Next year, my mom and I are going to Disney World. Great, right? Except I have a problem. I HATE thrill rides. And when I say thrill rides, I really mean any ride. To give you a better idea of what a wimp I am to when it comes to rides, I can only go on four at Kings Island ( a park in Ohio, for those of you who don't know). The Scrambler, White Water Rapids, Adventure Express, and this one next to The Scrambler that looks like a spider. Everything else terrifies me. Which makes me really worried about Disney World. I know the main attraction is the rides. I don't want my mom to spend a bunch of money taking me there just so i can sit on a bench the entire time. Or, worse, take me there and then have to spend even more money so I can do stuff like tours and shows that cost extra. So basically, my question is is if Disney World has any attractions for me that 1. Are tame enough that I won't be scared and that won't bore my mom to death to go on with me and 2. Won't cost extra money to experience.
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