Would you like to see WDW Space Mountain Re-furbed?

Would you like to see the WDW Space Mountain updated similar to the DL Mountain?

  • Yes, Gut it!

    Votes: 73 45.1%
  • No, That would be destroying a classic

    Votes: 89 54.9%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by speck76
I think the MK would have a much harder time closing Space Mt than DL did, as DL has more E-ticket attractions, and more attractions in TL than MK does.

DL has both the Matterhorn and BTM as alternative, MK only has BTM. TL at DL has both Star Tours and HISTA, which MK doesn't. Before MK could close Space Mt, they would really need to add another e-ticket.

What are you talking about. There is really nothing in tommorrowland at DL. They shut down more attractions at DL's TL than are in the intire rest of the park. Mk has 7 attarctions excluding Space mountain, and DL has five. Between stitch and buzz not to mentional the other filler attarctions, tommorrowland would be fine. And chances are they'd build at the 20k site before they'd shut down SM anyway. And besides, they did it the stupid way in DL. First of all, they shut down like 7 rides for good before starting the SM rehab whne they could have easily kept something open or built buzz first. The only thing of any note in the DL TL is star tours.

And I think a lot of people just want a rehab because DL is getting one. Their space mountain was horrible. The queue was dull, loading area dull, no post show, the ride was rough and the effects were stupid and fake. The fact that ours was built first is just a testimate to how good it really is.

And as for a SM rehab, sure why not, just keep it unique. I don't want to see any major changes, but maybe add a few things here and there not to mention rplacing the track but keeping a simular layout. It might be cool to have it more all encompassing like have the separate tracks "duel" each other.

The loading area could be some kind of enclosed docking bay made mostly of glass(plastic) so you can still see the rest of the fasility, but make it feel more like you are sent out into space instead of being in a show building.

Just don't change the speed or give it inversions or anything, keep the consept alive.


Well-Known Member
the cool part about DLP's Space Mountain is the queue walks you right through the middle of the ride. The rockets whoosh right past you.


New Member
one thing that REALLY needs to be fixed is the rockets. being a fairly tall person I can barely fit in, and am constantly afraid of the restraint flying up because it can't close well enough on my legs.


Well-Known Member
keep the ride the same, if you replace the track, keep it mostly the same, having 2 tracks going aginast eachother.....

and hacving the 1,1,1 deating profile is nice as well......

(replacing it with something that is not kid friendly would harm the ride anyway......)

(of course the ride could get a tratment bringing it to the 21 centery........., just not ruining it's uniqueness of 2 tracks)


I absolutely hate the state that WDW's Space Mountain is currently in. I say rip out every little thing in that building, and start from scratch.

The queue right now, IMO, is just bland and plain boring. Add some more effects inside it instead of those windows with stars (and some A/C vents would be nice, too!). An actual storyline that is known to all guests should also be made and told in some way or another in the queue.

Both tracks should be completely replaced with new ones that provide a very smooth ride. As for the vehicles, keep the same seating arrangements--1, 1, 1---but make them a bit larger and easier to sit in for some of the tall guests. An onboard soundtrack is a must as well. Don't forget the state-of-the-art effects inside the building too.

If all of that was done, I think WDW's Space Mountain could be the superior one, and heck, I may actually like it. But, if they want to do a DLP SM, then I'm definitely all for it, because DLP has the better Space Mountain right now.


New Member
If I had a say, I would say this:

-Keep the same story, track, and elements.
-Replace the track with new smoother track but have the same track.
-Fix up some of the supports.
-Fix up the effects.

But I absolutly love Space Mountain. It is such a great ride to ride. Especially the light tunnels. I always slide my hands on the ceiling at that part.

But Space Mountain is such a great ride. And I would never want a version like at Disneyland Paris. First, thing. The Video it was based off of was only about a minute long. And also, the book it was based off of was completly different. They didn't get to the moon using the Comlumbaid, they got to the moon in a 900 foot hole around where Disneyworld is right now.

Now, if Space Mountain were to be replaced by a new high tech thrill ride, a side launch would be fun, but what if instead of a giant cannon, part of the cone part of Space Mountain comes all the way down...

