Tony the Tigger
Well-Known Member
You dont have to tip if you get bad service and nobody is entitled to receive a tip

It’s a small worldview after all.
You should always expect to tip at least 15% at a restaurant (and not more than any auto-gratuity.) The one or two times in your entire lifetime you get poor enough service that you don’t tip at all is so rare, there’s no point mentioning it as a standard day to day option. You don’t sit down and say, “OK, impress me. And…go.”
When you are good at your job and care about people, you will get an average of 15% from most people, and you will get sometimes significantly more than that - from people like the Chef guy here, from people who are/were in the biz, from people hitting on you (keeping it real) etc.
But you immediately took what I said as some people don’t tip because of “poor service.” No, some people tip extra because your service is extra. You listen to them at the bar. You remember them from another visit.
Some people don’t tip or don’t tip well because they think their server is something they don’t like politically. Some don’t tip because they don’t know any better (foreigners, younger people, etc.) Some genuinely can’t spare the money, and I have some empathy in that regard. I had a local regular when I was a bartender who could barely afford the happy hour drinks, and rarely tipped - but it wasn’t out of animosity. He would bring me grapefruit from his tree sometimes. That’s a situation where you just appreciate the filled seat and don’t blame the person. Others more than made up for it, that’s the way business goes.
But if everyone had your attitude, that would be bad for people in the industry.