Figments Friend
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  • Who here is planning on being at the Magic Kingdom for the 50th Annviersary on October 1st?

    Let yourself be known!

    I thought there was a way to create your own figmet character on your home computer.
    Figments Friend
    Figments Friend
    "Anything is possible if you use your imagination..!"
    So I'm planning on getting the first three Issues of Marvel's Figment series. I heard there's another Figment series coming in 2016 called "Figment 2". However I think that is coming next year.
    I really love the interview Baxter did on WDW Radio. It's very nice to learn about his experience with Walt.
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    Figments Friend
    Figments Friend
    Tony is a wonderful storyteller and has some amazing tales to tell indeed.
    The things that man can tell you provides some fantastic insights into his experiences.
    I love listening to him talk about just about any topic, as he has a unique perspective on things.
    I'm a great admirer of his works and consider him a mentor.
    Hello! I just recently joined this forum and am still getting used to navigating around. I noticed the Rarest Characters To Find thread and loved so many of the photos shown! I saw your Vincent Price/Ratigan newspaper clipping on one of the pages. Is it okay to share it at my Great Mouse Detective fansite? I'd give credit back to you. Thanks so much!
    Figments Friend
    Figments Friend
    Hey there Bryna...thanks for writing.
    You are welcome to use the clipping on your website. I thank you for asking me about it. I have had it for years, clipped out of a old gossip newspaper from back in the 80s. They used to print a lot of photos of the Disney Characters at DL in those papers, posed with various celebs. The rare Gurgi photo i posted also came from a similar newspaper. Enjoy ! :)
    Bryna Basil
    Bryna Basil
    Hello! That's great! It's perfect timing too, since Vincent's birthday is coming up on the 27th. I also found an article about his 75th b-day in another newspaper. I can share both for my next site update.

    I loved that with Gurgi! I've never found it yet, nor am I sure if a photo exists, but I wish there was one of Barrie Ingham posing next to Basil. Wishful thinking, though!

    Thanks again! :)
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