Why is AK still not operating after Charlie?

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Original Poster
I hope it is just to have extra staff elsewhere with the cleanup. Was there any major damage to AK?

Also, does anyone know if the damage to the Cirque building is interfering with their shows?



Well-Known Member
I too would like to know what is going on with AK... did too many trees fall... did anything gt too damaged? Did the animals not get settled enough?


New Member
Hi, I went by there at 5:00on the way to Animal Kingdom Lodge for dinner and I didn't think AK was closed the parking lot had cars in it, though it seemed there weren't many cars but that could've been due to the rain. I also didn't notice Closed being marked on any of the Parking lots signs. There were also busses running with Animal Kingdom marked as there destination

Mission: SPACE

New Member
My assuption as to why AK was closed was to allow time for checking fences and barriers to make sure all areas were secure before releasing them back into their habitats, as well as allowing extra time to allow the animals to relax and not have all those eyes staring at them. Another thing I considered was the Oasis... there's all those trees up there. I'd almost bet some of those fell.

I just hope Everest wasn't delayed. That would definately not be good.


New Member
I believe it was up and running today. I'm not sure if there was any visible damage though.

Also, no cars in the AK lot at 5pm isn't unusual. As we know, AK always closes earlier than the other 3 paks, and AK is also exclusively a morning/afternoon park. You should be able to get on any ride you want to in the last couple hours of operation.


Well-Known Member
AK was up and running today!! It had a delayed opening but it was open!! Cirque was up and running last night!!


Well-Known Member
I read on another thread that AK was closed because of the extensive clean up esp. in the oasis and safari. (many many trees and branches down).
No word yet on Everest though. I'm sure all is fine there.


Well-Known Member
The world is not going to end people, It's just a hurricane. Bad words after a Cat. 4. Just a place. Personal, I think you would show a little bit of compassion for the people in the hurricanes path then a theme park.


New Member
I also had word from inside that there was a shortage of animal-handling cast members on Saturday, so they were unable to have sufficient animals available for guests.


New Member
Pretty much due to extensive damage to trees, a lot of debris and really needing a good cleaning; those are the reasons why. Plus, the day after Charley hit, park attendance was very low according to many people. They sent me home early from work, even though we could have worked.


Active Member
FutureCEO said:
The world is not going to end people, It's just a hurricane. Bad words after a Cat. 4. Just a place. Personal, I think you would show a little bit of compassion for the people in the hurricanes path then a theme park.
CEO, normally I agree with your posts, but on this one I have to disagree. This board is here to discuss Disney issues, not to talk about one's feelings on a hurricane. You've no idea what's going on in the mind of the person on the other side of the keyboard. I have dozens of friends and several family members, all who were in the path of the hurricane, and yet when I was posting to WDW Magic, I was asking about Disney, not about their safety or about the safety of anyone else.

There are a number of members on this board who are very focused on giving people a hard time about not being "compassionate" enough, and it's frankly getting on my nerves. The compassion is being shown elsewhere and that's where it's important, not here. I'm not saying we should be totally insensitive, but as you said, life isn't going to end, and we can get on talking about Disney stuff.




Well-Known Member
I agree with you joefox97. There are other threads about the hurricane in which everyone is showing extreme compassion, myself included. I have said multiple times that I am praying for those directly involved and those who are still missing. However, this is still a Disney thread and I see nothing wrong with discussing Disney matters. Asking about Animal Kingdom is a valid question, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
joefox97 said:
CEO, normally I agree with your posts, but on this one I have to disagree. This board is here to discuss Disney issues, not to talk about one's feelings on a hurricane. You've no idea what's going on in the mind of the person on the other side of the keyboard. I have dozens of friends and several family members, all who were in the path of the hurricane, and yet when I was posting to WDW Magic, I was asking about Disney, not about their safety or about the safety of anyone else.

There are a number of members on this board who are very focused on giving people a hard time about not being "compassionate" enough, and it's frankly getting on my nerves. The compassion is being shown elsewhere and that's where it's important, not here. I'm not saying we should be totally insensitive, but as you said, life isn't going to end, and we can get on talking about Disney stuff.