But I would chain myself to Space Mountain if any drastic changes were to happen.


Active Member
Originally posted by speck76
I think the MK would have a much harder time closing Space Mt than DL did, as DL has more E-ticket attractions, and more attractions in TL than MK does.

Ummmmmm..... Tomorrowland at Disneyland is currently. well, a ghost town. Space Mountain is closed, sub lagoon is still sitting empty, the old PeopleMover/RocketRods track is not being used, Innoventions (the old Carousel/American sings building) is pretty empty as most sponsors have pulled out... the old Mission to Mars building is now a restaurant. Even the lame NASA exhibit and the Cosmic Waves interactive fountain have been closed. They're putting Buzz Lightyear int he old Circlevision/RocketRods queue building. Oh yeah and the Astro Orbiter, Star Tours and Honey I Shrunk the Audience (I always forget these last 2 because here they're at different parks). So that's basically a total of 5 attractions that are open in that area of the park. I know the Matterhorn is considered part of Tomorrowland, but it just doesn't fit to me. I always consider it a part of Fantasyland. Plus they're doing a major repaving project over there, so Tomorowland is a mess.

In contrast... Tomorrowland at WDW has a total of 7 attractions (if you count the seasonal operation of Timekeeper and Carousel of Progress). When Stich's Great Escape opens this fall, the count will go to 8. So if WDW's Space Mountain went down, there would be at least a half dozen attractions to keep people entartained int hat section of the park.

I can kind of see where you're coming from, but Tomorrowland over in Anaheim is still pretty much a ghost town. The 1998 remake was pretty much a failure. I'll take WDW's version any day.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by aimster
Ummmmmm..... Tomorrowland at Disneyland is currently. well, a ghost town. Space Mountain is closed, sub lagoon is still sitting empty, the old PeopleMover/RocketRods track is not being used, Innoventions (the old Carousel/American sings building) is pretty empty as most sponsors have pulled out... the old Mission to Mars building is now a restaurant. Even the lame NASA exhibit has been closed. I think all that's going in Tomorrowland at Disneyland at the moment is Autopia. And they're putting Buzz Lightyear int he old Circlevision/RocketRods queue building. Oh yeah and the Astro Orbiter. So that's basically a total of three attractions that are open in that area of the park. I know the Matterhorn is considered part of Tomorrowland, but it just doesn't fit to me. I always consider it a part of Fantasyland. Plus they're doing a major repaving project over there, so Tomorowland is a mess.

In contrast... Tomorrowland at WDW has a total of 7 attractions (if you count the seasonal operation of Timekeeper and Carousel of Progress). When Stich's Great Escape opens this fall, the count will go to 8. So if WDW's Space Mountain went down, there would be at least a half dozen attractions to keep people entartained int hat section of the park.

What about star tours and HISTA at DL. Also, I was not talking about e-tickets in TL, I was talking about the whole park. DL has Indy, The Matterhorn, many more dark rides including roger rabbit, a much better and longer PotC....all of this stuff that the MK does not. Overall, if DL looses a major ride for 2 years, it does not make the impact that it would at the MK.
Originally posted by aimster
Ummmmmm..... Tomorrowland at Disneyland is currently. well, a ghost town. Space Mountain is closed, sub lagoon is still sitting empty, the old PeopleMover/RocketRods track is not being used, Innoventions (the old Carousel/American sings building) is pretty empty as most sponsors have pulled out... the old Mission to Mars building is now a restaurant. Even the lame NASA exhibit and the Cosmic Waves interactive fountain have been closed. They're putting Buzz Lightyear int he old Circlevision/RocketRods queue building. Oh yeah and the Astro Orbiter, Star Tours and Honey I Shrunk the Audience (I always forget these last 2 because here they're at different parks). So that's basically a total of 5 attractions that are open in that area of the park. I know the Matterhorn is considered part of Tomorrowland, but it just doesn't fit to me. I always consider it a part of Fantasyland. Plus they're doing a major repaving project over there, so Tomorowland is a mess.

