
Dr Disney

New Member
Original Poster
I was watching some old videos last night. I watched the old Fireworks display from MGM, the one they used to do above the GMR when an inflatable Mickey came up at the end. ( the video was taken July 91)

I was struck by how similar it was to Wishes in the way the fireworks were used.

Anybody else remember this or have any comments


Well-Known Member
I have only seen the Wishes video, (and watched Wisher from my balcony) but I do not see much of a resemblence. Fireworks are fireworks (although they are cool as s) and I guess some things will always be similar.

Either way, Wishes looks to be an improvement over the old show, and that is a good thing.

Also, I love the way they use the roman candles.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I know what you mean - Sorcery in the Sky used predominatley rooftop launched pyro, so you get that very close up effect (even more so than you do with Wishes - this still launches its high altitude rockets from the Firework compound). Another similarity is the low altitude `explosions`, though not as fierce in Wishes than they were/are in Sorcery (they still run the MGM show on July 4th/New Years Eve). And both are similar in distance to the crowd as DLPs Fantasy in the Sky - where all the pyro is launched from within the berm, and most of it from within Fantasyland!

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