Spaceship Earth preview poll part 2 - for those who have ridden the previews

How would you rate the new Spaceship Earth?

  • Excellent

    Votes: 46 17.8%
  • Good

    Votes: 99 38.4%
  • Average

    Votes: 63 24.4%
  • Poor

    Votes: 50 19.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
Good enough then, thanks. I now see what you're looking for. More of a "how do you like it so far" answer, as opposed to "it's done now so how do we like it".

In that case, I quite like it, and I'm looking forward to the finished product. If touch screens are what we're given for the descent then I can work with it as long as I can gripe about it just a bit each time the cartoon comes on :lol:

This despite the reports that the ride is 99% finished. Oh yeah. By all means talk about the ride as it is "so far" since it's not likely to be very different when it's finished.


Active Member
Good for now at the current state. Everything up to the 180 top is amazing. Beyond excellent but then it goes down hill. I can appreciate what they are trying to do but it lacks pizazz. So overall "good" I am sure that once they collect all the research from the surveys they are administering they will make changes and other improvements. They lets do this poll again.


Active Member
Im at disney world for vacation at the moment, i cant do the polls yet without riding it, hopefully ill get a chance to test it out on weds.

any possibilities> hopefully.


Well-Known Member
I just got to ride it tonight - twice! And I have to say, I think it's getting a bad rap so far (putting on my flame-retardent suit). The ascent was great - I love how the re-did the caveman scene on the screen and it seemed like ALL the AAs had work done. The movement is amazing; to me it looks on par with the Jack Sparrow AAs on PotC. While I miss the old Greek scene, I like what they did with it and feel it ties into the narrative (I'll get to what I think of the overall narrative in a mo). And is it just me, or do the Venetian merchant's boats move waaaaay more realistically now?

Everything up to the 180 is amazing; from there it goes down - literally and figuratively. I understand that our attention should be on the touch screen during the descent, but they could have done a couple of scenes to fill up the space. Not even full blown AA scenes, but something would have been nice. I'm terribly sad that the miniSSE is gone :cry: but I do like the touch screen thing. I think it's a cool way to make you feel a part of the ride - and a part of the future, which is really what the ride is about: not just history, but how we've used history to make our future.

Now, about the narrative. I was slightly disappointed by some of Judi Dench's inflections, but overall I thought it was quite well done, just without some of the drama of Jeremy Irons. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. She sounds more approachable, more like someone I'd sit and have a chat with, where Irons sounded like he might have been a teacher about to send me to detention somtimes. I do like the new script: I like how it talks about language, how it developed, and how we started sharing it and are sharing it today. Somehow, I feel like I've learned something when I get off this version of the ride. I never really felt that previously.

I'd like to see something done with the descent, but even without it, I think the ride is amazing and am not let down at all.

Let the flaming begin.


New Member
I just got to ride it tonight - twice! And I have to say, I think it's getting a bad rap so far (putting on my flame-retardent suit). The ascent was great - I love how the re-did the caveman scene on the screen and it seemed like ALL the AAs had work done. The movement is amazing; to me it looks on par with the Jack Sparrow AAs on PotC. While I miss the old Greek scene, I like what they did with it and feel it ties into the narrative (I'll get to what I think of the overall narrative in a mo). And is it just me, or do the Venetian merchant's boats move waaaaay more realistically now?

Everything up to the 180 is amazing; from there it goes down - literally and figuratively. I understand that our attention should be on the touch screen during the descent, but they could have done a couple of scenes to fill up the space. Not even full blown AA scenes, but something would have been nice. I'm terribly sad that the miniSSE is gone :cry: but I do like the touch screen thing. I think it's a cool way to make you feel a part of the ride - and a part of the future, which is really what the ride is about: not just history, but how we've used history to make our future.

Now, about the narrative. I was slightly disappointed by some of Judi Dench's inflections, but overall I thought it was quite well done, just without some of the drama of Jeremy Irons. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. She sounds more approachable, more like someone I'd sit and have a chat with, where Irons sounded like he might have been a teacher about to send me to detention somtimes. I do like the new script: I like how it talks about language, how it developed, and how we started sharing it and are sharing it today. Somehow, I feel like I've learned something when I get off this version of the ride. I never really felt that previously.

