Would you visit Walt Disney World with these health-based operational restrictions in place?

Would you visit Walt Disney World with these health-based operational restrictions in place?

  • Yes

    Votes: 306 36.2%
  • No

    Votes: 429 50.7%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 111 13.1%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
But they do enforce bag checks since 9/11 - i mean, there's no way folks can get around it or barge their way through. True, it's a security op and not normal CMs, but Disney took a stance and twenty years later have constructed permanent structures for this.
Bag checks are 10 minutes and ultimately pointless...

If that’s what masks are...there is no point. And we’re talking all day.


Premium Member
But they do enforce bag checks since 9/11 - i mean, there's no way folks can get around it or barge their way through. True, it's a security op and not normal CMs, but Disney took a stance and twenty years later have constructed permanent structures for this.
This is true. If they treat the mask rule like bag checks it would be a good start. Firm rule, no exceptions. The biggest question is how will they handle someone who says they can’t wear a mask for medical reasons? Will they allow exceptions or will it be a firm rule? If they make exceptions for medical reasons this will become the new “game” where people looking for a way out will just claim medical hardship. If that’s the case then why bother?


Well-Known Member
And what if someone in my family can't wear a mask for a medical reason but we are annual passholders? We're just supposed to shrug off the thousands of dollars lost?
What are some medical conditions that you could not wear a mask at a place that you could catch a potentially deadly disease that are not in the high risk category. Ex Asthma doesn't count because it is a disease that puts you in the high risk category if you catch Covid.

If you're not healthy enough to wear a mask in a place you can get a life threatening disease, then you're not healthy enough to be at a place that you can get a life threatening disease.


Premium Member
What are some medical conditions that you could not wear a mask at a place that you could catch a potentially deadly disease that are not in the high risk category. Ex Asthma doesn't count because it is a disease that puts you in the high risk category if you catch Covid.

If you're not healthy enough to wear a mask in a place you can get a life threatening disease, then you're not healthy enough to be at a place that you can get a life threatening disease.
That would eliminate anyone with anytype of respiratory condition.

Those people are not “uncommon”

And what about cardiovascular? I would think that captures those as well.

Contrary to popular myth: not everyone in Disney is healthy.

If “health” is a requirement...then it’s gonna cost both sides a ton of money


Premium Member
What are some medical conditions that you could not wear a mask at a place that you could catch a potentially deadly disease that are not in the high risk category. Ex Asthma doesn't count because it is a disease that puts you in the high risk category if you catch Covid.

If you're not healthy enough to wear a mask in a place you can get a life threatening disease, then you're not healthy enough to be at a place that you can get a life threatening disease.
That‘s a valid point and how people probably should think but Disney isn’t going to exclude people from entry for being in the high risk group. For example, they won’t tell a kid with asthma they can’t come in. If the mask rule is strictly enforced (no exceptions) it should then effectively eliminate people with those types of conditions, but I have a feeling it won’t go too well. Some people will likely show up anyway and when they struggle with the mask it’s coming off.

Dan Deesnee

Well-Known Member
What are some medical conditions that you could not wear a mask at a place that you could catch a potentially deadly disease that are not in the high risk category. Ex Asthma doesn't count because it is a disease that puts you in the high risk category if you catch Covid.

If you're not healthy enough to wear a mask in a place you can get a life threatening disease, then you're not healthy enough to be at a place that you can get a life threatening disease.

Not all medical conditions are strictly physical. Educate yourself before you insult others for having something wrong with them. I have a son who suffers from extreme anxiety due to an injury he sustained to his throat. It manifests itself worse anytime something covers his mouth or restricts his breathing like a mask does to an extent.

He's no more at risk of dying from covid than any other healthy young kid. But there is absolutely no way he can wear a mask for hours throughout the day.


Well-Known Member
That would eliminate anyone with anytype of respiratory condition.
Right you should not be going to Disney when there is a killer respiratory disease out there. You are in the super high risk group.

And what about cardiovascular? I would think that captures those as well
Nope no cardiovascular diseases would prevent you from wearing a mask.

If “health” is a requirement...then it’s gonna cost both sides a ton of money
I'm going to quote myself on this one.

If you're not healthy enough to wear a mask in a place you can get a life threatening disease, then you're not healthy enough to be at a place that you can get a life threatening disease.

And yes this pandemic is going to and already has cost both sides a ton of money.

I cannot stress this enough, If you are in a high risk group, you really need think hard about going to an entertainment venue when there is a highly contagious disease that targets certain groups of people for death.


Well-Known Member
I cannot stress this enough, If you are in a high risk group, you really need think hard about going to an entertainment venue when there is a highly contagious disease that targets certain groups of people for death.

You're talking to a brick wall at this point.

It's clear many on this board fear masks more than the actual disease and have no respect for the WDW employees who said they'd only go back to work if guests wore them.

Kudos to those who at least said they wouldn't go until the mask policy has been lifted.


Well-Known Member
Not all medical conditions are strictly physical. Educate yourself before you insult others for having something wrong with them. I have a son who suffers from extreme anxiety due to an injury he sustained to his throat. It manifests itself worse anytime something covers his mouth or restricts his breathing like a mask does to an extent.
I'm very sorry that I insulted you, it was not my intention. If you look, I very crafted the question to not call out what your relatives condition was. I gave you the opportunity to list several conditions and did not ask specifically what your relatives condition was and to allow others to also chime in. You, on the other hand, went right for the insult.


