I'm so glad we did. This was the perfect place for us. We sat at the bar, the bartender was friendly, there wasn't to many people there. I do have to say I'm a cheap date. I tend to get drunk easily then want to just curl up with a blanket and close my eyes. With that said I haven't tried many mixed drinks and with the kids safely at home over 900 miles away I chose a Pina Colada. Oh Sweet Heaven above.


How could I have been missing this for the past 20 years. It was a delicious. The creamy coconut. The pineapple. Don't forget the Rum. Yum. Just looking at this pic is making me crave one now. Maybe one of you could help me. I need to know a good rum so I can try to make Pina Colada's at home. The only Rum brand's I know are Bacardi, Captain Morgan and Malibu but I don't know if they are a good rum or bad rum. Someone have pity on me and help a girl out.

Joe is a beer guy, he likes the darker beers and likes to try beers from other countries so he chose a beer from Mexico


He loved this bottle and it actually made it all the way home and is now sitting next to his coffee pot. I'm not sure why and sometimes a girl just shouldn't ask.

After a few more stores we decided to head back to the Ferry and go to the Boardwalk. We ended up driving to Beach Club and was blown away by this resort. It was simply gorgeous.

Now were pretty little people but seeing this couch I couldn't resist and talked Joe into posing for me. I still laugh every time I see this picture.


We took our time walking around the resort then headed out to the Boardwalk.


Am I missing something? There was nothing but a small snack shop and the ESPN bar with a line about 20 deep outside. Maybe we didn't give it chance but we left fairly quickly. Oh and Kouiza or something like that.

We ended up hoping back into the rental and driving to Olive Garden of all places for dinner. While there they gave us each a glass of wine. I must say it was disgusting, I'll stick with the Pina Colada. :hungry:

We headed back to our hotel go for a swim and get to bed early so I can make it to my first Opening Ceremony ever!!
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Premium Member
In the evenings there is entertainment on the Boardwalk; but during the day, other than eating or shopping in the gift store, there is not much to do.

Renting a surrey bike is fun...but not when it's 105 degrees out :in pain:!


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Following along!

I personally like Myers Dark Rum in my Piña' Coladas!

I was a bartender for a few years. ;)
I will check that one out. Especially since you know your rum! :) Thanks for reading!

Great start are that is a cool beer bottle!
Thanks for reading Fractal. I'm patiently awaiting for your next report. :D

In the evenings there is entertainment on the Boardwalk; but during the day, other than eating or shopping in the gift store, there is not much to do.

Renting a surrey bike is fun...but not when it's 105 degrees out :in pain:!

I had read about the entertainment and was hoping to see some. Next time i'll do more research and give it another try in the evening. We saw the surrey bikes and I would have loved to rent one but your absolutely right there is no way I was getting on one in that heat. I was sweating in the shade.


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It's 6:30 am and I'm jumping out of bed. You know that giddiness I'm talking about. I can't seem to contain myself as I'm getting ready. Were ready and leaving our hotel by 7:45 ish and in a few short minutes were going under this!


We have always stayed on property in the past so I was a little nervous on how long the Ferry would take and the parking situation. No worries. We must have been earlier than most. We were parked very close, walked under a bridge and there is our first Disney ride!!


She's beautiful!


I seem to be the only one dancing around as were waiting for them to let everyone aboard. My husband is a good sport and just gives me the "your crazy" look.


When looking back at this picture I can't decide what I was taking a picture of, my sweet husband or the love of my life. :inlove:

Almost there!


I can't believe it. I've walked up to this wonderful structure many times but still get so excited every single time. I also can't believe that after bag check the Opening Ceremony started within minutes.



Now I have to tell you that I have read many a report on here and people talking about bawling like babies during this show, I didn't get it. I'm not a crier. But I will admit it I was so happy and the music was wonderful and everyone was waving to ME and that I did have to wipe some moisture from my eye. Although maybe it could have been that the sun was pretty bright that morning. :oops:

After the show Joe and I stopped by City Hall to pick up some anniversary buttons then ran with the bulls, I mean the crowd down Main Street.


While all the knuckleheads ran for the 7dmt and the Frozen ladies Joe and I headed toward a totally empty Frontier land and rode.

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After Peter Pan's flight we continued towards Frontier Land


We even found Pascal


Look at this crowd!


There's less then a dozen people in Frontier Land and of course one of them land in my shot o_O


We walk on BTMRR and Splash.


We have ridden Splash dozens of times and have never gotten wet, well not so lucky this time. We found out the front of the log tends to get a little moist. Joe's clothes were soaked, I must have gotten all the spray that wasn't blocked by Joe since my head seems to be the only thing that got wet.



We head to Pirates and again we walk on!! That's four rides that are less than a five minute wait!! I did get the idea of heading to Frontier land and Adventure Land while everyone else runs the other way from Josh on another site. Glad I did. After Pirates I wanted to try my very first Dole Whip! The line was short and I ordered ........


Wait... that doesn't look like a Dole Whip. I was a little disappointed with myself for ordering the wrong thing but I do have to say it was so refreshing. I will be back and order the right thing next time :)


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Funny things~

We were in that crowd in front of the train station :happy:. We let the mass exodus go through the tunnels before going ourselves. We went to Tomorrowland first and rode Space Mountain back-to-back without waiting. Next walked on Buzz, then walked to Fantasyland and took a spin on Pooh (no wait) before satisfying our must-have cinnamon bun craving at Gaston's.

Later that day, when the humidity was wearing us down, I also experienced my first Dole Whip...and made the same mistake as you :facepalm: Agree, it was good, but next time no juice!


Well-Known Member
Monday Sept. 15 was a pool day for us. We were up early, my wife hit the fitness center and I hit the pool at AKL Kidani after coffee on the balcony overlooking many giraffe and zebras. Funny there were several of us on these boards there at WDW at the same time.
We like the Dole Whip Floats just fine, but prefer a plain ole cup of Dole Whip and a cup of ice water to follow up.
Enjoying the trip report. The crowd levels you mention are why we go in Sept. (that and it is our anniversary mid month).
Love the pic with the sunbeams.
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