I'd like to see something done with the descent, but even without it, I think the ride is amazing and am not let down at all.

Let the flaming begin.

So it's ok that the last 7 minutes suck? Geez, no wonder Disney gives up crappy rides nowadays. Guests will offer all kinds of defenses for mediocrity!


Active Member
So it's ok that the last 7 minutes suck? Geez, no wonder Disney gives up crappy rides nowadays. Guests will offer all kinds of defenses for mediocrity!

ITS A PREVIEW!!!!!!! Its not done! They are soliciting feedback! There is work still to be done!!!!!!! If SSE opens in February and nothing has changed (which I doubt) then people can go ahead and blast it. ITS NOT DONE!!!!! The opened it up the ungrateful people of these boards to give them a glimpse and get feedback. Can the bashing stop? Please!!!!! I didn't care for the ending but I realize it is a work in progress and I'm not going to start bad mouthing the whole experience. The work that the imagineers has done is amazing. It still needs some fine tuning in the finale but the rest was amazing. Don't forget that.


Well-Known Member
The last seven minutes don't suck. I don't think the descent is as good as the ascent. Having ridden this numerous times before it was closed down, including a few times on the last day it was open, I feel my memory of the ride is quite fresh. I think the physical changes they made up to the 180 were amazing and that the physical changes they made on the descent were not so amazing. Overall, I think the new narration and the interactivity of the ride pull the two parts (ascent and descent) together.

I don't find any part of the ride mediocre. I've always loved the scenes they left in, and love them refurbished too. I always felt the descent was a little weird, and love the way they're having guests interact in the descent. I'm sure it's not 100% done yet, and I would love to see more done with the descent. I am basing my review on the ride on ONLY WHAT I SAW - and while the unfinished walls and the ladder I could see might be 'mediocre' (or just bad show) the ride is not complete. I love what I'm seeing so far, and am not disappointed. I can't wait to see how they finish it off, and will not be disappointed.


Well-Known Member
ITS A PREVIEW!!!!!!! Its not done! They are soliciting feedback! There is work still to be done!!!!!!! If SSE opens in February and nothing has changed (which I doubt) then people can go ahead and blast it. ITS NOT DONE!!!!! The opened it up the ungrateful people of these boards to give them a glimpse and get feedback. Can the bashing stop? Please!!!!! I didn't care for the ending but I realize it is a work in progress and I'm not going to start bad mouthing the whole experience. The work that the imagineers has done is amazing. It still needs some fine tuning in the finale but the rest was amazing. Don't forget that.


I waited over an hour in an unofficial line to ride, and they let another unofficial line go through first. But, of course, the line is not official cause the ride's not officially open, so the CMs can't do anything about it. I was hoping and hoping that I'd get to see it this weekend. DH and I had a long discussion about going to Epcot today. Did we want to wait till the end and see it finished, or get to see a part of history WHILE it's being made? Would it ruin it for us if we saw ladders on the ground, or the newsboy with his back to us the first time we rode it? We decided no.

But I'm glad my husband thinks boards and online chats are lame. Because I think reading what people are saying about SSE would totally ruin it for him.


Premium Member
ITS A PREVIEW!!!!!!! Its not done! They are soliciting feedback! There is work still to be done!!!!!!! If SSE opens in February and nothing has changed (which I doubt) then people can go ahead and blast it. ITS NOT DONE!!!!! The opened it up the ungrateful people of these boards to give them a glimpse and get feedback. Can the bashing stop? Please!!!!! I didn't care for the ending but I realize it is a work in progress and I'm not going to start bad mouthing the whole experience. The work that the imagineers has done is amazing. It still needs some fine tuning in the finale but the rest was amazing. Don't forget that.

I dont think people are bashing anything, just giving their opinion on the previews that Disney chose to show guests over several days.

Do you really think the work is amazing? Yes there are some nice cleanups of the original scenes, but amazing? Why isnt the Steve Jobs character an animatronic, why isnt his screen active so we can see what he is doing? Why are the AAs in the computer lab barely moving? Why is the descent similar to an experience of checking in at Southwest Airlines touch screen? I dont think what we are seeing at the moment is anywhere near WDIs best work, and to me, certainly cant be called amazing.
Remember, Disney allowed us to view this attraction willingly, they werent bullied into it, and we didnt sneak in. They must consider the show to be very very close to being ready.