New Member
Also I should remind you that Disney has extended every AP for a time equal to their closure. You're not going to be throwing thousands of dollars to the wind if you wait a few months to make sure attending the parks isn't giving you a chance of painful death or permanent lung damage.

Dan Deesnee

Well-Known Member
Also I should remind you that Disney has extended every AP for a time equal to their closure. You're not going to be throwing thousands of dollars to the wind if you wait a few months to make sure attending the parks isn't giving you a chance of painful death or permanent lung damage.

And those extensions stop the moment they open the park even if only one park is open and you have medical / mental health conditions that don't allow you to visit.


Premium Member
Right you should not be going to Disney when there is a killer respiratory disease out there. You are in the super high risk group.

Nope no cardiovascular diseases would prevent you from wearing a mask.

I'm going to quote myself on this one.

If you're not healthy enough to wear a mask in a place you can get a life threatening disease, then you're not healthy enough to be at a place that you can get a life threatening disease.

And yes this pandemic is going to and already has cost both sides a ton of money.

I cannot stress this enough, If you are in a high risk group, you really need think hard about going to an entertainment venue when there is a highly contagious disease that targets certain groups of people for death.

And here’s my cents:

Disney will not make a profit if they limit their customer base to 30,40,50,60% of the norm pre covid.

It’s a MASS customer model.

There is no profit in this. It will have to go to near full throttle quickly.

I think the “mask agreement” with the Union could very well mean they don’t plan on opening till the weather breaks...October maybe? Just a thought


Well-Known Member
And those extensions stop the moment they open the park even if only one park is open and you have medical / mental health conditions that don't allow you to visit.
This isn't necessarily true-- if they follow the current policy they have in place in Shanghai Disneyland, Annual Passes are being extended, on a day-for-day basis, for every day the park is closed plus every day the park is operating under restrictions.


Well-Known Member
Currently there still is a mandatory 14 day isolation/quarantine for people coming from Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Louisiana. I know that most folks didnt leave for other states once the cases started to grow, but sufficient did and shared the wealth of RNA goodness.

Is anyone enforcing that?


Well-Known Member
Of course not...it was self quarantine and nonsense from the start. A PR stunt

Exactly. So why does it even get brought up? No one (evidently) is gonna stop anyone from NY or NJ or LA or anyone else for that matter from coming here. I heard the other day that people were upset that the plane they were flying on was too crowded- but they didn't get off, did they? Everyone thinks everyone else is supposed to get out of their way- that's people these days, and it's just getting worse. (shrug emoji)


Premium Member
Exactly. So why does it even get brought up? No one (evidently) is gonna stop anyone from NY or NJ or LA or anyone else for that matter from coming here. I heard the other day that people were upset that the plane they were flying on was too crowded- but they didn't get off, did they? Everyone thinks everyone else is supposed to get out of their way- that's people these days, and it's just getting worse. (shrug emoji)
I have no clue why it’s ever brought up.

As if Florida was gonna to reject the money brought in from those states...especially many who snowbird or own second homes...

Give me a break


Active Member
And here’s my cents:

Disney will not make a profit if they limit their customer base to 30,40,50,60% of the norm pre covid.

It’s a MASS customer model.

There is no profit in this. It will have to go to near full throttle quickly.

I think the “mask agreement” with the Union could very well mean they don’t plan on opening till the weather breaks...October maybe? Just a thought

I disagree completely. Disney makes money on their after-hours ticketed events with a capacity similar to what will probably be implemented post-COVID. They do not need the masses they usually receive during the day to make money. Plus, many high expense items, such as live entertainment, will be scaled back, lowering operating costs significantly. On top of all of that, they do not even need to make money to open right now, only lose less money than if they were to remain closed.

In general, I think there are two points that need to be addressed:
1) WDW, and the country, will definitely be opening before a potential vaccine or cure, both of which have no guarantee of ever occurring, just due to the human spirit. People cannot be locked up forever. WDW may or may not be the first resort open, but it will definitely open if everyone else is because any bad PR can be avoided by the industry moving as a unit and there is money to be made.

2) No one is making anybody go to WDW when it opens. In fact, anybody can disagree with WDW being open, and that is okay. If anybody truly wants to avoid the virus, they will have to stay indoors and self-isolate long after restrictions are lifted and a reopening occurs. Shutting the country down for the virus makes sense for a short while, but society has always accepted preventable deaths at the expense of progress and people enjoying life. It is why driving is legal even though 1.25 million drivers, passengers, and pedestrians (not even electing to drive at all) die every year in car crashes.


Well-Known Member
2) No one is making anybody go to WDW when it opens. In fact, anybody can disagree with WDW being open, and that is okay. If anybody truly wants to avoid the virus, they will have to stay indoors and self-isolate long after restrictions are lifted and a reopening occurs. Shutting the country down for the virus makes sense for a short while, but society has always accepted preventable deaths at the expense of progress and people enjoying life. It is why driving is legal even though 1.25 million drivers, passengers, and pedestrians (not even electing to drive at all) die every year in car crashes.
We are talking about this country, not the rest of the world. The US traffic deaths was 32,160 (estimated iii.org) for all of 2019. What was the current 3 month death toll is the us for Covid in 3 months?

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