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Why would my personal thoughts anger you? Am I not allowed them. Don’t worry I’m only one in a million that supports this project. Everyone else hates it. All good
Orange is the new Red
Orange is the new Red
I get that’s the brain washy talk track going on. I don’t buy it. Disney has never adhered to that type of congruence between land and ride.

With that said thanks for sharing.
They did adhere to that type of congruence going back to Pandora. The message of Avatar fits Animal Kingdoms message. Ever since Frozen going into Norway, it's all about getting IP into the park with no thought of placement.
Orange is the new Red
Orange is the new Red
Once again that’s internet psycho babble. Be well.
Hey, I'm sorry about DVDizzy being suspended. But, to be honest, I'm kind of glad it's gone. Now that nobody will see my rantings from long ago. Embarrassing, right? Anyway, despite that I'm glad it's gone, I'm sorry you can't go there anymore. I hope you're comfortable here.

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