I too am tired of the overly insensitive people. I live in Louisiana, I know what hurricanes are all about. I'm kinda tired of every thread on 3 boards being about Hurricane Charley. I feel bad for Floridians because I know it could just as easily have come to Louisiana. Mother Nature is a b****! :fork: I believe that there is nothing wrong with this particular thread. It is dealing with the condition of Animal Kingdom post Hurricane Charley.
On a side note, I hope that Expedition: Everest will not experience that much of a delay.


New Member
FutureCEO said:
The world is not going to end people, It's just a hurricane. Bad words after a Cat. 4. Just a place. Personal, I think you would show a little bit of compassion for the people in the hurricanes path then a theme park.
Just as some people go to WDW to get away from the real world, some of us come here for the same reason. And to ask questions or have worry that a special place in your life might have been damaged, I see nothing wrong with that.

Mission: SPACE

New Member
OK CEO... I live in Sarasota, FL... We were in ready for a direct impact, and Charley only missed us by 30 miles. All I've heard for the past 4-5 days is Charley, and after seeing the damage, I can only imagine how bad this is for people who live within a half hour's drive of me, while I sit here with no damage at all.

But this is a DISNEY board. I think that we should be able to discuss DISNEY without being ridiculed, as others have said. There's no reason to come in this thread and make a comment like that.

I'm sorry you feel as though we are being insensitive. If you think so, check out the many other threads on this forum about Charley and his affect on the people of Florida. But all I've heard and seen for the past three days is the devastation and destruction of Charley for those in Punta Gorda. I think we should be able to discuss his affect on Disney in just the same manner on these Disney boards.

Sorry to rant... this type of attitude just annoys me...


New Member
I'm all for wanting to know the status of AK and everything else Disney.

However, it really is a trivial matter (which is what I think CEO was getting at).


New Member
FutureCEO said:
The world is not going to end people, It's just a hurricane. Bad words after a Cat. 4. Just a place. Personal, I think you would show a little bit of compassion for the people in the hurricanes path then a theme park.
I usually I don't like to get involved in arguments against other members but I think everyone has been showing plenty of compassion to those affected by Carley because many of us here, myself included were affected. There is a thread on the ChitChat board and people are asking, and checking to see if they have heard from other members. You have to remember that this is also a Disney board, and while my power was out, while I wondered what happened north of me in Charlotte county, I also wondered the state of Disney. That is just a natural question to ask for any Disney fan.

Back on topic, I don't know how close the storm came to Disney property, but if it got any taste of the winds we experianced in Ft. Myers then AK would have to be closed to pick up all the trees down. I would guess that it was closed due to cleanup and as someone else said, to make sure all the animal habitats are intact. Nothing would be worse than letting people back in to the park only to find out that the tigers found an escape route.


Well-Known Member
OK, here's the story on DAK ...

We were open for normal operating hours yesterday (Sunday). We did not open late, the gates opened at 8:45 like they always do. We were closed for operations on Saturday, so here's that story:

Very early in the morning on Saturday, Dr. Beth (VP of DAK) and all the area managers did a walkthrough assessment of the park. The Oasis was covered in branches and trees, the Savannah was a mess, some of the areas were inaccessible, even the new walkway had all the trees uprooted. By the time they got back, many of the cast members had called in that they wouldn't be able to come including many of the animal programs and horticulture cast. DAK by far had the most damage of the 4 parks and the animals couldn't go out in that kind of mess. It was then they decided to cut their loses and close DAK. They set up a damage control center in the main entrance and got cleanup crews out and working. All cast members who arrived for work were redeployed to the other three parks so you probably saw DAK CMs in the other parks in their DAK costumes.

So that's the story, and I'm sticking to it. DAK still has some debris to clean up, but everything was running smoothly when I arrived to work yesterday. I'm about to head there for some fun today, so we'll see how it goes! :slurp:

Oh, and the EE construction site is justfine. There are no delays. :)
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