On layoffs, very bad attendance, and Iger's legacy being one of disgrace


Well-Known Member

It often surprises how many Disney fans both have super expectations for the standard of general happiness and service they deserve to be offered from CMs while also having utter contempt for them and their decision to become CMs. It suggests a medieval castle is indeed a fitting emblem for the Magic Kingdom.
The only people I have contempt for are the ones who have put their children in jeopardy with their decisions. Everyone else is free to do whatever they want.


Premium Member
I don't really see that as a problem. The biggest hospitality city in the country is bound to be the lowest wage city because hospitality is the lowest wage industry.

I know we love our cast members but most of them make horrible life decisions.
In a place filled with thoughts about stereotypes...this might be the biggest stereotype ever 😂
Talk is cheap.
In economics...it’s nothing but “talk”

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Yeah uh I didn't say that. But go off, King.
You have a history of shoe-horning throwing shade toward CMs into any discussion about them, so I'm going to guess that your hot take is that they shouldn't have made such PoOr LiFe DeCiSiOnS or they wouldn't be facing eviction due to a global pandemic.

It's not a lie that the culture at WDW and Orlando's tourism industry in general is toxic and sucks people in, with the promise of a life in the career centered around the things they love, yet its so cutthroat that so many never achieve it and end up stagnating endlessly. Still, they don't deserve insults for daring to dream of doing something they love instead of immediately biting the bullet and succumbing to some soulless but well-paying job and generic lifestyle.


Well-Known Member
You have a history of shoe-horning throwing shade toward CMs into any discussion about them, so I'm going to guess that your hot take is that they shouldn't have made such PoOr LiFe DeCiSiOnS or they wouldn't be facing eviction due to a global pandemic.

It's not a lie that the culture at WDW and Orlando's tourism industry in general is toxic and sucks people in, with the promise of a life in the career centered around the things they love, yet its so cutthroat that so many never achieve it and end up stagnating endlessly. Still, they don't deserve insults for daring to dream of doing something they love instead of immediately biting the bullet and succumbing to some soulless but well-paying job and generic lifestyle.
I joined this conversation mid-stream and did not make any comment whatsoever about evictions or COVID.


Well-Known Member
You have a history of shoe-horning throwing shade toward CMs into any discussion about them, so I'm going to guess that your hot take is that they shouldn't have made such PoOr LiFe DeCiSiOnS or they wouldn't be facing eviction due to a global pandemic.

It's not a lie that the culture at WDW and Orlando's tourism industry in general is toxic and sucks people in, with the promise of a life in the career centered around the things they love, yet its so cutthroat that so many never achieve it and end up stagnating endlessly. Still, they don't deserve insults for daring to dream of doing something they love instead of immediately biting the bullet and succumbing to some soulless but well-paying job and generic lifestyle.
To prepare for life and its unexpected turns there should be some financial responsibility courses 101 taught in high school if that is asking too much.


Premium Member
To prepare for life and its unexpected turns there should be some financial responsibility courses 101 taught in high school if that is asking too much.
Ok...we need to retreat from this...

For one...and it’s just one issue...you can’t have any discussion of labor in a vacuum without addressing opportunity. And that can’t be significantly discussed.

So we’re going nowhere.

Also, it’s hard to homogenize a 65,000 person staff in 25 words or less.

And i tend to be harsh and generalize....in case anyone forgets

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I joined this conversation mid-stream and did not make any comment whatsoever about evictions or COVID.
So then basically it went like this:

Thread: The situation is really bad and we're going to start seeing more and more layoffs, there just won't be enough work in Orlando, etc.
You: Well, maybe they shouldn't have made such poor life decisions. They're just glorified carnies anyway.

It was unwarranted and now especially is not the time to do this. I would have probably ignored it if you didn't have a history of making these comments.


Well-Known Member
Don't get me started with Chapek, his various speeches for D23 seemed way to forced. I can't put my finger on it though, maybe he's forcing his optimism or something.
It is kind of hard to be the face of Disney when the guy that thinks he is the face of Disney hasn’t left the scene and is still your boss. I don’t know if Chapek will be better at the public face role if Iger leaves the scene, but I do know he is smart enough not to upstage the boss. We won’t see the real public face and the real direction of Disney under Chapek until/if Iger leaves the scene.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
To prepare for life and its unexpected turns there should be some financial responsibility courses 101 taught in high school if that is asking too much.
I whole-heartedly agree! High school in the United States does nowhere near enough to prepare students for life ahead of them. High school in the US is mostly treated as prep for college... then you get to college and so much of it is spent re-iterating or expanding on the very things you learned in high school. I could go on, but this probably isn't the thread for it.