In contrast... Tomorrowland at WDW has a total of 7 attractions (if you count the seasonal operation of Timekeeper and Carousel of Progress). When Stich's Great Escape opens this fall, the count will go to 8. So if WDW's Space Mountain went down, there would be at least a half dozen attractions to keep people entartained int hat section of the park.

I can kind of see where you're coming from, but Tomorrowland over in Anaheim is still pretty much a ghost town. The 1998 remake was pretty much a failure. I'll take WDW's version any day.

I love how I said exactly the same thing and got ignored.


New Member
Do nothing to Space Mountain.

It is a classic. If you want to do a rehab on it, just touch it up. Paint, replace some old worn track, but do not change the first Space Mountain ever build in a Disney theme park.

Disney already destroyed enought attractions, don't fix it, if it ain't broken. Leave well enough alone.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
i think a major refurb is needed, possibly even gutting it, but i think that the ride has a special character about it that it remains the only SM that is a single rider and not double per row. i think that makes the experience that much intense becuase you have open area on both sides. this gives the illusion that there is no comfort zone like you have when someone is beside you and there is that closed space to the right or left of you.

i say, major refurb, change what you like, just keep it a single ride vehicle. even if they made it only 1 track instead of 2, then the ride could be longer.

thoughts on the 1 per row ride vehicle. yeh's or neh's?


altough i'm against any alterations to space mountain, the only thing i want them to do though, is refurbish the tracks. my main concern is that portions of the tracks are potential "guillotine-like" problems especially for those who are tall


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by figment1988
altough i'm against any alterations to space mountain, the only thing i want them to do though, is refurbish the tracks. my main concern is that portions of the tracks are potential "guillotine-like" problems especially for those who are tall

You have nothing to worry about. I think the (OSHA?) standard is a 9' clearance above the tracks. You would be surprised how far away that stuff really is. (SM may be grandfathered into an old standard, but I am sure Disney would not do anything potentially hazardous...also, enough ppl have ridden that someone owuld have been majorly hurt by now)


New Member
Besides a thorough rehab concerning safety, efficiency, and general cleaning up, I say leave SM be. There's something so "Disney" about that entire attraction. The music even gets to me. I mean, we obviously know that the ride is popular, so that isn't an issue. The only thing I can think of is the mention of making it look bright and "New Tomorrowlandish." I would personally find that repulsive because it is the original. I like the mix of old and new attractions, just like at Epcot. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by speck76
You have nothing to worry about. I think the (OSHA?) standard is a 9' clearance above the tracks. You would be surprised how far away that stuff really is. (SM may be grandfathered into an old standard, but I am sure Disney would not do anything potentially hazardous...also, enough ppl have ridden that someone owuld have been majorly hurt by now)

yeah, what the point of fixing something t hat not broke


If they do anything to SM it should be rehabing the track and adding some more effects. The ride should not be altered, it should just be enhanced.


Account Suspended
One thing that I believe is truly unique about Disney is the fact that their parks seem to be parks of their own. In other words, even though there are some of the same attractions at each of the parks, each has their own flavor, based on the park, and its' geographic location. While I am okay with making some changes, those mostly being just updating paint, cars, lighting, etc., I'm not really in favor of making this ride look like any other SM ride in any of the other parks.

I could even see making some changes to the post show, making it more current. I do believe that Disney should always be looking to make those types of changes at SM, as well as SE.

So, I say keep the base the same, but make some cosmetic changes, along with an updated post show.


New Member
Space Mountain is a great ride but I would like to see something be done...cuz one day something is going to happen or its gonna break down forever because nothing last forever even though we would like things to last forever. One day there will have to be something new.


New Member
Originally posted by StevenT
I say it might be alright to give it a Small World like refurb, clean it up, make everything look brand new, maybe add a few new effects, replace the post-show.

Although DLP's version looks really cool, I just don't really like cloned rides, I like how there is no other Space Mountain like ours.
I love it the way it is, but a little TLC wouldn't hurt. And I would REALLY like it if they brought back the house of the future.

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