Woke up today.....


Well-Known Member
Because of the poor attendance at the parks lately, Disney announced this morning that May hours have been eliminated all together.
See you in June from Noon - 5pm!!!!



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Originally posted by BRER STITCH
Because of the poor attendance at the parks lately, Disney announced this morning that May hours have been eliminated all together.
See you in June from Noon - 5pm!!!!


OH!! You're a funny guy!! :cry: :fork:


New Member
:wave: Hi bailey 5697...I am here waiting as well, having to go around about way of even getting into the Disney site, ( my computer still doesnt like that site and wont let me in) Oh by the way, has all the redness left the new tattoo yet? I really wish they would post those hours..I am getting anxious....


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Originally posted by tammycooley
:wave: Hi bailey 5697...I am here waiting as well, having to go around about way of even getting into the Disney site, Oh by the way, has all the redness left the new tattoo yet?

It's very, VERY itchy! LOL
I just feel like the next leg of my trip is to find out the park hours and there's nothing I can do! LOL :zipit:


New Member
Originally posted by BRER STITCH
Because of the poor attendance at the parks lately, Disney announced this morning that May hours have been eliminated all together.
See you in June from Noon - 5pm!!!!


Now that's funny!:king:



New Member
Originally posted by tammycooley
:cry: Now THAT is definately not funny spiderman....arent you going in May also?

Yes, I am going in May, I started a May Day thread yesterday on this to get some help from others on things I could do without knowing the hours.

Hey, if you can't win, you might as well laugh. :animwink:


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Originally posted by spider-man
, I started a May Day thread yesterday on this to get some help from others on things I could do without knowing the hours.

Hey, I missed this thread! I'm going searching now! :lookaroun


New Member
May Day, May Day

Here it is. Post more questions. If we can't find out the answers maybe we can piece something helpful together for us to go by. At this late in the game, we got to become creative in planning our trips. :)


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by tammycooley
My son & I are staying at All Star Movies from May 3-10th. When are the rest of you May travelers attending?

LOL, Tammy I know you and I have been through this, but I couldn't resist answering your question anyway!
Myself, my DH, DD, My Mom, my niece, MIL, 90 year old Pop-Pop, My BIL, SIL, niece and nephew are staying in OKW May 2-8. Then my Mom and niece go back and everyone else goes on the Disney Wonder for 3 nights. Can you tell I'm a little excited?!?! :sohappy:


New Member
:lol: Oh my gosh me too---Only 4 more weeks---I cant hardly stand it--and my co-workers here are very much wanting me to go as well ( so I will shut up haha)


Well-Known Member
Heres my trick...I look ay last years hours....


Of course there never actually the same....
so I check another park's May hours for this years....


I gage by comparing the two....of course Unviersal and Disney will never have the same hours...but it gives you an idea of the amount of crowds there expecting.....

Now I'm sure Disney wil have a greater crowd...
and therefore I add an hour to universal hours...for such parks as MK and MGM....

If nething the universal hours give an idea of what crowds there expecting:veryconfu

hope the kinda helped....

edited to add***

Sometimes you can get an idea of early May hours by looking at late April hours.....that can def give you an idea for all you early May travelers....

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