Grade "A" Funny...

Would it ruin it for us if we saw ladders on the ground......

I did see "The Ladder" - it was laying on its side off to the left just before the computer room. I thought it looked good - I had heard that it went in for some plastic surgery but I couldn't tell. :lol:

My view is finish and/or fix the descent. Finish it if there is value to add here. Fix it if all that will happen is additional lighting and covering items not meant to be seen. (Fix it being defined as "Try Again.")

Couple of months left to trim, adjust, and add. I'll wait till then for a final verdict, when the final version is open for business.


I went on 12/6.

I voted good, cause I do not believe the descent is anywhere near the final product.

Maybe I was just too thrilled to get on it.

I'm home now and wish I could get a peek at it again in a month or so.
I shot up to the World solo this weekend, and within an hour of arriving at the unofficial queue outside SSE, I was lucky enough to preview the newly enhanced attraction twice. The upgrades and new additions are superb, especially the computer room and Steve Jobs garage, but the decent HAS to be incomplete. Though you are supposed to be focused on your touch screen (the little cartoons are cute, but nothing special), the entire tunnel is bare and nearly void of any lighting/themeing whatsoever. There are several areas of the attraction that feature loosely draped black curtains, the descent tunnels being one of them, so obviously there is still work to be done. But I certainly agree with nearly everyone who has previewed the attraction, the descent is naked and FAR below the standard of proper Disney completion. It will be very interesting to see what is added between now and February.


Active Member
I dont think people are bashing anything, just giving their opinion on the previews that Disney chose to show guests over several days.

Have you read the 3,547 other threads about peoples opinions on SSE? I understand its just their opinion it just seems like so many people are quick to bash the work that has been done so far.

I dont think people are bashing anything, just giving their opinion on the previews that Disney chose to show guests over several days. Do you really think the work is amazing? Yes there are some nice cleanups of the original scenes, but amazing?

Yes I do, up to the descent. The new AA's are great and I'm glad that the money was spend to upgrade the AA's to the new versions for this classic attraction. It wasn't cheap!

Why isnt the Steve Jobs character an animatronic, why isnt his screen active so we can see what he is doing? Why are the AAs in the computer lab barely moving?

I though the AA was supposed to be Steve Wozniak, but that is just semantics. Do any of the animatronics in the entire ride move that much with the exception of the new ones? Think about some of the AA's in the Western Abby's, Islamic Scholars, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution and so on. Their limited motion is a non-issue as it fits with the rest of the ride. The AA's in the computer room move as much as the classic man reading the paper.

Why is the descent similar to an experience of checking in at Southwest Airlines touch screen? I dont think what we are seeing at the moment is anywhere near WDIs best work, and to me, certainly cant be called amazing.

I agree. The descent needs work. I have always said that since the time I rode it on Saturday.

Remember, Disney allowed us to view this attraction willingly, they werent bullied into it, and we didnt sneak in. They must consider the show to be very very close to being ready.

Agreed but you can also wager that Disney also doesn't feel comfortable in the descent of the ride because as many people on here have stated, they have never done something like this. They have never opened an attraction so early and solicited this much feedback. They are still making changes based off the feedback. The horse and carriage projection is on now. The silly line about "Thank the Phoenicians" is gone.

I just think so many people are getting ugly about this and not understanding it is a work in progress. Again, if nothing else changes when it reopens in February, then we have a reason to complain. But we have a choice at this point. It is not open except for certain times of the day for previews. Each and every one of the people who ride this attraction in its current state have a choice. A choice to ride it knowing that it is not complete or skip it. I just think that the people who are judging it need to take a reality pill and get a grip. Its not done. There is no need to say garbage like this...

Well, since SSE sucks, I thought it was time to revisit Universal and Islands of Adventure. I hear they're building a Harry Potter thingy :) Not to mention, while Universal is consistently underwhelming, they don't at any point completely suck the way SSE now does.

Joking or not, the negativity around here is unreal. If you can't have an open mind about the development and construction process, Don't ride!:brick:


Premium Member
Have you read the 3,547 other threads about peoples opinions on SSE? I understand its just their opinion it just seems like so many people are quick to bash the work that has been done so far.

