Why the Jungle Cruise shouldn't be ripped out

What's your opinion?

  • Keep it the way it is!

    Votes: 27 33.3%
  • Rip that sucker out of there!!!!

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Keep it but let us pray for a rehab.

    Votes: 46 56.8%

  • Total voters

Skipper Timekpr

New Member
Original Poster
I know that many guests see the Jungle Cruise as either an outdated and tacky attraction or by some "veteran" guests as an arbitrary experience based on the skipper you get. My argument is that the Jungle Cruise should not be removed. I do believe that it could stand a rehab and based on rumors we have been hearing at work, in the next rehab there might be an exploding gas tank at the gorilla camp (where the one gorilla playing with the crocodile was), a hippo bump in the hippo pool, and an earthquake experience inside the temple (think of catastrophe canyon). If these rumors are true, and rumors are rumors, I do know for certain that we are going down sometimes next year for a rehab, and I think these new additions would add a great deal of new enjoyment to the ride. As for the ride today my biggest argument for not ripping it out is the skipper-guest experience. The Jungle Cruise is a dying breed of attraction in which the CM can react to the guests on their boat. I love having an enthusiastic cruise and playing off them, or a guest skipper driving the boat and making comments about the things they see, because the guests actually feel like they are part of the ride rather than looking at animals while a canned spiel is given. Another unfortunate thing is that many guests may ride a skipper's boat who is not enthusiastic or really care. So what's your opinion?


Account Suspended
Jungle Cruise is one of the biggest waste-of-time attractions in all of WDW. It's completely pointless, has horrible animatronics, even worse jokes by the CMs that aren't the least bit amusing, and should have been removed a long time ago. I really don't know what they could do to revamp the ride, because it would take a tremendous overhaul. I detest this ride and feel it needs to go. It sucks.


New Member
RIP IT OUT, and let's remember it as it we do when we were kids. Let's move on and get some newer attractions. I belive thisshould've gone before 20,000 leagues,but that is my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I LOVE the Jungle Cruise... And while a rehab would be nice... I wouldn't mind keeping it as it is. It's one of my favorite rides in the MK.

However... I would like to see one thing, and I'm sure it's not as possible as I'd hope... but, require auditions for skippers. I have taken the cruise many many many many times... and while a good majority of the time, I get a great skipper... a lot of the time, I'll get a skipper who just can't tell a joke. I'm sure they're great cast members... and wonderful people to work with... but it's just sad to get off at the dock, after having a boring skipper, and overhear guests say how stupid of a ride it is.

Having a great skipper just totally makes that attraction Awesome. I've had some, where I was laughing so hard, not because the joke was funny (I've heard them all a million times), but because they told it in such a great way...


New Member
I agree that with a great skipper, the ride is awesome. My brother and I are really sarcastic with a good skipper, and the three of us can keep the other guests in stitches. Again, it all depends on the skipper. I think a rehab may make the ride more appealing to first time riders, but if I am guaranteed a funny skipper every time, I would always ride it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
Personally, I LOVE the Jungle Cruise... And while a rehab would be nice... I wouldn't mind keeping it as it is. It's one of my favorite rides in the MK.

However... I would like to see one thing, and I'm sure it's not as possible as I'd hope... but, require auditions for skippers. I have taken the cruise many many many many times... and while a good majority of the time, I get a great skipper... a lot of the time, I'll get a skipper who just can't tell a joke. I'm sure they're great cast members... and wonderful people to work with... but it's just sad to get off at the dock, after having a boring skipper, and overhear guests say how stupid of a ride it is.

Having a great skipper just totally makes that attraction Awesome. I've had some, where I was laughing so hard, not because the joke was funny (I've heard them all a million times), but because they told it in such a great way...

I think this ride could stand a few improvements. What Skipper mentioned as rumor sounds cool but I hope they don't overdo it with the earthquake and exploding gas can thing. If they spruce it up too much, it will loose a lot of it's classic corn. :)

I agree with you that something should be done about the skippers. People who have never had a good skipper don't understand how much fun the ride can be. Some of them just seem to be way too serious and lifeless when they are giving off the jokes...


Jungle cruise is one of those rides (like COP) that inspire your imagination.

The lines are always long for the JC, so I think a lot of people still like it.

Cindy Rella

New Member
I agree with having Skipper auditions. We had a great one and it made the ride bearable for my husband and self. My kids 7,8 did enjoy the ride but didn't want to do it again, my son got to "drive" which he thought was a hoot. I have such fond memories of it as a youth too. Would hate to see it ripped out but a rehab plus auditions would really make it good again.

In addition to rumored updates how about-

the headhunters actually throwing spears at the boat (how would the spears go back into their hands?)

the gators getting off the shore and moving toward the boat as a group while opening their mouths

A live python coming out of the "dashboard" of the boat and the Skipper having to hold it or put it back in (ok, I went a bit over the top on that one)

:hammer: :eek:
Some of the best theming in Disney history went in to this classic attraction. Not to mention it was one of the first attractions when both Disneyland and Disney World opened. If it goes, it will be a sad day for disney fanatics.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I say, RIP IT OUT! I do enjoy the ride actually, its relaxing and the right skipper can make the ride really fun. But, its outdated, and most people don't like it and call it a waste of time, so its popularity is fading fast, especially with the real thing available at AK.

Ripping it out would free up enough space to put a whole new land or a few E ticket attractions.


Well-Known Member
Keep it and hope they update the scenes. Auditions for the skippers would help ensure that there is that special "spark" of entertainment between the crew and skipper.

Mr. Toad

Active Member
This is my wife's favorite ride and I love it too. I say keep it. A rehab would be great but I will continue to love it as is.

I also agree that a good skipper can make a huge difference in this ride. Auditions would be a great idea.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Keep it corny skippers and pants anamatronics after all if they take it out itll only become another character meet n greet.
Didnt they used to say that sarcasm was the lowest form of wit?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, Disney tends to listen more to the whiny teens who want thril rides rather than to the true fans... :eek:

JC has Walt written all over it. I love it for one thing alone: its naiveté. It comes from the animatronics and from the good skippers. There's nothing better than riding JC with a skipper that not only is a good CM and a good actor, but lets you know he loves the ride.

Skipper Timekpr

New Member
Original Poster
I'm sorry Silent but you obviously haven't had a skipper like Whinning Wilderness William, Alvey, Mike Santore, or some of the other veterans that even make the most annoyed, ed off, or jungle cruise hating guest love it for the 10 minutes while on the ride. I admit when I first started working there I didn't really get it untill about 3 months of working there and now I love it. I give a 100% sop spiel, the way Walt had it, and I ham it up so much everyone loves it. The only time I've had a bad cruise is when they don't speak English and even then they enjoyed me making a fool of myself. Boy modest me. lol

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