Al is reporting that the Pirates 4 World Premiere will once again be held at Disneyland. dang May is just going to be crazy!!!!
Editor's Note 1/28-29: The Disney Studios have committed to holding the splashy Pirates 4 movie premiere at Disneyland, much to the chagrin of some folks out in Florida who were trying to nab it. But Disneyland has proven they know how to stage these big events, and the Hollywood crowd showed no interest in flying out to the swamp when they could just limo down the I-5 again. As you can imagine, the staging of the premiere before the film's wide release date of May 20th is part of the reason why the exact opening dates in May for Mermaid, Star Tours and Soundsational have not yet been nailed down. The month of May will be very busy in Anaheim!