Yes I do, up to the descent. The new AA's are great and I'm glad that the money was spend to upgrade the AA's to the new versions for this classic attraction. It wasn't cheap!

I agree. The descent needs work. I have always said that since the time I rode it on Saturday.

Agreed but you can also wager that Disney also doesn't feel comfortable in the descent of the ride because as many people on here have stated, they have never done something like this. They have never opened an attraction so early and solicited this much feedback. They are still making changes based off the feedback. The horse and carriage projection is on now. The silly line about "Thank the Phoenicians" is gone.

I just think so many people are getting ugly about this and not understanding it is a work in progress. Again, if nothing else changes when it reopens in February, then we have a reason to complain. But we have a choice at this point. It is not open except for certain times of the day for previews. Each and every one of the people who ride this attraction in its current state have a choice. A choice to ride it knowing that it is not complete or skip it. I just think that the people who are judging it need to take a reality pill and get a grip. Its not done. There is no need to say garbage like this...

Joking or not, the negativity around here is unreal. If you can't have an open mind about the development and construction process, Don't ride!:brick:

I dont think any of the AAs have been replaced or upgraded, they have just been restored to working at 100% as they were when the attarction first opened. I dont believe there are any new A100s in there (SIR, Timekeeper, Jack Sparrow etc).

I think people here are just contributing to the development process - it's just that some people dont like what they see so far, and they are stating that. Isnt this the idea of contributing to the development process? It wouldnt work if everyone said it was amazing (even if they didnt think it was).


Active Member
I dont think any of the AAs have been replaced or upgraded, they have just been restored to working at 100% as they were when the attarction first opened. I dont believe there are any new A100s in there (SIR, Timekeeper, Jack Sparrow etc).

I think people here are just contributing to the development process - it's just that some people dont like what they see so far, and they are stating that. Isnt this the idea of contributing to the development process? It wouldnt work if everyone said it was amazing (even if they didnt think it was).

I had heard that they did upgrade the some of the AA's. I have ridden SSE since it opened in 82 and have never seen them move like they did. I'm not certain but they look like 100's.

I totally understand that people are contributing their thoughts but when does it surpass constructive criticism and become bashing? I think some of the people around here have crossed that line and lost sight of the fact that this is a preview and not the final version. That's all I'm saying.


Premium Member
I had heard that they did upgrade the some of the AA's. I have ridden SSE since it opened in 82 and have never seen them move like they did. I'm not certain but they look like 100's.

I totally understand that people are contributing their thoughts but when does it surpass constructive criticism and become bashing? I think some of the people around here have crossed that line and lost sight of the fact that this is a preview and not the final version. That's all I'm saying.

I've only ridden the new version 3 times so far, and I didnt see any signs of A100. They do move well (better than before), but not up to the level of the Witch, Captain Jack, Timekeeper or SIR. They move very much like the newly refurbed A1's in Pirates. If Disney had put in a stack of A100, that would have mad me say it was amazing for sure.

I agree with what you are saying, the criticism has to be stated without crossing the line. I think so far, most people have managed that. We arent getting any silly "spaceship earth sucks" comments. They are all outlining what they think the issues are.


Well-Known Member

Does anyone know how much physical space the Imagineer's have to work with in the descent corridor?

During the run with SSE 2.0, I have never been a fan of the descent part of the ride. Nothing there to really catch your eyes except for some fiber-optic lighting and the mini SSE. My question is whether there is any physical room to build a small set or two on the way back down. I'm just throwing this out there that maybe due to the lack of physical space they couldn't do too much with the return and settled with the touch screens.

I have not been on the preview of the ride, but I have been reading through everyone's comments about it. Does anyone have a 3-D map of the ride layout and the scenes?


Well-Known Member
And looking at the results, the nays have it :) Considering the cost of the refurb, the lack of Excellents and Goods is very telling of how people feel about it.

And that's something to smile and cheer about? :dazzle:

Also, the poll is only telling how people here feel about it after being fed enormous hype and feeling let down.


Well-Known Member
I think more of the issue is that the uphill is Superb and the Decent just can't compare. Now, I agree that it needs to be worked on, but I felt that it was just "good", and it has potential. I enjoy the Horizions approach to the finale, but there could be something else.

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