But I also reject the notion that everyone should trade in pursuing their dreams in favor of something they don't enjoy just because it is a safer choice. Not everyone wants that.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
So then basically it went like this:

Thread: The situation is really bad and we're going to start seeing more and more layoffs, there just won't be enough work in Orlando, etc.
You: Well, maybe they shouldn't have made such poor life decisions. They're just glorified carnies anyway.

It was unwarranted and now especially is not the time to do this. I would have probably ignored it if you didn't have a history of making these comments.
I didn't read the whole thread. I read the posts that I quoted and the ones that quoted me. It appears I missed important context. My bad.


Well-Known Member
Thats basically what i meant. I meant STATE political pressures, not national.

My bad on not being clear as I'm tryin to toe the line here.....

Florida gets all its income from Sales Tax and tourism revenue. No tourists = no money.
State political pressure isn’t why they are open. They planned on having Disneyland open now, and that wasn’t because of state political pressure. It is the economic pressure of operating a business that lost their biggest sources of revenue that caused them to open and is keeping them open.


Active Member
I don't know if you're familiar with TheQuartering. If you're not, well hopefully this post isn't deleted for being too "political".

TheQuartering AKA Jeremy Hambly became popular as a serial bully and harasser of female Magic the Gathering cosplayers (and used his channel to direct his viewers to do so as well). All over what he considered to be "inappropriate" outfits. So a bunch of women at these events were dogpiled with a massive amount of r*** and death threats among other cruel insults. Jeremy was banned from these events by the MTG owners over this behavior, and he continued to make content saying MTG hates men and are being controlled by crazy women and SJW white knights. He has also made countless videos about how women are the reason Star Wars sucks and are also ruining Marvel as well (I can't even count the amount of videos he's made ranting about Brie Larson). He's also a defender of the various extreme "mens rights" groups such as MGTOW and incels (deranged socially men who think all women are evil and fantasize about hurting and even killing them, which has led to real life violence and murder against women). He became irrationally enraged at Twitter users who said "Hitler/nazis are bad", responding with "yikes" and angrily labeling them "cringy SJW's". He deleted his Twitter the other day because he got butthurt at being called out for his objectively abhorrent comments and behavior.

I believe pheneix's information is legitimate and feel it's important to share it and have it break into the mainstream. But the few people i've seen sharing it on youtube thus far (including the aforementioned Geeks + Gamers and Clownfish TV from earlier posts) are a bunch of deranged losers whose channels are filled with tabloid nonsense wrong 99% of the time, colored with downright cruel hateful commentary. Content like theirs is highly inappropriate in general, but especially for a Disney website such as this. I recommend against clicking and sharing their videos.

Oh....OK. ignore the point of view since there is no possible way it is valid ....will do LOL


Premium Member
State political pressure isn’t why they are open. They planned on having Disneyland open now, and that wasn’t because of state political pressure. It is the economic pressure of operating a business that lost their biggest sources of revenue that caused them to open and is keeping them open.

My contention is that Disney was looking for/wanted state pressure to remain closed (Check the tape on that)

It would be far easier for them not to be open but they didn’t have a choice.

In an ideal world...the sports would be there and nobody else would be.


Well-Known Member
I think that's a big issue, actually (well, not so much for Disney -- it's a great thing for the company).

So many people don't realize how incredibly good WDW was in the early 90s. They have no memory of EPCOT being absolutely incredible, nor do they realize how much has been lost at the Magic Kingdom -- not as much in terms of rides (there are a few gone), but in terms of all the other interesting experiences like all of the themed stores that have been replaced with shops all selling the same merchandise everywhere.

They don't have that as a comparison point, so they don't know how far downhill things have gone.
Then has it gone down hill?? Look one of those psych questions.

It's like my 100 year old Aunt who reminsces of back in the day especially air travel. That means absolutely nothing to me.
I love MK since I first went in 2000 so while I believe you that it was golden but for it's still awesome


Well-Known Member
Even still...it’s hard to generalize that everyone that doesn’t have a high paying job is lazy, wreckless or incompetent.

I know it’s not true in the country I live it - at least.
I didn't say that.

"Many cast members make poor life decisions."

NOT: "All cast members make poor life decisions."

NOR: "Cast members who make poor life decisions deserve to get rekt by COVID."

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