Should I (Bill) leave WDWmagic?

Should I leave and only post at

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Premium Member
Bill, I happened to see what you wrote here before you removed it. This is the second time you have mentioned how your web site will be in direct competition, and once again you continue to promote your website here, despite my requests for you not to do so. You have been previously banned for deliberately cheating in a contest and using multiple usernames, and were given a second chance.

Many of your posts that are on-topic contain information that is hugely inaccurate, and you promote rumors that have no basis what-so-ever. You also continue to present "opinions" as facts. I believe you are degrading the standard of the information around here, as many members who are not aware of your background, take what you say as fact.

It remains my belief that you are simply here to feed your appetite for attention, and to promote your website.

I would suggest that you put your time into your own website and forum, rather than posting here.

The Mom

Premium Member
Closing this thread would only prompt more threads along the line of "What happened to Bill?" It also answers any questions as to why this poster was banned from the forum, and serves to remind the rest of us that certain types of behavior will not be tolerated.

Steve was extremely lenient in allowing Bill to rejoin, breaking his own "once banned, always banned' rule. It only proves the old adage that a zebra can't change it's stripes. (Or is it a leopard can't change it's spots? I always forget. :lol: )


Well-Known Member
I had no idea there was a dispute going on, hence why I posted a thread alterting the moderators that his posts were there, but unable to be viewed.

Then again, I don't read every section or bother with posts where it's all chit chat, non-news items :)

General Grizz

New Member
Bill, if you want to leave, that would be the best thing to do. Based on the poll, you voting "yes" indicated that WDWMagic may not be your place, as Steve suggested.

But I'm sure that plug may not have helped very much at all in this case.

Perhaps I should have seen your wishes and read the rest of the thread before I voted. :brick:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
wdwmagic said:
Bill, I happened to see what you wrote here before you removed it. This is the second time you have mentioned how your web site will be in direct competition, and once again you continue to promote your website here, despite my requests for you not to do so. You have been previously banned for deliberately cheating in a contest and using multiple usernames, and were given a second chance.

Many of your posts that are on-topic contain information that is hugely inaccurate, and you promote rumors that have no basis what-so-ever. You also continue to present "opinions" as facts. I believe you are degrading the standard of the information around here, as many members who are not aware of your background, take what you say as fact.

It remains my belief that you are simply here to feed your appetite for attention, and to promote your website.

I would suggest that you put your time into your own website and forum, rather than posting here.

Ditto! :wave: :zipit: :wave:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Bill - this thread :hurl:

1. Stop seeking sympathy for a situation you have brought solidly upon yourself.

2. Yes, we have gotten the news you have a website.

3. I suppose that if I was in someone's home and they told me politely but in no uncertain terms that I was not particularly welcome, I think that I would leave and not return. Its a big www out there with lots of other places to go. That's the best I can offer - it is not my decision whether you stay or go.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I unfortunately need to agree with everyone else on this one. You talk so much about your site and promote it to a point where you it seems you need to devote your attention to it. You have brought negative opinions upon yourself by doing what you do (the false rumors, promotions, etc.). I don't think there is a lot of ill-will between you and others, but there was a point where you needed to lay off those things and you kept going. Even after many reminders from Steve you still went along with those things he mentioned in his post.

But...I don't like seeing people go away unhappy. So if you leave good luck with your site.


Well-Known Member
You can probably guess how I voted, Bill. Both based on my prior dealings with you and your current "Bill knows all, everyone else is wrong" attitude, especially regarding a certain character that you believe will be getting a new ride while everyone even remotely associated with the company says it will never happen, lead me to believe it would be better for people who believe you to come to your site as opposed to obnoxiously spreading your wealths of false information on these forums and not even having the decency to admit that maybe you are wrong when a significant number of the much more reliable sources on these boards tell you that you are incorrect. Threads like this certainly do not increase my level of respect for you. If people do not want to visit your site after the first 500 plugs, maybe it's because they for some reason feel they are already members of the best Disney World site on the net, and don't really have any need for information from a 17-year old with a less-than-remarkable track record for being correct and invisible sources in WDI (Jon the Great). If you would like to leave wdwmagic, I won't complain.


Well-Known Member
Whoops. I should have read this before I voted also. :brick:
I wasn't aware of anything.........but I'll agree with Steve.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Perhaps I should have seen your wishes and read the rest of the thread before I voted. :brick:

Me Too!!!!! :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick:

Gosh darn it! Now everyone can see that I voted no thanks to the new voting things! :lol: :brick:


Account Suspended
Original Poster
wdwmagic said:
Bill, I happened to see what you wrote here before you removed it. This is the second time you have mentioned how your web site will be in direct competition, and once again you continue to promote your website here, despite my requests for you not to do so. You have been previously banned for deliberately cheating in a contest and using multiple usernames, and were given a second chance.

Many of your posts that are on-topic contain information that is hugely inaccurate, and you promote rumors that have no basis what-so-ever. You also continue to present "opinions" as facts. I believe you are degrading the standard of the information around here, as many members who are not aware of your background, take what you say as fact.

It remains my belief that you are simply here to feed your appetite for attention, and to promote your website.

I would suggest that you put your time into your own website and forum, rather than posting here.
As odd as it sounds, I will have to agree with you... and I do believe I shall leave for a while. It was not my intension to promote my site... my main intension was to find out if I'm actually liked around here... some said they did, some didn't, so I was rather confused. So, as you have said above, I believe leaving IS infact the best thing I can do right now. Also, I do kindly ask you not to ban me or hide my posts... you have my word that I will not mention my site again. My intension was never to degrade your website Steve, but to enhance it with news from an Imagineer. Yes, I have documents that proove that Jon was an imagineer... unfortunately, at this point I believe he is off on his rumors. So that is why I have not been posting about his rumors any longer... We have also had a break in contact.

So that's that with Jon.

As for Harry Potter... that was merely confirmed by Jon... I credit myself for "hearing" the rumor over at Epcot from a man running through the park talking on his cell phone about "Harry Potter Ride Storyboards."

That is why I remain confident about the Potter rumor... I heard it myself with my own ears. I'm sure you understand that... if you actually heard a rumor in that manner, I'm betting you'd be doing the same as I. But perhaps not. Either way, I hope that explains my lunacy.


New Member
Bill, I have always considered you to be helpful, friendly, and light-hearted.


You have repeatedly spread false rumors and information. You have tried to convince others that this information is true. You have created false people. You have advertised your own website with similar information as this one. You have disobeyed the rules set forth by the Administrator. It's time for you to go. Goodbye and good luck.

:wave: :wave: :wave:


New Member
you had to make a thread to ask everyone?

i feel like every thread that you make, and youre just here for attention- and you even made this thread for attention. has anyone ever taken a poll whether they should leave or not? maybe they have before i came, but not as far as i can remember. just decide for yourself and good luck.


New Member
You summed it up Steve!


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