Really, Why Bother ...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally Posted by RSoxNo1
I interviewed Jason after the Disco Yeti article - I'll be reaching out to him again.

Please do. Tell him I'm disappointed.:lol:

I'm sure he'll be deeply upset over that ... considering you were a troublemaker in this situation to begin with!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I agree that his shirt is ill fitting and unprofessional for someone in his position. However, how many of you criticize Joe Rohde for his attire? I've seen him wear some articles of clothing certainly not appropriate for his 'level' of management. Or does he just get a free pass from fans because he's Joe freakin' Rohde? Personally, I don't see why the same rules don't apply...

Because he's an Imagineer ... a creative. That's why the Disney Look has never applied to those folks to begin with.

It's like going to the Oscars and seeing actors/talent dressed strangely, while the Studio heads/execs/etc all are wearing standard black tie wardrobes.

Talent does get a pass.

Kinda like why I'll never get hired at Hooters:eek:. Rules are different!


Well-Known Member
I've been in strategic planning meetings with Michael, and that's exactly how he was in those meetings—canned corporate catchphrases and a whole lot of nothing. He happily experiments with bad ideas and enthusiastically talks about good ones. Like so many of TDO's other execs, he's a genuinely nice guy who simply shouldn't be in the entertainment business.


Well-Known Member
Good to see you back lightbulb...I guess it takes a certain spirit to bring you out of the woodwork..

any hints about Potter phase 2?


Well-Known Member
Because he's an Imagineer ... a creative. That's why the Disney Look has never applied to those folks to begin with.

It's like going to the Oscars and seeing actors/talent dressed strangely, while the Studio heads/execs/etc all are wearing standard black tie wardrobes.

Talent does get a pass.

Kinda like why I'll never get hired at Hooters:eek:. Rules are different!

It's an insignificant point, so I don't know why I'm bothering arguing it (perhaps I just like to argue), but Rohde is also an executive.

I think that if Rohde were a less-popular and/or less-highly regarded Imagineer, people around here would probably criticize him for dressing the way he does. That's not even taking into account that he's an executive. However, given his track record, people are willing to overlook that and give him a pass.

That said, I have to admit, if I were Joe Rohde, I'd wear whatever the hell I want, too.


Well-Known Member
It's an insignificant point, so I don't know why I'm bothering arguing it (perhaps I just like to argue), but Rohde is also an executive.

I think that if Rohde were a less-popular and/or less-highly regarded Imagineer, people around here would probably criticize him for dressing the way he does. That's not even taking into account that he's an executive. However, given his track record, people are willing to overlook that and give him a pass.

That said, I have to admit, if I were Joe Rohde, I'd wear whatever the hell I want, too.

Agree with your take 100%. This thread is pure temper tantrum. As would be expected.

I nominate it for the "why bother" thread of the year. Really! It comes off as more of a ranting melt down of a malcontent than anything of substance. But considering the source.....:snore:


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Agree with your take 100%. This thread is pure temper tantrum. As would be expected.

I nominate it for the "why bother" thread of the year. Really! It comes off as more of a ranting melt down of a malcontent than anything of substance. But considering the source.....:snore:

An ironic thread title indeed....


Yeah! I wasn't the only troublemaker!:drevil:
Agree with your take 100%. This thread is pure temper tantrum. As would be expected.
You wouldn't have asked him about the yeti? The only real news item (picked up nationally and internationally) to come out of that park in the last five years, and you would just let it slide?
That's just silly. Don't let your feelings about the messenger obscure the message.


New Member
Agree with your take 100%. This thread is pure temper tantrum. As would be expected.

I nominate it for the "why bother" thread of the year. Really! It comes off as more of a ranting melt down of a malcontent than anything of substance. But considering the source.....:snore:

Interesting, considering the name of the thread. I'm sure that was your point anyway. Lol.

Anyway, my bf, who is NOT at all interested in the workings of WDW and the Disney corporation, started laughing hysterically when he saw Rohde giving an interview on a TV show I was watching on Netflix. He looked at me and said, "That's the kind of people you wanna work with everyday??!!??" My boyfriend is not mainstream at all. He used to sport 1" gauged-out ear lobes himself and has quite a bit of ink. So hearing that coming from him? Well, I guess it makes you wonder what the mainstream is thinking.

Dangit, you beat me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah! I wasn't the only troublemaker!:drevil:

You wouldn't have asked him about the yeti? The only real news item (picked up nationally and internationally) to come out of that park in the last five years, and you would just let it slide?
That's just silly. Don't let your feelings about the messenger obscure the message.

Until we know with certainty what is wrong with the Yeti I don't see how we can judge what solution is best. It is possible the fix is so extreme that leaving it as is is the best choice.

More important though is that I think Disney has issues at DAK that nobody is touching on but rather just dancing around. I'm skilled at reading between the lines and connected the dots. I know what is up and I know what motivates the overreaction in this thread and 74's motivation for starting it. He is so transparent I have to assume he is part glass. Or something. :lol:

I'm bored with his way of thinking. So very bored. And he just came back.:dazzle:

Please bring back Epcot Explorer. At least his musings were interesting. And honest. And free of hidden agendas.


I'm skilled at reading between the lines and connected the dots.
I've yet to see any evidence of that...
More often than not I see more assumption making and jumping to (incorrect) conclusions.

DAK has MANY issues, all of which should have been brought up in this interview.


Well-Known Member
I've yet to see any evidence of that...
More often than not I see more assumption making and jumping to (incorrect) conclusions.

DCA has MANY issues, all of which should have been brought up in this interview.

Why would they mention DCA to the DAK VP? :cool:


Well-Known Member
I've yet to see any evidence of that...
More often than not I see more assumption making and jumping to (incorrect) conclusions.

DCA has MANY issues, all of which should have been brought up in this interview.

I assume you mean DAK. See how I connected the dots.

You will never give me credit because I am anti-PI but that is what it is.

I was going to say a few days ago that you would make 74 a great errand boy someday but I see you are already are. :lol:

I am out of this thread before it destroys too many more of my brain cells.:dazzle:


Well-Known Member
Until we know with certainty what is wrong with the Yeti I don't see how we can judge what solution is best. It is possible the fix is so extreme that leaving it as is is the best choice.

More important though is that I think Disney has issues at DAK that nobody is touching on but rather just dancing around. I'm skilled at reading between the lines and connected the dots. I know what is up and I know what motivates the overreaction in this thread and 74's motivation for starting it. He is so transparent I have to assume he is part glass. Or something. :lol:

I'm bored with his way of thinking. So very bored. And he just came back.:dazzle:

Please bring back Epcot Explorer. At least his musings were interesting. And honest. And free of hidden agendas.

What's the hidden agenda in your new avatar?


Well-Known Member
What's the hidden agenda in your new avatar?

I like a good story that is also a great "think piece". Pop culture has become so homogenized as to be coma inducing. This new movie gives me hope the spell can be broken.

OK, now I really am gone. Dinner time. :slurp:

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