Wishes Back To Normal


Well-Known Member
Wishes had substitutions? Is that contagieous? Why was I not informed about this! I never know these things! What was missing!?! When did it change!?! For how long? Was it subtle? Was it BIG!?! I need to know! AHHH! I Got it! I got Substitutions! Things are missi___!_! __at am I supp___d to do about th_s!?_ ______ld I call a d_ct_r? I NEED HEEEEEE____LLLLP!!!

Thanks for the _pdate.


Naturally Grumpy
You just missed it

Check out some earlier threads, many of them with Boo52 contributing. There were a few big shell reductions or substitutions due to supply shortages, so Disney rationed them out until they knew supply was back to 100%. Most people that don't know the detail from a weekly viewing perspective wouldn't have known the difference.

Boo knows his shells, so can report the details.


Well-Known Member
I was 2 days short of seeing the full Wishes show. Now I won't see it until who knows when because of the FITS over the holidays when I will be back.


Well-Known Member
boo52 said:
As of Thursday nights performance. Wishes is back to 100% show with no substitutions. Enjoy.
Yay for Wishes 'normalcy'....the show just wasn't the same....:sohappy:


New Member
I've never seen *Wishes* but can not wait! I've heard nothing but great things about it. I just watched my home video of *Fantasy in the Sky* from about 4 years ago. I can't wait to go back to WDW but it's going to be about a year before I can go. I hope *Wishes* is still going on then.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will. Plenty of advertisements for it on TV down there so I don't think it will go away aside for special holiday showings of FITS.


Well-Known Member
When was it ever not at 100 percent. Because my July family trip, and my August me and my dad trip right before schhol started on the 12th, I noticed no cutbacks, but the exact same experience from when I firts saw it last year in December.

Only problem I noticed, is on my July trip. Veiwing from the train station, I wasnt able to see the castle because of all the smoke towrd the end. the same in august, viewing from the plaza pavilion. Last year in December, the end you could see the castle perfectly.


Well-Known Member
From reading previous threads on this, the cutback was because of a shortage of some of the shells. There was a shipping accident which meant an entire batch didn't make it to the US from China. Because it takes weeks/months for them to arrive, Disney cut back on a few of the shells they were running short of so that they could ration them out and not run out completely.

It wasn't overly noticable.

Tink flies at the beginning of the show from the top of the Castle over towards the hub towards the Plaza Pavillion area. BUT, if it's windy, raining or lightning, she doesn't go. I've seen her about 60% of the time I've seen Wishes.


Well-Known Member
MissM said:
There was a shipping accident which meant an entire batch didn't make it to the US from China.

China? Everything was purchased from Italy and shipped directly from there to FL. I know the shells are made in Florida and sent to the locations daily, but are they doing something with China now too that I didn't know about? Or is there just a change in how they are shipped and now go from Italy to China and then to FL?

When did this "accident" happen, because I was there July 31-August 3 and didn't see anything different about it, besides one of the star fireworks which didn't open all the way.


Well-Known Member
I seem to recall mention of a boat - er, ship - issue from China to California. I could most certainly be wrong though. I'm not the expert on this, just relaying what I recalled a previous thread discussing.

Searches...ah yes. Here we go:
boo52 said:
There was a shipping problem on the Chinese side that was beyond Disney's control. Disney can only order maybe two months worth of stuff at a time because the ATF has strict regulations as to how much they can store. If you figure that they store Wishes, ROE, Disneyland, and all the stage stuff, thats alot.
When I was there on July 26th, there was a very small difference - three of one thing instead of five I recall being mentioned - but it wasn't anything really noticable. It was still a wonderful show.

boo52 said:
Well there are 3 blue stars instead of 5. The Genie Blue Flash Shell is 1 instead of 2 so it looks smaller. There are only 3 hearts instead of 5. There are more, but explaining them would be imposible to give in laiments (sp?) terms.
The topic which reported this was started on July 19th. You can find it here. There's even more info in that thread by boo52 who is quite knowledgable on the subject and deals with the fireworks displays at MK.

Hope that helps!


When/Where Tink?

should-be-BELLE said:
where and when can you see Tinker Bell during Wishes? i can never find her

Tink flys from the castle at approxmately 2:02 into the show just after JC says, " . . . it all starts with a wish."

She flys from one of the upper turrets down and to your right into Tomorrowland as viewed from Main Street looking at Cinderella Castle.

She has been dusted with pixey dust and is much more visable than she was in Fantasy in the Sky as her head, wings, body and tip of her wand are lit.


Naturally Grumpy
Now lets be specific..

Tink flys from the castle at approxmately 2:02 into the show just after JC says, " . . . it all starts with a wish." Colleria

and I could have sworn it was at the 2:06 mark.. :lookaroun

(sorry, it's late and I couldn't help myself :lol: :lol: )

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