Worried about All Star Sport Resort reservation


New Member
Worried about All Star Sport Resort reservation (update)

Thanks to all of you who have answered my various questions about my Dec 26 to Jan 3 trip to WDW. You have all helped to make my trip better then it would have been without your help and for that I thank you.

With that being said, I just wanted you all to know, that I have decided not to move my reservation to the Disney All-Star Sports Resort, but to stay with my first choice which was to stay at CBR and upgrade to he silver dream maker package and also include a mimi-fridge with my reservation. I figure that this package gives me a nicer hotel, and some more flexibility to my vacation.

Thanks again,



Well-Known Member
I have had 12 trips to the Walt Disney World Resort where I have stayed at a Disney Resort, and only once have I had any problems with checking in, back in 1995, simply because the Cast Member was new, and we got a free breakfast out of it, so that was fine. It is not very often that Disney screws up anything, and they will always have a room for you. If it were to sell out, which won't happen, they would either find a room for you at another All-Star or if you told them you didn't want that, they'd give you a free upgrade to a Moderate. But, that won't happen :) Enjoy the Resort; it's not bad (although I prefer Movies) as it has fun theming. Who are you going with? The All-Stars are family-friendly, but stuffing four adults into a room would be a pain:) Regardless, enjoy your stay. My only reservation regarding the Gold package is its restrictiveness. But, if you can follow that plan (takes a lot of time away from riding rides), then it's fantastic for your--really, if you'd rather relax on your vacation, those plans are good--I just prefer to be in the parks, on rides, so I wouldn't like the plan. But, again, if you can handle it, it is worth the money provided you use all your wishes. Have fun!
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Well-Known Member
You should be cautious....
I read on your other thread that you are traveling alone....
a room overlooking the field can be extremely loud...and packed full of kids....i mean packed!! not to mention that you are sandwiched between two pools....the field can get extremely busy....especially Christmas week! But if thats your thing...go for it....

I was suprised to see you finally agreed on this....I would think that a Gold Package would be better utilized at say a CB or PO...that offered water sports....since the Gold Package includes all water sports....but I dunno if a gold package at the moderate is do-able...at least not at christmas time....

if you don't have a prefered room....then I doubt you will recive a room in the touch down building....
my guess is...with Christams....the resort will be packed...and prefered rooms will be sold out....Touch-down is a prefered section....I'm sure you can ask...
If you do have a prefered room....than ask...and your request will be met....
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New Member
I stayed at the All Star Sports last May and had no trouble getting
a nice room. The football section is not a preferred room, only
the Surf's Up section is considered preferred. I would not
pay an extra $10 for the preferred section because the whole
complex is not that far apart. We had requested the football
section but was told at checkin that it was full until the next day
which they would then gladly move us. We got a nice room in
the baseball section right by the pool and found that much more
enjoyable and decided not to move. You will love the resort.
Have fun!!
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This makes me wonder, I am new to traveling and was wondering how frequent things like this happen. Am i going to get there early on December 26, and be told they are sold out and are sending me to some off site hotel.

Heres the thing Jason that I have learned with many things and not just travel...if your not satisfied or happy with what you get for your money tell them so. If the immediate person you are talking to doesnt seem to want to accomodate you then ask to speak to someone who will. Remember its your money and we all work hard to be able enjoy what we do with it....get your monies worth. You will find that most places..especially those who value customer service...will work with you.
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New Member
Originally posted by kaybee
I stayed at the All Star Sports last May and had no trouble getting
a nice room. The football section is not a preferred room, only
the Surf's Up section is considered preferred. I would not
pay an extra $10 for the preferred section because the whole
complex is not that far apart. We had requested the football
section but was told at checkin that it was full until the next day
which they would then gladly move us. We got a nice room in
the baseball section right by the pool and found that much more
enjoyable and decided not to move. You will love the resort.
Have fun!!

Ditto. The "Touchdown" building is not considered as preferred. Also, if you spent the big dollars on the "Gold" package then WDW can well afford to cater to your whims, whatever they might be. Have a wonderful trip! :wave:
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